4 research outputs found

    STDP Learning of Image Patches with Convolutional Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking neural networks are motivated from principles of neural systems and may possess unexplored advantages in the context of machine learning. A class of \textit{convolutional spiking neural networks} is introduced, trained to detect image features with an unsupervised, competitive learning mechanism. Image features can be shared within subpopulations of neurons, or each may evolve independently to capture different features in different regions of input space. We analyze the time and memory requirements of learning with and operating such networks. The MNIST dataset is used as an experimental testbed, and comparisons are made between the performance and convergence speed of a baseline spiking neural network.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, and 5 table

    Q-SpiNN: A Framework for Quantizing Spiking Neural Networks

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    A prominent technique for reducing the memory footprint of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) without decreasing the accuracy significantly is quantization. However, the state-of-the-art only focus on employing the weight quantization directly from a specific quantization scheme, i.e., either the post-training quantization (PTQ) or the in-training quantization (ITQ), and do not consider (1) quantizing other SNN parameters (e.g., neuron membrane potential), (2) exploring different combinations of quantization approaches (i.e., quantization schemes, precision levels, and rounding schemes), and (3) selecting the SNN model with a good memory-accuracy trade-off at the end. Therefore, the memory saving offered by these state-of-the-art to meet the targeted accuracy is limited, thereby hindering processing SNNs on the resource-constrained systems (e.g., the IoT-Edge devices). Towards this, we propose Q-SpiNN, a novel quantization framework for memory-efficient SNNs. The key mechanisms of the Q-SpiNN are: (1) employing quantization for different SNN parameters based on their significance to the accuracy, (2) exploring different combinations of quantization schemes, precision levels, and rounding schemes to find efficient SNN model candidates, and (3) developing an algorithm that quantifies the benefit of the memory-accuracy trade-off obtained by the candidates, and selects the Pareto-optimal one. The experimental results show that, for the unsupervised network, the Q-SpiNN reduces the memory footprint by ca. 4x, while maintaining the accuracy within 1% from the baseline on the MNIST dataset. For the supervised network, the Q-SpiNN reduces the memory by ca. 2x, while keeping the accuracy within 2% from the baseline on the DVS-Gesture dataset.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), July 2021, Virtual Even

    FSpiNN: An Optimization Framework for Memory- and Energy-Efficient Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are gaining interest due to their event-driven processing which potentially consumes low power/energy computations in hardware platforms, while offering unsupervised learning capability due to the spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) rule. However, state-of-the-art SNNs require a large memory footprint to achieve high accuracy, thereby making them difficult to be deployed on embedded systems, for instance on battery-powered mobile devices and IoT Edge nodes. Towards this, we propose FSpiNN, an optimization framework for obtaining memory- and energy-efficient SNNs for training and inference processing, with unsupervised learning capability while maintaining accuracy. It is achieved by (1) reducing the computational requirements of neuronal and STDP operations, (2) improving the accuracy of STDP-based learning, (3) compressing the SNN through a fixed-point quantization, and (4) incorporating the memory and energy requirements in the optimization process. FSpiNN reduces the computational requirements by reducing the number of neuronal operations, the STDP-based synaptic weight updates, and the STDP complexity. To improve the accuracy of learning, FSpiNN employs timestep-based synaptic weight updates, and adaptively determines the STDP potentiation factor and the effective inhibition strength. The experimental results show that, as compared to the state-of-the-art work, FSpiNN achieves 7.5x memory saving, and improves the energy-efficiency by 3.5x on average for training and by 1.8x on average for inference, across MNIST and Fashion MNIST datasets, with no accuracy loss for a network with 4900 excitatory neurons, thereby enabling energy-efficient SNNs for edge devices/embedded systems.Comment: To appear at the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (IEEE-TCAD), as part of the ESWEEK-TCAD Special Issue, September 202