21 research outputs found

    Implementasi Content Aware Pada Pembuatan Thumbnail Menggunakan Metode Seam Carving and Salient Detection

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    Image resizing merupakan suatu proses pengelolahan citra yang bertujuan mengubah ukuran gambar ke ukuran yang diinginkan oleh pengguna. Metode yang paling sering digunakan untuk mengubah ukuran gambar pada pembuatan thumbnail adalah scaling dan cropping. Scaling  merupakan pengubahan ukuran citra berdasarkan skala tanpa mempertimbangkan proporsi panjang dan lebarnya. dan juga tidak mempertimbangkan isi dari citra. Cropping terbatas karena hanya menghilangkan pixel pada citra dalam batasan area tertentu saja. Akibatnya, dalam thumbnail yang dihasilkan tidak dapat menyampaikan informasi yang penting pada gambar. Seam carving merupakan salah satu metode untuk mengubah ukuran gambar dengan menghapus atau menambahkan ukiran (carve) piksel-piksel dari bagian-bagian gambar yang berbeda sesuai konten (content-aware). Seam carving menawarkan kelebihan dibanding scaling dan cropping.. Namun, metode seam carving masih gagal untuk melindungi objek penting pada gambar. Untuk itu dalam mengatasi kelemahan tersebut, dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan implementasi Seam carving dan metode salient detection yang digunakan untuk pembuatan thumbnail. Hasil salient detection mendeteksi daerah terpenting dari gambar dan sebagai acuan dalam mengubah ukuran gambar (seam carving)

    Visual saliency detection via background features and object-location cues

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    Image Enlargement Based on Proportional Salient Feature

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    This paper proposes an image enlargement methodthat produces proportional salient content of imagemagnification. To obtain the proportional salient image content:first, we enlarge the source image to the high size of the targetimage using uniform enlarging. Second, we slice the image intosections from top to bottom following the minimum energy anddetect the salient feature of the image. Third, we enlarge the sliceof the image region that does not containthe salient feature of theimage to the full size of the target image. The proposed methodhas been tested in several images, such as akiyo, butterfly,cameraman, canoe, dolphin, and parrot. The experimentalresults show that the proposed method results in a proportionalcontent for image enlargement in the different ratios comparedwith the comparison method

    Optimization of Salient Object Segmentation by using the influence of color in Digital Image

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    Human attention is more likely to be interested indifferent objects or striking in image processing called salientobject. Existing approaches worked well in finding the salientobject in this image, but they have not been able to accuratelydetect where objects should stand out due to the influence of lightintensity, there are various object results of salient object detectionin which area is still cut off or do not appear because they do notinclude salient area. We offer solutions to fix these problems byoptimizing salient object detection prioritizing object area aftersalient area, through checking comparison of the color regionlocated around the area of the salient. This Optimization of theapplication is able to improve to 83% from 100 salient object whichhas this problem, and able to produce more natural Saliency Cut

    Task Specific Visual Saliency Prediction with Memory Augmented Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

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    Visual saliency patterns are the result of a variety of factors aside from the image being parsed, however existing approaches have ignored these. To address this limitation, we propose a novel saliency estimation model which leverages the semantic modelling power of conditional generative adversarial networks together with memory architectures which capture the subject's behavioural patterns and task dependent factors. We make contributions aiming to bridge the gap between bottom-up feature learning capabilities in modern deep learning architectures and traditional top-down hand-crafted features based methods for task specific saliency modelling. The conditional nature of the proposed framework enables us to learn contextual semantics and relationships among different tasks together, instead of learning them separately for each task. Our studies not only shed light on a novel application area for generative adversarial networks, but also emphasise the importance of task specific saliency modelling and demonstrate the plausibility of fully capturing this context via an augmented memory architecture.Comment: To appear in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 201