3 research outputs found

    A decentralized multi-agent energy management strategy based on a look-ahead reinforcement learning approach

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    An energy management strategy (EMS) has an essential role in ameliorating the efficiency and lifetime of the powertrain components in a hybrid fuel cell vehicle (HFCV). The EMS of intelligent HFCVs is equipped with advanced data-driven techniques to efficiently distribute the power flow among the power sources, which have heterogeneous energetic characteristics. Decentralized EMSs provide higher modularity (plug and play) and reliability compared to the centralized data-driven strategies. Modularity is the specification that promotes the discovery of new components in a powertrain system without the need for reconfiguration. Hence, this article puts forward a decentralized reinforcement learning (Dec-RL) framework for designing an EMS in a heavy-duty HFCV. The studied powertrain is composed of two parallel fuel cell systems (FCSs) and a battery pack. The contribution of the suggested multi-agent approach lies in the development of a fully decentralized learning strategy composed of several connected local modules. The performance of the proposed approach is investigated through several simulations and experimental tests. The results indicate the advantage of the established Dec-RL control scheme in convergence speed and optimization criteria. © 2021 SAE International Journal of Electrified Vehicles

    COLERGs-constrained safe reinforcement learning for realising MASS's risk-informed collision avoidance decision making

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    Maritime autonomous surface ship (MASS) represents a significant advancement in maritime technology, offering the potential for increased efficiency, reduced operational costs, and enhanced maritime traffic safety. However, MASS navigation in complex maritime traffic and congested water areas presents challenges, especially in Collision Avoidance Decision Making (CADM) during multi-ship encounter scenarios. Through a robust risk assessment design for time-sequential and joint-target ships (TSs) encounter scenarios, a novel risk and reliability critic-enhanced safe hierarchical reinforcement learning (RA-SHRL), constrained by the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs), is proposed to realize the autonomous navigation and CADM of MASS. Finally, experimental simulations are conducted against a time-sequenced obstacle avoidance scenario and a swarm obstacle avoidance scenario. The experimental results demonstrate that RA-SHRL generates safe, efficient, and reliable collision avoidance strategies in both time-sequential dynamic obstacles and mixed joint-TSs environments. Additionally, the RA-SHRL is capable of assessing risk and avoiding multiple joint-TSs. Compared with Deep Q-network (DQN) and Constrained Policy Optimization (CPO), the search efficiency of the algorithm proposed in this paper is improved by 40% and 12%, respectively. Moreover, it achieved a 91.3% success rate of collision avoidance during training. The methodology could also benefit other autonomous systems in dynamic environments