132 research outputs found

    Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Image Quality Assessment Based on Predictive Coding Theory

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    Objective quality assessment of stereoscopic omnidirectional images is a challenging problem since it is influenced by multiple aspects such as projection deformation, field of view (FoV) range, binocular vision, visual comfort, etc. Existing studies show that classic 2D or 3D image quality assessment (IQA) metrics are not able to perform well for stereoscopic omnidirectional images. However, very few research works have focused on evaluating the perceptual visual quality of omnidirectional images, especially for stereoscopic omnidirectional images. In this paper, based on the predictive coding theory of the human vision system (HVS), we propose a stereoscopic omnidirectional image quality evaluator (SOIQE) to cope with the characteristics of 3D 360-degree images. Two modules are involved in SOIQE: predictive coding theory based binocular rivalry module and multi-view fusion module. In the binocular rivalry module, we introduce predictive coding theory to simulate the competition between high-level patterns and calculate the similarity and rivalry dominance to obtain the quality scores of viewport images. Moreover, we develop the multi-view fusion module to aggregate the quality scores of viewport images with the help of both content weight and location weight. The proposed SOIQE is a parametric model without necessary of regression learning, which ensures its interpretability and generalization performance. Experimental results on our published stereoscopic omnidirectional image quality assessment database (SOLID) demonstrate that our proposed SOIQE method outperforms state-of-the-art metrics. Furthermore, we also verify the effectiveness of each proposed module on both public stereoscopic image datasets and panoramic image datasets

    Stereoscopic image quality assessment method based on binocular combination saliency model

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    The objective quality assessment of stereoscopic images plays an important role in three-dimensional (3D) technologies. In this paper, we propose an effective method to evaluate the quality of stereoscopic images that are afflicted by symmetric distortions. The major technical contribution of this paper is that the binocular combination behaviours and human 3D visual saliency characteristics are both considered. In particular, a new 3D saliency map is developed, which not only greatly reduces the computational complexity by avoiding calculation of the depth information, but also assigns appropriate weights to the image contents. Experimental results indicate that the proposed metric not only significantly outperforms conventional 2D quality metrics, but also achieves higher performance than the existing 3D quality assessment models

    Quality assessment for virtual reality technology based on real scene

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    Virtual reality technology is a new display technology, which provides users with real viewing experience. As known, most of the virtual reality display through stereoscopic images. However, image quality will be influenced by the collection, storage and transmission process. If the stereoscopic image quality in the virtual reality technology is seriously damaged, the user will feel uncomfortable, and this can even cause healthy problems. In this paper, we establish a set of accurate and effective evaluations for the virtual reality. In the preprocessing, we segment the original reference and distorted image into binocular regions and monocular regions. Then, the Information-weighted SSIM (IW-SSIM) or Information-weighted PSNR (IW-PSNR) values over the monocular regions are applied to obtain the IW-score. At the same time, the Stereo-weighted-SSIM (SW-SSIM) or Stereo-weighted-PSNR (SW-PSNR) can be used to calculate the SW-score. Finally, we pool the stereoscopic images score by combing the IW-score and SW-score. Experiments show that our method is very consistent with human subjective judgment standard in the evaluation of virtual reality technology

    Full-reference stereoscopic video quality assessment using a motion sensitive HVS model

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    Stereoscopic video quality assessment has become a major research topic in recent years. Existing stereoscopic video quality metrics are predominantly based on stereoscopic image quality metrics extended to the time domain via for example temporal pooling. These approaches do not explicitly consider the motion sensitivity of the Human Visual System (HVS). To address this limitation, this paper introduces a novel HVS model inspired by physiological findings characterising the motion sensitive response of complex cells in the primary visual cortex (V1 area). The proposed HVS model generalises previous HVS models, which characterised the behaviour of simple and complex cells but ignored motion sensitivity, by estimating optical flow to measure scene velocity at different scales and orientations. The local motion characteristics (direction and amplitude) are used to modulate the output of complex cells. The model is applied to develop a new type of full-reference stereoscopic video quality metrics which uniquely combine non-motion sensitive and motion sensitive energy terms to mimic the response of the HVS. A tailored two-stage multi-variate stepwise regression algorithm is introduced to determine the optimal contribution of each energy term. The two proposed stereoscopic video quality metrics are evaluated on three stereoscopic video datasets. Results indicate that they achieve average correlations with subjective scores of 0.9257 (PLCC), 0.9338 and 0.9120 (SRCC), 0.8622 and 0.8306 (KRCC), and outperform previous stereoscopic video quality metrics including other recent HVS-based metrics
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