59,865 research outputs found

    Properties of Regions Forming the FeII Emission Lines in Be Stars

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    We study FeII and Balmer hydrogen emission lines observed simultaneously of 18 southern Be stars. We use the self-absorption-curve method (SAC) to determine the optical depth regime of FeII emission lines and to derive first insights on the physical properties of their forming regions.Comment: Societe Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, France (2005

    Εξορκισμοί και εξορκισταί

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    Les exorcismes dus a des raisons religieuses chez les Hebreux, ont donne naissance a une classe sociale, celle des exorcistes. Celle-ci avec Phabitude des exorcismes passa de la societe hebrai'que a la societe chretienne. Au cours de siecles suivants, une penetration reciproque s’est operee entre les exorcismes religieux et les exorcismes populaires, ces derniers n’etant que la continuation des incantations anciennes grecques

    On the Frequency of Field Galactic Be Stars

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    Since Be stars belong to the high velocity tail of a single B star velocity distribution, the appearance of the Be phenomenon must be independent of the stellar mass. In the present paper we show that the shape of the distribution of the number fraction N(Be)/N(Be+B) against the spectral type can be explained in terms of the Balmer line emission efficiency as a function of the effective temperature.Comment: Societe Francaise d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, France (2005