29,094 research outputs found

    NNV: The Neural Network Verification Tool for Deep Neural Networks and Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems

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    This paper presents the Neural Network Verification (NNV) software tool, a set-based verification framework for deep neural networks (DNNs) and learning-enabled cyber-physical systems (CPS). The crux of NNV is a collection of reachability algorithms that make use of a variety of set representations, such as polyhedra, star sets, zonotopes, and abstract-domain representations. NNV supports both exact (sound and complete) and over-approximate (sound) reachability algorithms for verifying safety and robustness properties of feed-forward neural networks (FFNNs) with various activation functions. For learning-enabled CPS, such as closed-loop control systems incorporating neural networks, NNV provides exact and over-approximate reachability analysis schemes for linear plant models and FFNN controllers with piecewise-linear activation functions, such as ReLUs. For similar neural network control systems (NNCS) that instead have nonlinear plant models, NNV supports over-approximate analysis by combining the star set analysis used for FFNN controllers with zonotope-based analysis for nonlinear plant dynamics building on CORA. We evaluate NNV using two real-world case studies: the first is safety verification of ACAS Xu networks and the second deals with the safety verification of a deep learning-based adaptive cruise control system

    Reluplex: An Efficient SMT Solver for Verifying Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks have emerged as a widely used and effective means for tackling complex, real-world problems. However, a major obstacle in applying them to safety-critical systems is the great difficulty in providing formal guarantees about their behavior. We present a novel, scalable, and efficient technique for verifying properties of deep neural networks (or providing counter-examples). The technique is based on the simplex method, extended to handle the non-convex Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activation function, which is a crucial ingredient in many modern neural networks. The verification procedure tackles neural networks as a whole, without making any simplifying assumptions. We evaluated our technique on a prototype deep neural network implementation of the next-generation airborne collision avoidance system for unmanned aircraft (ACAS Xu). Results show that our technique can successfully prove properties of networks that are an order of magnitude larger than the largest networks verified using existing methods.Comment: This is the extended version of a paper with the same title that appeared at CAV 201

    Toward Scalable Verification for Safety-Critical Deep Networks

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    The increasing use of deep neural networks for safety-critical applications, such as autonomous driving and flight control, raises concerns about their safety and reliability. Formal verification can address these concerns by guaranteeing that a deep learning system operates as intended, but the state of the art is limited to small systems. In this work-in-progress report we give an overview of our work on mitigating this difficulty, by pursuing two complementary directions: devising scalable verification techniques, and identifying design choices that result in deep learning systems that are more amenable to verification

    Expediting Neural Network Verification via Network Reduction

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    A wide range of verification methods have been proposed to verify the safety properties of deep neural networks ensuring that the networks function correctly in critical applications. However, many well-known verification tools still struggle with complicated network architectures and large network sizes. In this work, we propose a network reduction technique as a pre-processing method prior to verification. The proposed method reduces neural networks via eliminating stable ReLU neurons, and transforming them into a sequential neural network consisting of ReLU and Affine layers which can be handled by the most verification tools. We instantiate the reduction technique on the state-of-the-art complete and incomplete verification tools, including alpha-beta-crown, VeriNet and PRIMA. Our experiments on a large set of benchmarks indicate that the proposed technique can significantly reduce neural networks and speed up existing verification tools. Furthermore, the experiment results also show that network reduction can improve the availability of existing verification tools on many networks by reducing them into sequential neural networks

    Online Verification of Deep Neural Networks under Domain or Weight Shift

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    Although neural networks are widely used, it remains challenging to formally verify the safety and robustness of neural networks in real-world applications. Existing methods are designed to verify the network before use, which is limited to relatively simple specifications and fixed networks. These methods are not ready to be applied to real-world problems with complex and/or dynamically changing specifications and networks. To effectively handle dynamically changing specifications and networks, the verification needs to be performed online when these changes take place. However, it is still challenging to run existing verification algorithms online. Our key insight is that we can leverage the temporal dependencies of these changes to accelerate the verification process, e.g., by warm starting new online verification using previous verified results. This paper establishes a novel framework for scalable online verification to solve real-world verification problems with dynamically changing specifications and/or networks, known as domain shift and weight shift respectively. We propose three types of techniques (branch management, perturbation tolerance analysis, and incremental computation) to accelerate the online verification of deep neural networks. Experiment results show that our online verification algorithm is up to two orders of magnitude faster than existing verification algorithms, and thus can scale to real-world applications

    An Abstraction-Based Framework for Neural Network Verification

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    Deep neural networks are increasingly being used as controllers for safety-critical systems. Because neural networks are opaque, certifying their correctness is a significant challenge. To address this issue, several neural network verification approaches have recently been proposed. However, these approaches afford limited scalability, and applying them to large networks can be challenging. In this paper, we propose a framework that can enhance neural network verification techniques by using over-approximation to reduce the size of the network—thus making it more amenable to verification. We perform the approximation such that if the property holds for the smaller (abstract) network, it holds for the original as well. The over-approximation may be too coarse, in which case the underlying verification tool might return a spurious counterexample. Under such conditions, we perform counterexample-guided refinement to adjust the approximation, and then repeat the process. Our approach is orthogonal to, and can be integrated with, many existing verification techniques. For evaluation purposes, we integrate it with the recently proposed Marabou framework, and observe a significant improvement in Marabou’s performance. Our experiments demonstrate the great potential of our approach for verifying larger neural networks

    Compositional Verification for Autonomous Systems with Deep Learning Components

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    As autonomy becomes prevalent in many applications, ranging from recommendation systems to fully autonomous vehicles, there is an increased need to provide safety guarantees for such systems. The problem is difficult, as these are large, complex systems which operate in uncertain environments, requiring data-driven machine-learning components. However, learning techniques such as Deep Neural Networks, widely used today, are inherently unpredictable and lack the theoretical foundations to provide strong assurance guarantees. We present a compositional approach for the scalable, formal verification of autonomous systems that contain Deep Neural Network components. The approach uses assume-guarantee reasoning whereby {\em contracts}, encoding the input-output behavior of individual components, allow the designer to model and incorporate the behavior of the learning-enabled components working side-by-side with the other components. We illustrate the approach on an example taken from the autonomous vehicles domain

    A Unified View of Piecewise Linear Neural Network Verification

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    The success of Deep Learning and its potential use in many safety-critical applications has motivated research on formal verification of Neural Network (NN) models. Despite the reputation of learned NN models to behave as black boxes and the theoretical hardness of proving their properties, researchers have been successful in verifying some classes of models by exploiting their piecewise linear structure and taking insights from formal methods such as Satisifiability Modulo Theory. These methods are however still far from scaling to realistic neural networks. To facilitate progress on this crucial area, we make two key contributions. First, we present a unified framework that encompasses previous methods. This analysis results in the identification of new methods that combine the strengths of multiple existing approaches, accomplishing a speedup of two orders of magnitude compared to the previous state of the art. Second, we propose a new data set of benchmarks which includes a collection of previously released testcases. We use the benchmark to provide the first experimental comparison of existing algorithms and identify the factors impacting the hardness of verification problems.Comment: Updated version of "Piecewise Linear Neural Network verification: A comparative study
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