6 research outputs found


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    Objective: The objective of this study is to compare fabrication of commonly used three-dimensional (3D) models with original multislice computed tomography (MSCT) scan data for accuracy and precision in reconstruction surgery.Methods: MSCT data from 10 samples are processed and manufactured to be 3D models. Both groups are then measured and analyzed for the purpose of comparison.Results: The average mandibular measurement difference between 3D models and MSCT scans is 0.26 mm more <2%. The final results of the comparison reveal high accuracy in 3D models compared to MSCT scan data.Conclusion: The 3D model could be considered as surgical guidance for maxillofacial reconstruction surgery since it yields highly accurate results

    3-D Volumetric Evaluation of Human Mandibular Growth

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    Bone growth is a complex process that is controlled by a multitude of mechanisms that are not fully understood.Most of the current methods employed to measure the growth of bones focus on either studying cadaveric bones from different individuals of different ages, or successive two-dimensional (2D) radiographs. Both techniques have their known limitations. The purpose of this study was to explore a technique for quantifying the three dimensional (3D) growth of an adolescent human mandible over the period of one year utilizing cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans taken for regular orthodontic records. Three -dimensional virtual models were created from the CBCT data using mainstream medical imaging software. A comparison between computer-generated surface meshes of successive 3-D virtual models illustrates the magnitude of relative mandible growth. The results of this work are in agreement with previously reported data from human cadaveric studies and implantable marker studies. The presented method provides a new relatively simple basis (utilizing commercially available software) to visualize and evaluate individualized 3D (mandibular) growth in vivo

    Additive manufacturing applications in medical cases: A literature based review

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    Background: A significant number of the research paper on Medical cases using Additive manufacturing studied. Different applications of additive manufacturing technologies in the medical area analysed for providing the state of the art and direction of the development.The aim of work: To illustrate the Additive Manufacturing technology as being used in medical and its benefits along-with contemporary and future applications.Materials and methods: Literature Review based study on Additive Manufacturing that are helpful in various ways to address medical problems along with bibliometric analysis been done.Result: Briefly described the review of forty primary applications of AM as used for medical purposes along with their significant achievement. Process chain development in the application of AM is identified and tabulated for every process chain member, its achievement and limitations for various references. There are five criteria which one can achieve through medical model when made through AM technology. To support the achievements and limitations of every criterion proper references are provided. The ongoing research is also classified according to the application of AM in medical with criteria, achievement and references. Eight major medical areas where AM is implemented have been identified along with primary references, objectives and advantages.Conclusion: Paper deals with the literature review of the Medical application of Additive Manufacturing and its future. Medical models which are customised and sourced from data of an individual patient, which vary from patient to patient can well be modified and printed. Medical AM involves resources of human from the field of reverse engineering, medicine and biomaterial, design and manufacturing of bones, implants, etc. Additive Manufacturing can help solve medical problems with extensive benefit to humanity.Keywords: 3D scanning, 3D printing, Additive Manufacturing (AM), Medical, Applications, Medical model, Rapid Prototyping (RP

    Integrated product and process development in collaborative virtual engineering environment

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    Članak prikazaje integrativni pristup u primjeni virtualne inženjerske tehnologije u oblikovanju proizvoda i proizvodnih procesa za njihovu proizvodnju. To je rezultiralo integracijom CAD/CAM/CAE, tehnologija virtualne stvarnosti u oblikovanju proizvoda, FE/FV numeričke simulacije i optimizacije proizvodnih procesa, kao što je digitalna izrada prototipova proizvoda i procesa, s jedne strane, i tehnike brze izrade proizvoda kao izrada fizičkih prototipova, s druge strane. Reverzni inženjering i koordinatna metrologija također su primijenjeni u reinženjeringu procesa oblikovanja lima postojećih proizvoda, s ciljem generiranja inicijalnih digitalnih informacija o proizvodu i konačne kontrole kvalitete na višesenzorskom koordinatnom mjerenom stroju.The paper presents integrative approach in the application of virtual engineering technologies in design of products and production processes for their manufacture. This has resulted in the integration of CAD/CAM/CAE and Virtual Reality technologies in product design and FE/FV numerical simulations and optimization of production processes as digital prototyping of products and processes on one side, and rapid prototyping techniques as physical prototyping, on the other side. Reverse engineering and coordinate metrology have been also applied in reengineering of sheet metal forming process of existing products, with the aim of generating initial digital information about product and final quality control on multi-sensor coordinate measurement machine

    Methods for increasing customization in rapid machining patient-specific bone implants

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    This research presents new methods for increasing the customization of the surface characteristics of rapid machined patient-specific bone implants. A bone implant is a medical device that is used for replacing missing or damaged bone tissue in a patient\u27s body. It is possible for a bone implant to have three different types of surfaces (articular, periosteal, fracture) which each require different surface characteristics to help provide biocompatibility. It is also desirable to manufacture implants that are customized specifically for an individual patient to increase the stability and fit of the implant, which has been shown to improve patient healing. A research project at Iowa State University involves developing methods for manufacturing implants using a subtractive rapid manufacturing process called CNC-RP, which combines the automated process planning of rapid prototyping (RP) technologies with the capabilities of 4-axis CNC machining. New methods are proposed for providing more effective setup planning for the CNC-RP process, and for isolating the individual surfaces from one another during machining with the goal of increasing customization while preserving biocompatibility of the implant. The methods were used for performing setup planning for machining a bone implant using a surrogate bone material. It was shown that the methods were effective at increasing the customization of the implant, showing a notable increase in the ability to customize the fracture surface

    Three-dimensional digital geometry design of soft tissue implants for patients with Poland’s syndrome using Magics and Freeform® Modeling™

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    Published ThesisPoland’s syndrome is a unilateral congenital defect displaying deformities of mostly the soft tissues and the skeleton. The syndrome commonly affects the right side of the thorax and is more often found in males. Many Poland’s syndrome patients display the absence of the pectoralis major muscle, although other muscles such as the pectoralis minor may also be affected. Poland’s syndrome is also associated with hand deformities. Poland's syndrome patients usually seek medical intervention to improve their aesthetic appearance. Most of the interventions are traumatic, invasive, surgical procedures. Less invasive and traumatic approaches are constantly being developed. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to design three-dimensional digital geometries of soft tissues for two Poland’s syndrome patients that can be used for the production of soft tissue implants in the manufacturing process. A female (Case Study 1) and a male (Case Study 2) Poland’s syndrome patient were included as two case studies. CT scanned digital imaging data sets were acquired of the two Poland’s syndrome patients and were processed in Mimics® software to create 3D digital geometries in STL file format. A number of manipulations and pixel-by-pixel editing steps were applied to isolate the regions of interest which were then imported into the programs Magics and Freeform® Modeling™. The program Freeform® Modeling™ was used to describe the extent of the aesthetic presentation of the deformity by determining the difference between the healthy and affected sides of the thorax in both patients. The angles between the vertical and oblique planes for both sides of the thorax were measured and the difference between these angles calculated. For the female the difference was 6.5º, while for the male it was 14º. The design phase followed two design routes to design soft tissue 3D digital geometries of the pectoralis muscle for each patient using the programs Magics and Freeform® Modeling™. The one route involved using a mirror image of the whole thorax (Technique A), while the other route involved firstly the isolation of the pectoralis muscle from the healthy side of the thorax and thereafter producing a mirror image (Technique B). Four different soft tissue 3D digital geometries of the pectoralis muscle resulted for each patient from these design routes. Three different analyses were performed to compare the outcomes of the different design routes and software programs. A deviation analysis was performed using Geomagic® Control™ to calculate the deviation between the design route outcomes and constructed digital test models. Most of the deviation test points for all techniques fell within the nominated tolerance region of >-5 and <+5 mm (more than 70% for the female more than 80% for the male). An implant mass property analysis using Freeform® Modeling™ revealed that the 3D digital geometries produced using Freeform® Modeling™ Technique A presented with surface areas and volumes closest to original healthy pectoralis muscle in the female, while for the male it was Freeform® Modeling™ Technique B. A body conformation analysis was performed to ascertain to what extent the different techniques used to produce the 3D digital geometries had the potential to reconstruct the soft tissue deformities, thus the resultant 3D digital geometries were compared with an original body conformation, as well as with an ideal body conformation. For both patients the four 3D digital geometries were relatively close to the ideal body conformation dimensions. In an attempt to compare the performance of Magics and Freeform® Modeling™, they were assessed, where possible, in terms of software functionality, hardware possibilities, and geometry development time and software/hardware costs. It could be concluded that, in this study, Freeform® Modeling™ appeared to be the better suited software program for the designing of 3D digital geometries of soft tissue implants