7 research outputs found

    Stick-Breaking Policy Learning in Dec-POMDPs

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    Expectation maximization (EM) has recently been shown to be an efficient algorithm for learning finite-state controllers (FSCs) in large decentralized POMDPs (Dec-POMDPs). However, current methods use fixed-size FSCs and often converge to maxima that are far from optimal. This paper considers a variable-size FSC to represent the local policy of each agent. These variable-size FSCs are constructed using a stick-breaking prior, leading to a new framework called \emph{decentralized stick-breaking policy representation} (Dec-SBPR). This approach learns the controller parameters with a variational Bayesian algorithm without having to assume that the Dec-POMDP model is available. The performance of Dec-SBPR is demonstrated on several benchmark problems, showing that the algorithm scales to large problems while outperforming other state-of-the-art methods

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    DEC-POMDPs extend POMDPs to a multi-agent setting, where several agents operate in an uncertain environment independently to achieve a joint objective. DEC-POMDPs have been studied with finite-horizon and infinite-horizon discounted-sum objectives, and there exist solvers both for exact and approximate solutions. In this work we consider Goal-DEC-POMDPs, where given a set of target states, the objective is to ensure that the target set is reached with minimal cost. We consider the indefinite-horizon (infinite-horizon with either discounted-sum, or undiscounted-sum, where absorbing goal states have zero-cost) problem. We present a new method to solve the problem that extends methods for finite-horizon DEC- POMDPs and the RTDP-Bel approach for POMDPs. We present experimental results on several examples, and show our approach presents promising results

    Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning as a Rehearsal for Decentralized Planning

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    Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) are a powerful tool for modeling multi-agent planning and decision-making under uncertainty. Prevalent Dec-POMDP solution techniques require centralized computation given full knowledge of the underlying model. Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) based approaches have been recently proposed for distributed solution of Dec-POMDPs without full prior knowledge of the model, but these methods assume that conditions during learning and policy execution are identical. In some practical scenarios this may not be the case. We propose a novel MARL approach in which agents are allowed to rehearse with information that will not be available during policy execution. The key is for the agents to learn policies that do not explicitly rely on these rehearsal features. We also establish a weak convergence result for our algorithm, RLaR, demonstrating that RLaR converges in probability when certain conditions are met. We show experimentally that incorporating rehearsal features can enhance the learning rate compared to non-rehearsal-based learners, and demonstrate fast, (near) optimal performance on many existing benchmark Dec-POMDP problems. We also compare RLaR against an existing approximate Dec-POMDP solver which, like RLaR, does not assume a priori knowledge of the model. While RLaR׳s policy representation is not as scalable, we show that RLaR produces higher quality policies for most problems and horizons studied

    Sample Bounded Distributed Reinforcement Learning For Decentralized POMDPs

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    Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) offer a powerful modeling technique for realistic multi-agent coordination problems under uncertainty. Prevalent solution techniques are centralized and assume prior knowledge of the model. We propose a distributed reinforcement learning approach, where agents take tunrs to learn best responses to each other\u27s policies. This promotes decentralization of the policy computation problem, and relaxes reliance on the full knowledge of the problem parameters. We derive the relation between the sample complexity of best response learning and error tolerance. Our key contributionis to show that sample complexity could grow exponentially with the problem horizon. We show empirically that even if the sample requirement is set lower than what theory demands, our learning approach can produce (near) optimal policies in some benchmark Dec-POMDP problems