5 research outputs found

    Graphs, Matrices, and the GraphBLAS: Seven Good Reasons

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    The analysis of graphs has become increasingly important to a wide range of applications. Graph analysis presents a number of unique challenges in the areas of (1) software complexity, (2) data complexity, (3) security, (4) mathematical complexity, (5) theoretical analysis, (6) serial performance, and (7) parallel performance. Implementing graph algorithms using matrix-based approaches provides a number of promising solutions to these challenges. The GraphBLAS standard (istc- bigdata.org/GraphBlas) is being developed to bring the potential of matrix based graph algorithms to the broadest possible audience. The GraphBLAS mathematically defines a core set of matrix-based graph operations that can be used to implement a wide class of graph algorithms in a wide range of programming environments. This paper provides an introduction to the GraphBLAS and describes how the GraphBLAS can be used to address many of the challenges associated with analysis of graphs.Comment: 10 pages; International Conference on Computational Science workshop on the Applications of Matrix Computational Methods in the Analysis of Modern Dat

    Enabling Massive Deep Neural Networks with the GraphBLAS

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have emerged as a core tool for machine learning. The computations performed during DNN training and inference are dominated by operations on the weight matrices describing the DNN. As DNNs incorporate more stages and more nodes per stage, these weight matrices may be required to be sparse because of memory limitations. The GraphBLAS.org math library standard was developed to provide high performance manipulation of sparse weight matrices and input/output vectors. For sufficiently sparse matrices, a sparse matrix library requires significantly less memory than the corresponding dense matrix implementation. This paper provides a brief description of the mathematics underlying the GraphBLAS. In addition, the equations of a typical DNN are rewritten in a form designed to use the GraphBLAS. An implementation of the DNN is given using a preliminary GraphBLAS C library. The performance of the GraphBLAS implementation is measured relative to a standard dense linear algebra library implementation. For various sizes of DNN weight matrices, it is shown that the GraphBLAS sparse implementation outperforms a BLAS dense implementation as the weight matrix becomes sparser.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, to appear in the 2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing (HPEC) conferenc

    Distributed Community Detection with the WCC Metric

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    Community detection has become an extremely active area of research in recent years, with researchers proposing various new metrics and algorithms to address the problem. Recently, the Weighted Community Clustering (WCC) metric was proposed as a novel way to judge the quality of a community partitioning based on the distribution of triangles in the graph, and was demonstrated to yield superior results over other commonly used metrics like modularity. The same authors later presented a parallel algorithm for optimizing WCC on large graphs. In this paper, we propose a new distributed, vertex-centric algorithm for community detection using the WCC metric. Results are presented that demonstrate the algorithm's performance and scalability on up to 32 worker machines and real graphs of up to 1.8 billion vertices. The algorithm scales best with the largest graphs, and to our knowledge, it is the first distributed algorithm for optimizing the WCC metric.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Parallel heuristics for scalable community detection

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    AbstractCommunity detection has become a fundamental operation in numerous graph-theoretic applications. It is used to reveal natural divisions that exist within real world networks without imposing prior size or cardinality constraints on the set of communities. Despite its potential for application, there is only limited support for community detection on large-scale parallel computers, largely owing to the irregular and inherently sequential nature of the underlying heuristics. In this paper, we present parallelization heuristics for fast community detection using the Louvain method as the serial template. The Louvain method is a multi-phase, iterative heuristic for modularity optimization. Originally developed by Blondel et al. (2008), the method has become increasingly popular owing to its ability to detect high modularity community partitions in a fast and memory-efficient manner. However, the method is also inherently sequential, thereby limiting its scalability. Here, we observe certain key properties of this method that present challenges for its parallelization, and consequently propose heuristics that are designed to break the sequential barrier. For evaluation purposes, we implemented our heuristics using OpenMP multithreading, and tested them over real world graphs derived from multiple application domains (e.g., internet, citation, biological). Compared to the serial Louvain implementation, our parallel implementation is able to produce community outputs with a higher modularity for most of the inputs tested, in comparable number or fewer iterations, while providing absolute speedups of up to 16Ă— using 32 threads

    Scalable multi-threaded community detection in social networks

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    Abstract—The volume of existing graphstructured data requires improved parallel tools and algorithms. Finding communities, smaller subgraphs densely connected within the subgraph than to the rest of the graph, plays a role both in developing new parallel algorithms as well as opening smaller portions of the data to current analysis tools. We improve performance of our parallel community detection algorithm by 20 % on the massively multithreaded Cray XMT, evaluate its performance on the next-generation Cray XMT2, and extend its reach to Intel-based platforms with OpenMP. To our knowledge, not only is this the first massively parallel community detection algorithm but also the only such algorithm that achieves excellent performance and good parallel scalability across all these platforms. Our implementation analyzes a moderate sized graph with 105 million vertices and 3.3 billion edges in around 500 seconds on a four processor, 80-logical-core Intel-based system and 1100 seconds on a 64-processor Cray XMT2