16 research outputs found

    Adaptive Submodular Influence Maximization with Myopic Feedback

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    This paper examines the problem of adaptive influence maximization in social networks. As adaptive decision making is a time-critical task, a realistic feedback model has been considered, called myopic. In this direction, we propose the myopic adaptive greedy policy that is guaranteed to provide a (1 - 1/e)-approximation of the optimal policy under a variant of the independent cascade diffusion model. This strategy maximizes an alternative utility function that has been proven to be adaptive monotone and adaptive submodular. The proposed utility function considers the cumulative number of active nodes through the time, instead of the total number of the active nodes at the end of the diffusion. Our empirical analysis on real-world social networks reveals the benefits of the proposed myopic strategy, validating our theoretical results.Comment: Accepted by IEEE/ACM International Conference Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 201

    Identifying influencers in a social network : the value of real referral data

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    Individuals influence each other through social interactions and marketers aim to leverage this interpersonal influence to attract new customers. It still remains a challenge to identify those customers in a social network that have the most influence on their social connections. A common approach to the influence maximization problem is to simulate influence cascades through the network based on the existence of links in the network using diffusion models. Our study contributes to the literature by evaluating these principles using real-life referral behaviour data. A new ranking metric, called Referral Rank, is introduced that builds on the game theoretic concept of the Shapley value for assigning each individual in the network a value that reflects the likelihood of referring new customers. We also explore whether these methods can be further improved by looking beyond the one-hop neighbourhood of the influencers. Experiments on a large telecommunication data set and referral data set demonstrate that using traditional simulation based methods to identify influencers in a social network can lead to suboptimal decisions as the results overestimate actual referral cascades. We also find that looking at the influence of the two-hop neighbours of the customers improves the influence spread and product adoption. Our findings suggest that companies can take two actions to improve their decision support system for identifying influential customers: (1) improve the data by incorporating data that reflects the actual referral behaviour of the customers or (2) extend the method by looking at the influence of the connections in the two-hop neighbourhood of the customers

    Online Influence Maximization (Extended Version)

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    Social networks are commonly used for marketing purposes. For example, free samples of a product can be given to a few influential social network users (or "seed nodes"), with the hope that they will convince their friends to buy it. One way to formalize marketers' objective is through influence maximization (or IM), whose goal is to find the best seed nodes to activate under a fixed budget, so that the number of people who get influenced in the end is maximized. Recent solutions to IM rely on the influence probability that a user influences another one. However, this probability information may be unavailable or incomplete. In this paper, we study IM in the absence of complete information on influence probability. We call this problem Online Influence Maximization (OIM) since we learn influence probabilities at the same time we run influence campaigns. To solve OIM, we propose a multiple-trial approach, where (1) some seed nodes are selected based on existing influence information; (2) an influence campaign is started with these seed nodes; and (3) users' feedback is used to update influence information. We adopt the Explore-Exploit strategy, which can select seed nodes using either the current influence probability estimation (exploit), or the confidence bound on the estimation (explore). Any existing IM algorithm can be used in this framework. We also develop an incremental algorithm that can significantly reduce the overhead of handling users' feedback information. Our experiments show that our solution is more effective than traditional IM methods on the partial information.Comment: 13 pages. To appear in KDD 2015. Extended versio

    Influence Maximization: Near-Optimal Time Complexity Meets Practical Efficiency

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    Given a social network G and a constant k, the influence maximization problem asks for k nodes in G that (directly and indirectly) influence the largest number of nodes under a pre-defined diffusion model. This problem finds important applications in viral marketing, and has been extensively studied in the literature. Existing algorithms for influence maximization, however, either trade approximation guarantees for practical efficiency, or vice versa. In particular, among the algorithms that achieve constant factor approximations under the prominent independent cascade (IC) model or linear threshold (LT) model, none can handle a million-node graph without incurring prohibitive overheads. This paper presents TIM, an algorithm that aims to bridge the theory and practice in influence maximization. On the theory side, we show that TIM runs in O((k+\ell) (n+m) \log n / \epsilon^2) expected time and returns a (1-1/e-\epsilon)-approximate solution with at least 1 - n^{-\ell} probability. The time complexity of TIM is near-optimal under the IC model, as it is only a \log n factor larger than the \Omega(m + n) lower-bound established in previous work (for fixed k, \ell, and \epsilon). Moreover, TIM supports the triggering model, which is a general diffusion model that includes both IC and LT as special cases. On the practice side, TIM incorporates novel heuristics that significantly improve its empirical efficiency without compromising its asymptotic performance. We experimentally evaluate TIM with the largest datasets ever tested in the literature, and show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions (with approximation guarantees) by up to four orders of magnitude in terms of running time. In particular, when k = 50, \epsilon = 0.2, and \ell = 1, TIM requires less than one hour on a commodity machine to process a network with 41.6 million nodes and 1.4 billion edges.Comment: Revised Sections 1, 2.3, and 5 to remove incorrect claims about reference [3]. Updated experiments accordingly. A shorter version of the paper will appear in SIGMOD 201

    Influence Maximization Towards Target Users on Social Networks for Information Diffusion

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    Influence maximisation has been an area of active research in recent years. This study aims to extend the fundamental influence maximisation problem (IMP) with respect to a set of target users on a social network. It is important to aim at the target users to speed up the rate of information diffusion and reduce the information diffusion cost. In doing so, the MITU algorithm was formulated and compared with state of the art algorithms. Publicly available datasets were used in validating the proposed algorithm. It was found that the MITU identified all target nodes while significantly lowering the information diffusion cost function (IDCF) by up to 79%. The influence overlap problem was equally identified in the heuristic algorithm where the seed set size was reduced by an average of six times. Furthermore, the random influencer selection identifies target nodes better than the betweenness and PageRank centralities. The findings could help organisations to reach target users on social media in the shortest cycle

    Influence maximization towards target users on social networks for information diffusion

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    Influence maximisation has been an area of active research in recent years. This study aims to extend the fundamental influence maximisation problem (IMP) with respect to a set of target users on a social network. It is important to aim at the target users to speed up the rate of information diffusion and reduce the information diffusion cost. In doing so, the MITU algorithm was formulated and compared with state of the art algorithms. Publicly available datasets were used in validating the proposed algorithm. It was found that the MITU identified all target nodes while significantly lowering the information diffusion cost function (IDCF) by up to 79%. The influence overlap problem was equally identified in the heuristic algorithm where the seed set size was reduced by an average of six times. Furthermore, the random influencer selection identifies target nodes better than the betweenness and PageRank centralities. The findings could help organisations to reach target users on social media in the shortest cycle

    Influence maximisation towards target users on social networks for information diffusion

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    Influence maximisation has been an area of active research in recent years.This study aims to extend the fundamental influence maximisation problem (IMP) with respect to a set of target users on a social network.It is important to aim at the target users to speed up the rate of information diffusion and reduce the information diffusion cost.In doing so, the MITU algorithm was formulated and compared with state of the art algorithms.Publicly available datasets were used in validating the proposed algorithm.It was found that the MITU identified all target nodes while significantly lowering the information diffusion cost function (IDCF) by up to 79%.The influence overlap problem was equally identified in the heuristic algorithm where the seed set size was reduced by an average of six times.Furthermore, the random influencer selection identifies target nodes better than the betweenness and PageRank centralities.The findings could help organisations to reach target users on social media in the shortest cycle

    Holistic Influence Maximization: Combining Scalability and Efficiency with Opinion-Aware Models

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    The steady growth of graph data from social networks has resulted in wide-spread research in finding solutions to the influence maximization problem. In this paper, we propose a holistic solution to the influence maximization (IM) problem. (1) We introduce an opinion-cum-interaction (OI) model that closely mirrors the real-world scenarios. Under the OI model, we introduce a novel problem of Maximizing the Effective Opinion (MEO) of influenced users. We prove that the MEO problem is NP-hard and cannot be approximated within a constant ratio unless P=NP. (2) We propose a heuristic algorithm OSIM to efficiently solve the MEO problem. To better explain the OSIM heuristic, we first introduce EaSyIM - the opinion-oblivious version of OSIM, a scalable algorithm capable of running within practical compute times on commodity hardware. In addition to serving as a fundamental building block for OSIM, EaSyIM is capable of addressing the scalability aspect - memory consumption and running time, of the IM problem as well. Empirically, our algorithms are capable of maintaining the deviation in the spread always within 5% of the best known methods in the literature. In addition, our experiments show that both OSIM and EaSyIM are effective, efficient, scalable and significantly enhance the ability to analyze real datasets.Comment: ACM SIGMOD Conference 2016, 18 pages, 29 figure