385 research outputs found

    Using Semantic Technologies in Digital Libraries- A Roadmap to Quality Evaluation

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    Abstract. In digital libraries semantic techniques are often deployed to reduce the expensive manual overhead for indexing documents, maintaining metadata, or caching for future search. However, using such techniques may cause a decrease in a collection’s quality due to their statistical nature. Since data quality is a major concern in digital libraries, it is important to be able to measure the (loss of) quality of metadata automatically generated by semantic techniques. In this paper we present a user study based on a typical semantic technique use

    Data Quality Management in Corporate Practice

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    The 21st century is characterized by a rising quantity and importance of Data and Infor-mation. Companies utilize these in order to gain and maintain competitive advantages. Therefore, the Data and Information is required both in high quantity as well as quality. But while the amount of Data collected is steadily increasing, this does not necessarily mean the same is true for Data Quality. In order to assure high Data Quality, the concept of Data Quality Management (DQM) has been established, incorporating such elements as the assessment of Data Quality as well as its improvement. In order to discuss the issue of Data Quality Management, this paper pursues the following goals: (1) Systematic literature search for publications regarding Data Quality Management (Scientific contributions, Practice reports etc.) (2) Provision of a structured overview of the identified references and the research mate-rial (3) Analysis and evaluation of the scientific contributions with regards to methodology and theoretical foundation (4) Current expression of DQM in practice, differentiated by organization type and in-dustry (based upon the entire research material) as well as assessment of the situation (how well are the design recommendations based upon research results) (5) Summary of unresolved issues and challenges, based upon the research materia

    Conceptualizing and Measuring Well-Being Using Statistical Semantics and Numerical Rating Scales

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    How to define and measure individuals’ well-being is important, as this has an impact on both research and society at large. This thesis concerns how to define and measure the self-reported well-being of individuals, which involves both theorizing as well as developing and applying empirical and statistical methods in order to gain a better understanding of well-being.The first paper critically reviews the literature on well-being. It identifies an individualistic bias in current approaches and accompanying measures related to well-being and happiness; for example, through an over-emphasis on the importance of self-centered aspects of well-being (e.g., the unprecedented focus on satisfaction with life) whilst disregarding the importance of harmony in life, interconnectedness and psychological balance in relation to well- being. It is also discussed how closed-ended well-being measures impose the researchers’ values and limit the ability of respondents to express themselves in regard to their perceived well-being.The second paper addresses concerns regarding this individualistic bias by developing the harmony in life scale, which focuses on interconnectedness and psychological balance. In addition, an open-ended approach is developed in the paper, allowing individuals to freely describe their pursuit of well-being by means of open-ended responses analyzed using statistical semantics (including techniques from artificial intelligence such as natural language processing and machine learning). The results show that the harmony in life scale and the traditional satisfaction with life scale form a two-factor model of well-being, where the harmony in life scale explains more unique variance in measures of psychological well-being, stress, depression and anxiety, but not happiness. It is further demonstrated that participants describe their pursuit of harmony in life using words related to interconnectedness (including words such as: peace, balance, cooperation), whereas they describe their pursuit of satisfaction with life using words related to independence (including words such as: money, achievement, fulfillment). It is concluded that the harmony in life scale complements the satisfaction with life scale for a more comprehensive understanding of subjective well-being.The third paper focuses on developing and evaluating a method for measuring and describing psychological constructs using open-ended questions analyzed by means of statistical semantics rather than closed-ended numerical rating scales. This semantic measures approach is tested and compared with traditional rating scales in nine studies, including two different paradigms involving reports regarding objective stimuli (i.e., the evaluation of facial expressions) and reports regarding subjective states (i.e., the self-reporting of harmony in life, satisfaction with life, depression and worry). The results indicate that semantic measures encompass higher, or competitive, levels of reliability and validity compared to traditional numerical rating scales. In addition, semantic measures appear to be better suited for differentiating between psychological constructs, such as harmony in life versus satisfaction with life as well as depression versus worry.In this thesis, the findings from these three papers are elaborated and integrated into two independent perspectives. The first perspective focuses on the theoretical and empirical differences between harmony in life and satisfaction with life within a context of societal and national progress. It is concluded that harmony in life complements satisfaction with life. The second perspective focuses on the open-ended, statistical semantics approach. It is proposed that statistical semantics may beneficially be used more widely as a research tool within psychological research

    Integration Framework of Technological Paradigms Towards a Distributed Semantic Web based on Process Management

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/gecontec/article/view/2367La necesidad de generar nuevos paradigmas en la ingeniería de software, requiere del desarrollo de modelos y metodologías que integren adecuadamente las innovaciones, los servicios personalizados y las tecnologías informáticas con el fin de facilitar la interactividad y el acceso a la información vital para las organizaciones. La presente contribución plantea una propuesta de integración de tecnologías para la implantación de aplicaciones web semánticas basada en procesos. Se realiza un estudio exhaustivo de los diferentes paradigmas tecnológicos a integrar, así como las herramientas y estándares que las soportan. Los puntos convergentes de áreas tales como, la gestión de procesos y reglas de negocios, la arquitectura orientada a servicio y las ontologías, pueden facilitar una estrategia en la creación de aplicaciones web y a la vez garantizar la permanencia de los principios para los cuales fueron creados cada uno de estos paradigmas. Los resultados de esta investigación reafirman que es posible tal integración en un solo sistema web de gestión del conocimiento, la información y los procesos de una organización o negocio. Se logra establecer una pauta tecnológica para implementar un sitio web, donde el núcleo central está conformado por los modelos ontológicos y el modelado de procesos de negocio, que comparten información y servicios web, descrito por los primeros e invocado por los segundos.The need of generating new paradigms in software engineering requires the development of models and methodologies used properly innovations, personalized services and software to integrate different models that facilitate interactivity and access to vital information for organizations technologies. This paper bring to account a proposition for the integration of technologies for implementing semantic web applications. An exhaustive study of the different possible technological paradigms to integrate, as well as tools and standards that support it is performed. The converging points of these areas in creating web applications can assist a strategy to ensure the permanence of the principles of each paradigm for which they were created. The results of this research confirm that such integration is possible in a single web site for the knowledge, information and processes management of an organization or business unit. It is possible to establish a technological guideline to implement a website, where the central core is built with ontological models and business process modeling, which share information and web services, described by the first one and invoked by the latter.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Subjective well-being of academic staff in a South African university: the role of work-life balance, job demands and job resources.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The purpose of this study was to examine how academic staffs in a selected public university evaluate the overall quality of their lives. In recognition of the changes in the higher education sector and its potentially detrimental impact on work, health and well-being of academics, this research investigated how academics evaluate their well-being in respect to work-life balance, job demands and job resources. A qualitative analysis was selected as the suitable research design. This research surveyed the narratives of ten academic staff members from different departments using semi-structured in-depth interviews. In line with the theoretical framework of this study, an interpretive phenomenology research design was used. A thematic analysis revealed a range of issues related to wellbeing. These were then grouped into four central themes namely, negotiating a healthy life, interplay of job demand and subjective-wellbeing, available resources and personal resources. The subjective well-being among academic staff’s was found to be rooted in the work environment as well as in other essential life environments such as the family, networks, community, and, more broadly, the society to which they belong. This study further revealed that there is relationship between environmental influences, individual competencies and feeling of agency that cannot be separated in the discourse of subjective wellbeing. Participants placed stronger emphasis on the coherent sense of the self in shaping their life satisfaction. It was found that there was normative pressure amongst academics to be the architect of their wellbeing, the situation in which demanded the availability of sturdy psychological resources. As such, well-being appears rooted in their ability to construct a consistent dialogical self, leading to a satisfactory sense of wellbeing

    National Time Accounting: The Currency of Life

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    This monograph proposes a new approach for measuring features of society’s subjective well-being, based on time allocation and affective experience. We call this approach National Time Accounting (NTA). National Time Accounting is a set of methods for measuring, comparing and analyzing how people spend and experience their time -- across countries, over historical time, or between groups of people within a country at a given time. The approach is based on evaluated time use, or the flow of emotional experience during daily activities. After reviewing evidence on the validity of subjective well-being measures, we present and evaluate diary-based survey techniques designed to measure individuals’ emotional experiences and time use. We illustrate NTA with: (1) a new cross-sectional survey on time use and emotional experience for a representative sample of 4,000 Americans; (2) historical data on the amount of time devoted to various activities in the United States since 1965; and (3) a comparison of time use and wellbeing in the United States and France. In our applications, we focus mainly on the Uindex, a measure of the percentage of time that people spend in an unpleasant state, defined as an instance in which the most intense emotion is a negative one. The U-index helps to overcome some of the limitations of interpersonal comparisons of subjective well-being. National Time Accounting strikes us as a fertile area for future research because of advances in subjective measurement and because time use data are now regularly collected in many countries.

    A multi-domain ontology on healthy ageing for the characterization of older adults status and behaviour

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    Ageing is a multi-factorial physiological process and the development of novel IoT systems, tools and devices, specifically targeted to older people, must be based on a holistic framework built on robust scientific knowledge in different health domains. Furthermore, interoperability must be guaranteed using standardized frameworks or approaches. These aspects still largely lack in the specific literature. The main aim of the paper is to develop a new ontology (the NESTORE ontology) to extend the available ontologies provided by universAAL-IoT (uAAL-IoT). The ontology is based on a multidomain healthy ageing holistic model, structuring well-assessed scientific knowledge, specifically targeted to healthy older adults aged between 65 and 75. The tool is intended to support, and standardize heterogeneous data about ageing in compliance with the uAAL-IoT framework. The NESTORE ontology covers all the relevant concepts to represent 3 significant domains of ageing: (1) Physiological Status and Physical Activity Behaviour; (2) Nutrition; and (3) Cognitive and Mental Status and Social Behaviour. In total, 12 sub-ontologies were modelled with more than 60 classes and sub-classes referenced among them by using more than 100 relations and around 20 enumerations. The proposed ontology increases the uAAL collection by 40%. NESTORE ontology provides innovation both in terms of semantic content and technological approach. The thorough use of this ontology can support the development of a decision support system, to promote healthy ageing, with the capacity to do dynamic multi-scale modelling of user-specific data based on the semantic annotations of users’ profile

    Polish journal of management studies

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    This paper addresses collective emotional intelligence as a construct that establishes a relationship among members of an organisational community and how this is a path for improving firms' performance. It is based on the premise that several factors influence the selected to solve a problem in any decision-making process. In addition to analysing the practical values that the information provides, it is also subject to the emotional responses that the decision-makers may have. These samples make up the emotional intelligence transferred from individuals and their organisational interactions to the organisation itself. This paper seeks to find the relationship between the variables of Collective Emotional Intelligence (CEI) with Subjective Well-Being (SWB) and Perceived Happiness (HP). To this end, a data collection instrument was applied to 384 workers in technology-based companies in northern Mexico. A descriptive, correlational, and multivariate analysis, including SEM study, was carried out to validate the hypotheses. The results validate the importance of SWB and HP in developing CEI and suggest specific actions on workers' perceptions. These actions meet expectations and requirements expressed by workers and aim to increase organizational intelligence and CEI to improve decision-making.Index Cppernicushttps://pjms.zim.pcz.pl/resources/html/article/details?id=23449