869 research outputs found

    Multilingual Universal Sentence Encoder for Semantic Retrieval

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    We introduce two pre-trained retrieval focused multilingual sentence encoding models, respectively based on the Transformer and CNN model architectures. The models embed text from 16 languages into a single semantic space using a multi-task trained dual-encoder that learns tied representations using translation based bridge tasks (Chidambaram al., 2018). The models provide performance that is competitive with the state-of-the-art on: semantic retrieval (SR), translation pair bitext retrieval (BR) and retrieval question answering (ReQA). On English transfer learning tasks, our sentence-level embeddings approach, and in some cases exceed, the performance of monolingual, English only, sentence embedding models. Our models are made available for download on TensorFlow Hub.Comment: 6 pages, 6 tables, 2 listings, and 1 figur

    How to Adapt Pre-trained Vision-and-Language Models to a Text-only Input?

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    Current language models have been criticised for learning language from text alone without connection between words and their meaning. Consequently, multimodal training has been proposed as a way for creating models with better language understanding by providing the lacking connection. We focus on pre-trained multimodal vision-and-language (VL) models for which there already are some results on their language understanding capabilities. An unresolved issue with evaluating the linguistic skills of these models, however, is that there is no established method for adapting them to text-only input without out-of-distribution uncertainty. To find the best approach, we investigate and compare seven possible methods for adapting three different pre-trained VL models to text-only input. Our evaluations on both GLUE and Visual Property Norms (VPN) show that care should be put into adapting VL models to zero-shot text-only tasks, while the models are less sensitive to how we adapt them to non-zero-shot tasks. We also find that the adaptation methods perform differently for different models and that unimodal model counterparts perform on par with the VL models regardless of adaptation, indicating that current VL models do not necessarily gain better language understanding from their multimodal training

    A Comprehensive Survey on Applications of Transformers for Deep Learning Tasks

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    Transformer is a deep neural network that employs a self-attention mechanism to comprehend the contextual relationships within sequential data. Unlike conventional neural networks or updated versions of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), transformer models excel in handling long dependencies between input sequence elements and enable parallel processing. As a result, transformer-based models have attracted substantial interest among researchers in the field of artificial intelligence. This can be attributed to their immense potential and remarkable achievements, not only in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks but also in a wide range of domains, including computer vision, audio and speech processing, healthcare, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Although several survey papers have been published highlighting the transformer's contributions in specific fields, architectural differences, or performance evaluations, there is still a significant absence of a comprehensive survey paper encompassing its major applications across various domains. Therefore, we undertook the task of filling this gap by conducting an extensive survey of proposed transformer models from 2017 to 2022. Our survey encompasses the identification of the top five application domains for transformer-based models, namely: NLP, Computer Vision, Multi-Modality, Audio and Speech Processing, and Signal Processing. We analyze the impact of highly influential transformer-based models in these domains and subsequently classify them based on their respective tasks using a proposed taxonomy. Our aim is to shed light on the existing potential and future possibilities of transformers for enthusiastic researchers, thus contributing to the broader understanding of this groundbreaking technology

    Ultrafast Video Attention Prediction with Coupled Knowledge Distillation

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    Large convolutional neural network models have recently demonstrated impressive performance on video attention prediction. Conventionally, these models are with intensive computation and large memory. To address these issues, we design an extremely light-weight network with ultrafast speed, named UVA-Net. The network is constructed based on depth-wise convolutions and takes low-resolution images as input. However, this straight-forward acceleration method will decrease performance dramatically. To this end, we propose a coupled knowledge distillation strategy to augment and train the network effectively. With this strategy, the model can further automatically discover and emphasize implicit useful cues contained in the data. Both spatial and temporal knowledge learned by the high-resolution complex teacher networks also can be distilled and transferred into the proposed low-resolution light-weight spatiotemporal network. Experimental results show that the performance of our model is comparable to ten state-of-the-art models in video attention prediction, while it costs only 0.68 MB memory footprint, runs about 10,106 FPS on GPU and 404 FPS on CPU, which is 206 times faster than previous models

    Online Continual Learning on Sequences

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    Online continual learning (OCL) refers to the ability of a system to learn over time from a continuous stream of data without having to revisit previously encountered training samples. Learning continually in a single data pass is crucial for agents and robots operating in changing environments and required to acquire, fine-tune, and transfer increasingly complex representations from non-i.i.d. input distributions. Machine learning models that address OCL must alleviate \textit{catastrophic forgetting} in which hidden representations are disrupted or completely overwritten when learning from streams of novel input. In this chapter, we summarize and discuss recent deep learning models that address OCL on sequential input through the use (and combination) of synaptic regularization, structural plasticity, and experience replay. Different implementations of replay have been proposed that alleviate catastrophic forgetting in connectionists architectures via the re-occurrence of (latent representations of) input sequences and that functionally resemble mechanisms of hippocampal replay in the mammalian brain. Empirical evidence shows that architectures endowed with experience replay typically outperform architectures without in (online) incremental learning tasks.Comment: L. Oneto et al. (eds.), Recent Trends in Learning From Data, Studies in Computational Intelligence 89

    Human detection in real time with thermal camera using drones

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    We currently live in a world where technology predominates and advances very quickly, developing applications and devices that help us in daily life to improve our lives and solve everyday problems. One of these technologies that are in full development and evolution are the Drones, or also called RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System). These systems are unmanned aerial vehicles that offer us infinity applications to cover these needs and problems that we have on a daily basis. On the other hand, another technology that is in full development and that has been seen to have great potential for developing applications is Artificial Intelligence (AI). To quickly define AI, we say that it is the intelligence that humans develop with body, brain and mind but expressed by a machine, processor and software. Thanks to the fact that Drones can fly over places where humans cannot reach, through their cameras we can see what is in those areas, so one of the most useful applications in Drones is Search and Rescue operations. The main focus of this project is to merge RPAS with AI to develope a Search and Rescue application. For this, an executable software has been created for any computer, which will allow to detect people lost in the forest or other places, through a video, either through a Streaming on Youtube or a video saved locally, allowing detection both in real time as well as in deferred time, making the detection done by the machine and the human being able to do other functions while the search is done with the Drone. The objective is to use both, the thermal and visual cameras of a Drone, to record a video or stream the image and send it to the software so that, through Artificial Intelligence, if it finds a person, it detects the human and an alarm sounds. The software has been developed in Python, an open source, cross-platform programming language that can be used for web development, software creation, and data processing. This language is truly useful since it is one of the most used in the world of programming, thus there are multiple libraries, as OpenCV, created by open source users that have allowed the development of this human detection software. To develop the program, it has been necessary to train the machine with images of people. These images have been obtained with real flights in the area of Collserola, Barcelona. This area is close to the airport of Barcelona El Prat, so permissions and coordination are needed to be able to fly completely legally. For this reason, this project has also included all the documentation and legal part necessary to be able to fly in the Barcelona area

    Word-Level Representation From Bytes For Language Modeling

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    Modern language models mostly take sub-words as input, a design that balances the trade-off between vocabulary size, number of parameters, and performance. However, sub-word tokenization still has disadvantages like not being robust to noise and difficult to generalize to new languages. Also, the current trend of scaling up models reveals that larger models require larger embeddings but that makes parallelization hard. Previous work on image classification proves splitting raw input into a sequence of chucks is a strong, model-agnostic inductive bias. Based on this observation, we rethink the existing character-aware method that takes character-level inputs but makes word-level sequence modeling and prediction. We overhaul this method by introducing a cross-attention network that builds word-level representation directly from bytes, and a sub-word level prediction based on word-level hidden states to avoid the time and space requirement of word-level prediction. With these two improvements combined, we have a token free model with slim input embeddings for downstream tasks. We name our method Byte2Word and perform evaluations on language modeling and text classification. Experiments show that Byte2Word is on par with the strong sub-word baseline BERT but only takes up 10\% of embedding size. We further test our method on synthetic noise and cross-lingual transfer and find it competitive to baseline methods on both settings.Comment: preprin
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