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    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology has attracted attention in wireless communications, since it provides signi cant increases in data throughput and the high spectral efficiency. MIMO systems employ multiple antennas at both ends of the wireless link, and hence can increase the data rate by transmitting multiple data streams. To exploit the potential gains o ered by MIMO, signal processing involved in a MIMO receiver requires a large computational complexity in order to achieve the optimal performance. In MIMO systems, it is usually required to detect signals jointly as multiple signals are transmitted through multiple signal paths between the transmitter and the receiver. This joint detection becomes the MIMO detection. The maximum likelihood (ML) detection (MLD) is known as the optimal detector in terms of minimizing bit error rate (BER). However, the complexity of MLD obstructs its practical implementation. The common linear detection such as zero-forcing (ZF) or minimum mean squared error (MMSE) o ers a remarkable complexity reduction with performance loss. The non-linear detection, e.g. the successive interference cancellation (SIC), detects each symbol sequentially withthe aid of cancellation operations which remove the interferences from the received signal. The BER performance is improved by using the SIC, but is still inferior to that of the ML detector with low complexity. Numerous suboptimal detection techniques have been proposed to approximately approach the ML performance with relatively lower complexity, such as sphere detection (SD) and QRM-MLD. To look for suboptimal detection algorithm with near optimal performance and a ordable complexity costs for MIMO gains faces a major challenge. Lattice-reduction (LR) is a promising technique to improve the performance of MIMO detection. The LR makes the column vectors of the channel state information (CSI) matrix close to mutually orthogonal. The following signal estimation of the transmitted signal applies the reduced lattice basis instead of the original lattice basis. The most popular LR algorithm is the well-known LLL algorithm, introduced by Lenstra, Lenstra, and Lov asz. Using this algorithm, the LR aided (LRA) detector achieves more reliable signal estimation and hence good BER performance. Combining the LLL algorithm with the conventional linear detection of ZF or MMSE can further improve the BER performance in MIMO systems, especially the LR-MMSE detection. The non-linear detection i.e. SIC based on LR (LR-SIC) is selected from many detection methods since it features the good BER performance. And ordering SIC based on LR (LR-OSIC) can further improve the BER performance with the costs of the implementation of the ordering but requires high computational complexity. In addition, list detection can also obtain much better performance but with a little high computational cost in terms of the list of candidates. However, the expected performance of the several detections isnot satis ed directly like the ML detector, in particular for the high modulation order or the large size MIMO system. This thesis presents our studies about lattice reduction aided detection and its application in MIMO system. Our studies focus on the evaluation of BER performance and the computational complexity. On the hand, we improve the detection algorithms to achieve the near-ML BER performance. On the other hand, we reduce the complexity of the useless computation, such as the exhaustive tree search. We mainly solve three problems existed in the conventional detection methods as - The MLD based on QR decomposition and M-algorithm (QRMMLD) is one solution to relatively reduce the complexity while retaining the ML performance. The number of M in the conventional QRM-MLD is de ned as the number of the survived branches in each detection layer of the tree search, which is a tradeo between complexity and performance. Furthermore, the value of M should be large enough to ensure that the correct symbols exist in the survived branches under the ill-conditioned channel, in particular for the large size MIMO system and the high modulation order. Hence the conventional QRM-MLD still has the problem of high complexity in the better-conditioned channel. - For the LRA MIMO detection, the detection errors are mainly generated from the channel noise and the quantization errors in the signal estimation stage. The quantization step applies the simple rounding operation, which often leads to the quantization error. If this error occurs in a row of the transmit signal, it has to propagate to many symbols in the subsequent signal estimation and result in degrading the BER performance. The conventional LRA MIMO detection has the quantization problem, which obtains less reliable signal estimation and leads to the BER performance loss. - Ordering the column vectors of the LR-reduced channel matrix brings large improvement on the BER performance of the LRSIC due to decreasing the error propagation. However, the improvement of the LR-OSIC is not su cient to approach the ML performance in the large size MIMO system, such as 8 8 MIMO system. Hence, the LR-OSIC detection cannot achieve the near-ML BER performance in the large size of MIMO system. The aim of our researches focuses on the detection algorithm, which provides near-ML BER performance with very low additional complexity. Therefore, we have produced various new results on low complexity MIMO detection with the ideas of lattice reduction aided detection and its application even for large size MIMO system and high modulation order. Our works are to solve the problems in the conventional MIMO detections and to improve the detection algorithms in the signal estimation. As for the future research, these detection schemes combined with the encoding technique lead to interesting and useful applications in the practical MIMO system or massive MIMO.電気通信大学201