12,991 research outputs found

    Light Field Saliency Detection with Deep Convolutional Networks

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    Light field imaging presents an attractive alternative to RGB imaging because of the recording of the direction of the incoming light. The detection of salient regions in a light field image benefits from the additional modeling of angular patterns. For RGB imaging, methods using CNNs have achieved excellent results on a range of tasks, including saliency detection. However, it is not trivial to use CNN-based methods for saliency detection on light field images because these methods are not specifically designed for processing light field inputs. In addition, current light field datasets are not sufficiently large to train CNNs. To overcome these issues, we present a new Lytro Illum dataset, which contains 640 light fields and their corresponding ground-truth saliency maps. Compared to current light field saliency datasets [1], [2], our new dataset is larger, of higher quality, contains more variation and more types of light field inputs. This makes our dataset suitable for training deeper networks and benchmarking. Furthermore, we propose a novel end-to-end CNN-based framework for light field saliency detection. Specifically, we propose three novel MAC (Model Angular Changes) blocks to process light field micro-lens images. We systematically study the impact of different architecture variants and compare light field saliency with regular 2D saliency. Our extensive comparisons indicate that our novel network significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the proposed dataset and has desired generalization abilities on other existing datasets.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Light Field Salient Object Detection: A Review and Benchmark

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    Salient object detection (SOD) is a long-standing research topic in computer vision and has drawn an increasing amount of research interest in the past decade. This paper provides the first comprehensive review and benchmark for light field SOD, which has long been lacking in the saliency community. Firstly, we introduce preliminary knowledge on light fields, including theory and data forms, and then review existing studies on light field SOD, covering ten traditional models, seven deep learning-based models, one comparative study, and one brief review. Existing datasets for light field SOD are also summarized with detailed information and statistical analyses. Secondly, we benchmark nine representative light field SOD models together with several cutting-edge RGB-D SOD models on four widely used light field datasets, from which insightful discussions and analyses, including a comparison between light field SOD and RGB-D SOD models, are achieved. Besides, due to the inconsistency of datasets in their current forms, we further generate complete data and supplement focal stacks, depth maps and multi-view images for the inconsistent datasets, making them consistent and unified. Our supplemental data makes a universal benchmark possible. Lastly, because light field SOD is quite a special problem attributed to its diverse data representations and high dependency on acquisition hardware, making it differ greatly from other saliency detection tasks, we provide nine hints into the challenges and future directions, and outline several open issues. We hope our review and benchmarking could help advance research in this field. All the materials including collected models, datasets, benchmarking results, and supplemented light field datasets will be publicly available on our project site https://github.com/kerenfu/LFSOD-Survey

    Low Light Image Enhancement and Saliency Object Detection

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Low light images represent a series of image types with great potential. Their research focuses on images and videos of the environment at dusk and near darkness. It can be widely used in night safety monitoring, license plate recognition, night scene shot, special target recognition at dusk, and other emergency events that occur under light scenes. After the environment is enhanced and combined with other tasks in computer vision and pattern recognition, it can bring many results, such as saliency detection and object detection under low illumination, and abnormal detection in crowded places under low-light environment. For the enhancement of low light and low light scenes, using traditional methods often results in over-exposure and halo conditions. Therefore, using deep learning network technology can fix and improve these specific shortcomings. For low light image enhancement, a series of qualitative and quantitative experimental comparisons conducted on a benchmark dataset demonstrate the superiority of our approach, which overcomes the drawbacks of white and colour distortion. At present, most of the research works on visual saliency have concentrated on the field of visible light, and there are few studies on night scenes. Due to insufficient lighting conditions in night scenes, and relatively lower contrasts and signal-to-noise ratios, the effectiveness of available visual features is greatly reduced. Moreover, without sufficient depth information, many features and clues are lost in the original images. Therefore, the detection of salient targets in night scenes is also difficult and it is a focus of current research in the field of computer vision. The performance leads to vague effects when the existing methods are directly con-ducted, so we adopt a new “enhance firstly, detection secondly” mechanism that firstly enhances the low-light images in order to improve the contrast and visibility, and then combines it with relevant saliency detection methods with depth information. Furthermore, we concern about the feature aggregation schemes for deep RGB-D saliency object detection and propose novel feature aggregation methods. Meanwhile, for the monocular vision, of which the depth information is hard to acquire, a novel RGB-D image saliency detection method is proposed to leverage depth cues for enhancing the saliency detection performance but without actually using depth data. The model not only outperforms the state-of-the-art RGB saliency models, but also achieves comparable or even better results compared with the state-of-the-art RGB-D saliency models

    Saliency difference based objective evaluation method for a superimposed screen of the HUD with various background

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    The head-up display (HUD) is an emerging device which can project information on a transparent screen. The HUD has been used in airplanes and vehicles, and it is usually placed in front of the operator's view. In the case of the vehicle, the driver can see not only various information on the HUD but also the backgrounds (driving environment) through the HUD. However, the projected information on the HUD may interfere with the colors in the background because the HUD is transparent. For example, a red message on the HUD will be less noticeable when there is an overlap between it and the red brake light from the front vehicle. As the first step to solve this issue, how to evaluate the mutual interference between the information on the HUD and backgrounds is important. Therefore, this paper proposes a method to evaluate the mutual interference based on saliency. It can be evaluated by comparing the HUD part cut from a saliency map of a measured image with the HUD image.Comment: 10 pages, 5 fighres, 1 table, accepted by IFAC-HMS 201

    Objects predict fixations better than early saliency

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    Humans move their eyes while looking at scenes and pictures. Eye movements correlate with shifts in attention and are thought to be a consequence of optimal resource allocation for high-level tasks such as visual recognition. Models of attention, such as “saliency maps,” are often built on the assumption that “early” features (color, contrast, orientation, motion, and so forth) drive attention directly. We explore an alternative hypothesis: Observers attend to “interesting” objects. To test this hypothesis, we measure the eye position of human observers while they inspect photographs of common natural scenes. Our observers perform different tasks: artistic evaluation, analysis of content, and search. Immediately after each presentation, our observers are asked to name objects they saw. Weighted with recall frequency, these objects predict fixations in individual images better than early saliency, irrespective of task. Also, saliency combined with object positions predicts which objects are frequently named. This suggests that early saliency has only an indirect effect on attention, acting through recognized objects. Consequently, rather than treating attention as mere preprocessing step for object recognition, models of both need to be integrated
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