3 research outputs found

    ZStream: A cost-based query processor for adaptively detecting composite events

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    Composite (or Complex) event processing (CEP) systems search sequences of incoming events for occurrences of user-specified event patterns. Recently, they have gained more attention in a variety of areas due to their powerful and expressive query language and performance potential. Sequentiality (temporal ordering) is the primary way in which CEP systems relate events to each other. In this paper, we present a CEP system called ZStream to efficiently process such sequential patterns. Besides simple sequential patterns, ZStream is also able to detect other patterns, including conjunction, disjunction, negation and Kleene closure. Unlike most recently proposed CEP systems, which use non-deterministic finite automata (NFA's) to detect patterns, ZStream uses tree-based query plans for both the logical and physical representation of query patterns. By carefully designing the underlying infrastructure and algorithms, ZStream is able to unify the evaluation of sequence, conjunction, disjunction, negation, and Kleene closure as variants of the join operator. Under this framework, a single pattern in ZStream may have several equivalent physical tree plans, with different evaluation costs. We propose a cost model to estimate the computation costs of a plan. We show that our cost model can accurately capture the actual runtime behavior of a plan, and that choosing the optimal plan can result in a factor of four or more speedup versus an NFA based approach. Based on this cost model and using a simple set of statistics about operator selectivity and data rates, ZStream is able to adaptively and seamlessly adjust the order in which it detects patterns on the fly. Finally, we describe a dynamic programming algorithm used in our cost model to efficiently search for an optimal query plan for a given pattern.National Natural Science Foundation (Grant number NETS-NOSS 0520032

    Minimizing Movement for Target Coverage and Network Connectivity in Mobile Sensor Networks

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    PublishedJournal Article© 2014 IEEE. Coverage of interest points and network connectivity are two main challenging and practically important issues of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Although many studies have exploited the mobility of sensors to improve the quality of coverage andconnectivity, little attention has been paid to the minimization of sensors' movement, which often consumes the majority of the limited energy of sensors and thus shortens the network lifetime significantly. To fill in this gap, this paper addresses the challenges of the Mobile Sensor Deployment (MSD) problem and investigates how to deploy mobile sensors with minimum movement to form a WSN that provides both target coverage and network connectivity. To this end, the MSD problem is decomposed into two sub-problems: the Target COVerage (TCOV) problem and the Network CONnectivity (NCON) problem. We then solve TCOV and NCON one by one and combine their solutions to address the MSD problem. The NP-hardness of TCOV is proved. For a special case of TCOV where targets disperse from each other farther than double of the coverage radius, an exact algorithm based on the Hungarian method is proposed to find the optimal solution. For general cases of TCOV, two heuristic algorithms, i.e., the Basic algorithm based on clique partition and the TV-Greedy algorithm based on Voronoi partition of the deployment region, are proposed to reduce the total movement distance ofsensors. For NCON, an efficient solution based on the Steiner minimum tree with constrained edge length is proposed. Thecombination of the solutions to TCOV and NCON, as demonstrated by extensive simulation experiments, offers a promising solutionto the original MSD problem that balances the load of different sensors and prolongs the network lifetime consequently.This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61232001, 61103203, 61173169, and 61173051), the Major Science & Technology Research Program for Strategic Emerging Industry of Hunan (Grant No. 2012GK4054), and the Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department (Grant No. 14C0030)