3 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Abduction Model For Sensemaking

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    This research develops a Bayesian Abduction Model for Sensemaking Support (BAMSS) for information fusion in sensemaking tasks. Two methods are investigated. The first is the classical Bayesian information fusion with belief updating (using Bayesian clustering algorithm) and abductive inference. The second method uses a Genetic Algorithm (BAMSS-GA) to search for the k-best most probable explanation (MPE) in the network. Using various data from recent Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, experimental simulations were conducted to compare the methods using posterior probability values which can be used to give insightful information for prospective sensemaking. The inference results demonstrate the utility of BAMSS as a computational model for sensemaking. The major results obtained are: (1) The inference results from BAMSS-GA gave average posterior probabilities that were 103 better than those produced by BAMSS; (2) BAMSS-GA gave more consistent posterior probabilities as measured by variances; and (3) BAMSS was able to give an MPE while BAMSS-GA was able to identify the optimal values for kMPEs. In the experiments, out of 20 MPEs generated by BAMSS, BAMSS-GA was able to identify 7 plausible network solutions resulting in less amount of information needed for sensemaking and reducing the inference search space by 7/20 (35%). The results reveal that GA can be used successfully in Bayesian information fusion as a search technique to identify those significant posterior probabilities useful for sensemaking. BAMSS-GA was also more robust in overcoming the problem of bounded search that is a constraint to Bayesian clustering and inference state space in BAMSS

    Learning Bayesian network equivalence classes using ant colony optimisation

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    Bayesian networks have become an indispensable tool in the modelling of uncertain knowledge. Conceptually, they consist of two parts: a directed acyclic graph called the structure, and conditional probability distributions attached to each node known as the parameters. As a result of their expressiveness, understandability and rigorous mathematical basis, Bayesian networks have become one of the first methods investigated, when faced with an uncertain problem domain. However, a recurring problem persists in specifying a Bayesian network. Both the structure and parameters can be difficult for experts to conceive, especially if their knowledge is tacit.To counteract these problems, research has been ongoing, on learning both the structure and parameters of Bayesian networks from data. Whilst there are simple methods for learning the parameters, learning the structure has proved harder. Part ofthis stems from the NP-hardness of the problem and the super-exponential space of possible structures. To help solve this task, this thesis seeks to employ a relatively new technique, that has had much success in tackling NP-hard problems. This technique is called ant colony optimisation. Ant colony optimisation is a metaheuristic based on the behaviour of ants acting together in a colony. It uses the stochastic activity of artificial ants to find good solutions to combinatorial optimisation problems. In the current work, this method is applied to the problem of searching through the space of equivalence classes of Bayesian networks, in order to find a good match against a set of data. The system uses operators that evaluate potential modifications to a current state. Each of the modifications is scored and the results used to inform the search. In order to facilitate these steps, other techniques are also devised, to speed up the learning process. The techniques includeThe techniques are tested by sampling data from gold standard networks and learning structures from this sampled data. These structures are analysed using various goodnessof-fit measures to see how well the algorithms perform. The measures include structural similarity metrics and Bayesian scoring metrics. The results are compared in depth against systems that also use ant colony optimisation and other methods, including evolutionary programming and greedy heuristics. Also, comparisons are made to well known state-of-the-art algorithms and a study performed on a real-life data set. The results show favourable performance compared to the other methods and on modelling the real-life data