449 research outputs found

    Leveraging colour-based pseudo-labels to supervise saliency detection in hyperspectral image datasets

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    Saliency detection mimics the natural visual attention mechanism that identifies an imagery region to be salient when it attracts visual attention more than the background. This image analysis task covers many important applications in several fields such as military science, ocean research, resources exploration, disaster and land-use monitoring tasks. Despite hundreds of models have been proposed for saliency detection in colour images, there is still a large room for improving saliency detection performances in hyperspectral imaging analysis. In the present study, an ensemble learning methodology for saliency detection in hyperspectral imagery datasets is presented. It enhances saliency assignments yielded through a robust colour-based technique with new saliency information extracted by taking advantage of the abundance of spectral information on multiple hyperspectral images. The experiments performed with the proposed methodology provide encouraging results, also compared to several competitors

    Low-Shot Learning for the Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Imagery

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    Deep-learning frameworks have made remarkable progress thanks to the creation of large annotated datasets such as ImageNet, which has over one million training images. Although this works well for color (RGB) imagery, labeled datasets for other sensor modalities (e.g., multispectral and hyperspectral) are minuscule in comparison. This is because annotated datasets are expensive and man-power intensive to complete; and since this would be impractical to accomplish for each type of sensor, current state-of-the-art approaches in computer vision are not ideal for remote sensing problems. The shortage of annotated remote sensing imagery beyond the visual spectrum has forced researchers to embrace unsupervised feature extracting frameworks. These features are learned on a per-image basis, so they tend to not generalize well across other datasets. In this dissertation, we propose three new strategies for learning feature extracting frameworks with only a small quantity of annotated image data; including 1) self-taught feature learning, 2) domain adaptation with synthetic imagery, and 3) semi-supervised classification. ``Self-taught\u27\u27 feature learning frameworks are trained with large quantities of unlabeled imagery, and then these networks extract spatial-spectral features from annotated data for supervised classification. Synthetic remote sensing imagery can be used to boot-strap a deep convolutional neural network, and then we can fine-tune the network with real imagery. Semi-supervised classifiers prevent overfitting by jointly optimizing the supervised classification task along side one or more unsupervised learning tasks (i.e., reconstruction). Although obtaining large quantities of annotated image data would be ideal, our work shows that we can make due with less cost-prohibitive methods which are more practical to the end-user
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