7 research outputs found

    Information security awareness framework for enhancing security privacy among twitter users

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    Information security awareness is a concept that help to create a significant security policy aims to protect the privacy of Social networking site. Today social network users are connected to the internet service that assist all users to create user profile account. Moreover, Twitter can be recognized as one of the biggest and largest social network site. Twitter is one of the most significant social site that makes users to connect and make new friends around world. This research project is a platform that lies a crucial role to keep secure personal users’ information. Nowadays, user selfdisclosed is exposed in public on the social site without proper twitter privacy setting of the user account. In adding, this research project will help all the users of social networking site to be aware of all types of vulnerabilities behind the web base. Moreover, this project called privacy security awareness educate users to keep safe their twitter profile account. Accordingly, proposed twitter security privacy framework comprise four main sections components such as user security privacy, twitter privacy settings, security awareness for building relationship profile and user self-disclosed. Thus, this research project implied data analysis of qualitative survey of questionnaires which are distributed to the respondents. Besides, proposed information security awareness framework of twitter privacy among the students will provide a good security defense mechanism and at the same time used to rise a significant direction necessary to maintain a virtuous security policy among the social users. The analysis conducted has shown that most of the social networking site users are not aware of twitter privacy settings. Therefore, this research project conducted aimed to rise and protect the social networking site users from outsiders

    Tactful Networking: Humans in the Communication Loop

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    International audienceThis survey discusses the human-perspective into networking through the Tactful Networking paradigm, whose goal is to add perceptive senses to the network by assigning it with human-like capabilities of observation, interpretation, and reaction to daily-life features and associated entities. To achieve this, knowledge extracted from inherent human behavior in terms of routines, personality, interactions, and others is leveraged, empowering the learning and prediction of user needs to improve QoE and system performance while respecting privacy and fostering new applications and services. Tactful Networking groups solutions from literature and innovative interdisciplinary human aspects studied in other areas. The paradigm is motivated by mobile devices' pervasiveness and increasing presence as a sensor in our daily social activities. With the human element in the foreground, it is essential: (i) to center big data analytics around individuals; (ii) to create suitable incentive mechanisms for user participation; (iii) to design and evaluate both humanaware and system-aware networking solutions; and (iv) to apply prior and innovative techniques to deal with human-behavior sensing and learning. This survey reviews the human aspect in networking solutions through over a decade, followed by discussing the tactful networking impact through literature in behavior analysis and representative examples. This paper also discusses a framework comprising data management, analytics, and privacy for enhancing human raw-data to assist Tactful Networking solutions. Finally, challenges and opportunities for future research are presented

    Desarrollo de una plataforma social basada en audios

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    [EN] This project consists of the development of a social network based on audios in which users will be able to publish any type of content only in audio format. They will also have the option of interacting in different ways, both with any of the publications that are found, and with other users of the platform. For this, a follower system will be available, as well as a temporary list to view your own publications, or those of the users who are being followed. Finally, to complement the interactions, there will also be the possibility of receiving notifications each time they occur. The development will be carried out for the main mobile platforms in the world, such as Android and iOS. However, in order to store information, provide it to applications, and offer certain business logic, you will need a server, a backend, and a database. Finally, to focus more effort on software development, and also to facilitate, integrate and automate the last phases of software development, operations and maintenance, a system of continuous deployment and continuous integration will be implemented. In order to carry out this solution, React Native will be used as frontend technology. This gives us the advantage of being able to use the same code to develop the Android application and the iOS application. On the other hand, the backend is to be implemented with Java / Spring / Hibernate or NodeJS using a Mysql database. All this will be mounted on a cloud VPS that will be configured and tuned, to adapt to the needs of the software to be implemented. Finally, the continuous deployment and continuous integration system will be implemented using the 'pipelines' tool provided by Gitlab, a platform that will also be used to save and version the application code.[ES] Este proyecto consiste en el desarrollo de la aplicación móvil de una red social completamente enfocada al contenido en formato de audio, el cual se trata de un enfoque diferente al que se utiliza en la mayoría de las redes sociales. La idea inicial es que tenga una funcionalidad similar al de estas redes sociales, por ejemplo, notificaciones, compartir, comentar, realizar publicaciones, perfiles de usuario, etc. Pero con la diferencia de que todo aquello que el usuario publique sea mediante notas de voz, sobre las cuales giraría el resto de las características de la aplicación. Aparte de esto también se diferenciaría de otras plataformas de audio, porque el enfoque de la aplicación permitiría compaginar el contenido profesional y el social, por las propias funcionalidades de la plataforma. Es decir que la propia naturaleza de la aplicación favorecería la creación de contenido general o cotidiano, y la distribución de contenido profesional, como podrían ser podcasts, canciones, o programas. El objetivo es cubrir el vacío que existe entre las redes sociales y las plataformas de audio, ya que estas últimas están enfocadas al ámbito profesional, mientras que las redes sociales se centran en un contenido visual, donde las funcionalidades son específicas para este tipo de contenido. Para llevarla a cabo, se hace uso de las tecnologías de desarrollo más avanzadas de la actualidad, ya que nos proporcionan las ventajas que mejor se adaptan al trabajo que se realiza, como la escalabilidad, mantenibilidad o la capacidad de desarrollar aplicaciones móviles nativas para iOS o Android con el mismo código. Para poder alcanzar un mayor número de usuarios, el objetivo es publicar la aplicación móvil en la Play Store de Google, y en la App Store de Apple, ya que se tratan de las dos tiendas de aplicaciones más populares del momento debido a que la mayoría de los dispositivos móviles utilizan los sistemas operativos de estas empresas.[CA] Aquest projecte consisteix en el desenvolupament de l'aplicació mòbil d'una xarxa social completament enfocada al contingut en format d'àudio, el qual es tracta d'un enfocament diferent al que s'utilitza en la majoria de les xarxes socials. La idea inicial és que tinga una funcionalitat similar al d'aquestes xarxes socials, per exemple, notificacions, compartir, comentar, realitzar publicacions, perfils d'usuari, etc. Però amb la diferència que tot allò que l'usuari publique siga mitjançant notes de veu, sobre les quals giraria la resta de les característiques de l'aplicació. Apart d'això també es diferenciaria amb altres plataformes d'àudio, perquè l'enfocament de l'aplicació permetria compaginar el contingut professional i el social, per les pròpies funcionalitats de la plataforma. És a dir que la pròpia naturalesa de l'aplicació afavoriria la creació de contingut general o quotidià, i la distribució de contingut professional, com puguen ser podcasts, cançons, programes, etc. L'objectiu és cobrir el buit que existeix entre les xarxes socials i les plataformes d'àudio, ja que aquestes últimes estan enfocades a l'àmbit professional, mentre que les xarxes socials se centren en un contingut visual, on les funcionalitats són específiques per a aquesta mena de contingut. Per a dur-la a terme, es fa ús de les tecnologies de desenvolupament més avançades de l'actualitat, ja que ens proporcionen els avantatges que millor s'adapten al treball que es realitza, com l'escalabilitat, mantenibilitat o la capacitat de desenvolupar aplicacions mòbils nadiues per a iOS o Android amb el mateix codi. Per a poder aconseguir un major nombre d'usuaris, l'objectiu és publicar l'aplicació mòbil en la Play Store de Google, i en l'App Store d'Apple, ja que es tracten de les dues botigues d'aplicacions més populars del moment pel fet que la majoria dels dispositius mòbils utilitzen els sistemes operatius d'aquestes empreses.Lara Erazo, BA. (2021). Desarrollo de una plataforma social basada en audios. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/165439TFG

    Safety Challenges and Solutions in Mobile Social Networks

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