3 research outputs found


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    Knowledge dissemination, as part of the knowledge exchange process, is particularly challenging in any project environment due to the temporary nature of projects. Although several studies in the earlier literature studied the factors that influence knowledge exchange, very few examined them from the ‘knowledge push’ perspective. This study aims, therefore, to highlight the critical factors that impact knowledge dissemination in a project environment. This empirical research found ten critical factors, such as individual experience, trust, source credibility, shared understanding, motivation, and articulability. These individual factors seem to have a dominant influence on knowledge dissemination from the view point of the knowledge source.Kennisverspreiding, as deel van die kennis uitruilproses, is besonders uitdagend in enige projek omgewing as gevolg van die tydelike aard van die projekte. Alhoewel verskeie studies in die literatuur die faktore wat kennis uitruiling beïnvloed, bestudeer het, is daar min studies wat dit vanuit ʼn “kennisuitstoot” perspektief oorweeg. Hierdie artikel lig dus om die kritiese faktore wat kennis verspreiding in ʼn projek omgewing beïnvloed, uit. Hierdie empiriese navorsing het tien faktore identifiseer, onder andere individuele ervaring, vertroue, bronbetroubaarheid, gedeelde verstaan, motivering en artikuleerbaarheid. Hierdie individuele faktore blyk om ʼn dominante invloed op die kennis verspreiding vanuit die oogpunt van kennisbron te hê.http://www.saiee.journals.ac.zaam2017Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM

    Factors that impact knowledge dissemination in projects

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    Knowledge dissemination, as part of the knowledge exchange process, is particularly challenging in any project environment due to the temporary nature of projects. Although several studies in the earlier literature studied the factors that influence knowledge exchange, very few examined them from the ‘knowledge push’ perspective. This study aims, therefore, to highlight the critical factors that impact knowledge dissemination in a project environment. This empirical research found ten critical factors, such as individual experience, trust, source credibility, shared understanding, motivation, and articulability. These individual factors seem to have a dominant influence on knowledge dissemination from the view point of the knowledge source.Kennisverspreiding, as deel van die kennis uitruilproses, is besonders uitdagend in enige projek omgewing as gevolg van die tydelike aard van die projekte. Alhoewel verskeie studies in die literatuur die faktore wat kennis uitruiling beïnvloed, bestudeer het, is daar min studies wat dit vanuit ʼn “kennisuitstoot” perspektief oorweeg. Hierdie artikel lig dus om die kritiese faktore wat kennis verspreiding in ʼn projek omgewing beïnvloed, uit. Hierdie empiriese navorsing het tien faktore identifiseer, onder andere individuele ervaring, vertroue, bronbetroubaarheid, gedeelde verstaan, motivering en artikuleerbaarheid. Hierdie individuele faktore blyk om ʼn dominante invloed op die kennis verspreiding vanuit die oogpunt van kennisbron te hê.http://www.saiee.journals.ac.zaam2017Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM

    From MANET to people-centric networking: Milestones and open research challenges

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    In this paper, we discuss the state of the art of (mobile) multi-hop ad hoc networking with the aim to present the current status of the research activities and identify the consolidated research areas, with limited research opportunities, and the hot and emerging research areas for which further research is required. We start by briefly discussing the MANET paradigm, and why the research on MANET protocols is now a cold research topic. Then we analyze the active research areas. Specifically, after discussing the wireless-network technologies, we analyze four successful ad hoc networking paradigms, mesh networks, opportunistic networks, vehicular networks, and sensor networks that emerged from the MANET world. We also present an emerging research direction in the multi-hop ad hoc networking field: people centric networking, triggered by the increasing penetration of the smartphones in everyday life, which is generating a people-centric revolution in computing and communications