171 research outputs found

    Scale Invariant Interest Points with Shearlets

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    Shearlets are a relatively new directional multi-scale framework for signal analysis, which have been shown effective to enhance signal discontinuities such as edges and corners at multiple scales. In this work we address the problem of detecting and describing blob-like features in the shearlets framework. We derive a measure which is very effective for blob detection and closely related to the Laplacian of Gaussian. We demonstrate the measure satisfies the perfect scale invariance property in the continuous case. In the discrete setting, we derive algorithms for blob detection and keypoint description. Finally, we provide qualitative justifications of our findings as well as a quantitative evaluation on benchmark data. We also report an experimental evidence that our method is very suitable to deal with compressed and noisy images, thanks to the sparsity property of shearlets

    ShearLab 3D: Faithful Digital Shearlet Transforms based on Compactly Supported Shearlets

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    Wavelets and their associated transforms are highly efficient when approximating and analyzing one-dimensional signals. However, multivariate signals such as images or videos typically exhibit curvilinear singularities, which wavelets are provably deficient of sparsely approximating and also of analyzing in the sense of, for instance, detecting their direction. Shearlets are a directional representation system extending the wavelet framework, which overcomes those deficiencies. Similar to wavelets, shearlets allow a faithful implementation and fast associated transforms. In this paper, we will introduce a comprehensive carefully documented software package coined ShearLab 3D (www.ShearLab.org) and discuss its algorithmic details. This package provides MATLAB code for a novel faithful algorithmic realization of the 2D and 3D shearlet transform (and their inverses) associated with compactly supported universal shearlet systems incorporating the option of using CUDA. We will present extensive numerical experiments in 2D and 3D concerning denoising, inpainting, and feature extraction, comparing the performance of ShearLab 3D with similar transform-based algorithms such as curvelets, contourlets, or surfacelets. In the spirit of reproducible reseaerch, all scripts are accessible on www.ShearLab.org.Comment: There is another shearlet software package (http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/imagepro/members/haeuser/ffst/) by S. H\"auser and G. Steidl. We will include this in a revisio

    Detecting spatio-temporally interest points using the shearlet transform

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    In this paper we address the problem of detecting spatio-temporal interest points in video sequences and we introduce a novel detection algorithm based on the three-dimensional shearlet transform. By evaluating our method on different application scenarios, we show we are able to extract meaningful spatio-temporal features from video sequences of human movements, including full body movements selected from benchmark datasets of human actions and human-machine interaction sequences where the goal is to segment drawing activities in smaller action primitives

    Space-Time Signal Analysis and the 3D Shearlet Transform

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    In this work, we address the problem of analyzing video sequences by representing meaningful local space\ue2\u80\u93time neighborhoods. We propose a mathematical model to describe relevant points as local singularities of a 3D signal, and we show that these local patterns can be nicely highlighted by the 3D shearlet transform, which is at the root of our work. Based on this mathematical framework, we derive an algorithm to represent space\ue2\u80\u93time points which is very effective in analyzing video sequences. In particular, we show how points of the same nature have a very similar representation, allowing us to compute different space\ue2\u80\u93time primitives for a video sequence in an unsupervised way

    Local Spatio-Temporal Representation Using the 3D Shearlet Transform (STSIP)

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    In this work we address the problem of analyzing video sequences and of representing meaningful space-time points of interest by using the 3D shearlet transform. We introduce a local representation based on shearlet coe cients of the video, regarded as 2D+T signal. This representation turns out to be informative to understand the local spatio-temporal characteristics, which can be easily detected by an unsupervised clustering algorithm

    Spatio-Temporal Video Analysis and the 3D Shearlet Transform

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    Abstract The automatic analysis of the content of a video sequence has captured the attention of the computer vision community for a very long time. Indeed, video understanding, which needs to incorporate both semantic and dynamic cues, may be trivial for humans, but it turned out to be a very complex task for a machine. Over the years the signal processing, computer vision, and machine learning communities contributed with algorithms that are today effective building blocks of more and more complex systems. In the meanwhile, theoretical analysis has gained a better understanding of this multifaceted type of data. Indeed, video sequences are not only high dimensional data, but they are also very peculiar, as they include spatial as well as temporal information which should be treated differently, but are both important to the overall process. The work of this thesis builds a new bridge between signal processing theory, and computer vision applications. It considers a novel approach to multi resolution signal processing, the so-called Shearlet Transform, as a reference framework for representing meaningful space-time local information in a video signal. The Shearlet Transform has been shown effective in analyzing multi-dimensional signals, ranging from images to x-ray tomographic data. As a tool for signal denoising, has also been applied to video data. However, to the best of our knowledge, the Shearlet Transform has never been employed to design video analysis algorithms. In this thesis, our broad objective is to explore the capabilities of the Shearlet Transform to extract information from 2D+T-dimensional data. We exploit the properties of the Shearlet decomposition to redesign a variety of classical video processing techniques (including space-time interest point detection and normal flow estimation) and to develop novel methods to better understand the local behavior of video sequences. We provide experimental evidence on the potential of our approach on synthetic as well as real data drawn from publicly available benchmark datasets. The results we obtain show the potential of our approach and encourages further investigations in the near future