117 research outputs found

    MIB for the UDP-Lite Protocol

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    Definitions of Managed Objects for APPN TRAPS

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    Uma MIB para aplicações Internet

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro TecnologicoEste trabalho trata do gerenciamento de aplicações cliente de rede da arquitetura de redes Internet. Para isso, é proposta uma extensão à MIB-II padrão da Arquitetura de Gerenciamento de Redes Internet. O objetivo desta nova MIB é oferecer informações que permitam monitorar e controlar aplicações de rede Internet em estações clientes de rede. Para a construção do módulo da MIB proposta, vários aspectos são discutidos, estabelecendo uma metodologia para o desenvolvimento de novas MIBs SNMP. Em seguida, esta metodologia é utilizada para especificar o módulo de MIB para o gerenciamento de aplicações Internet. Algumas alternativas para a implementação de um agente SNMP para esta nova MIB são discutidos. O módulo de MIB especificado passa por uma etapa de verificação, através da utilização de um compilador de MIBs. Por fim são apresentadas as possibilidades de utilização do novo agente em um ambiente de redes típico, além dos resultados obtidos no ambiente de testes

    Copyright Notice

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    IP MIB for IP Fast-Reroute draft-ietf-rtgwg-ipfrr-ip-mib-03 This draft defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects relevant for IP routes using IP Fast-Reroute [RFC5714

    Performance Analysis of SNMP in OLSRv2-routed MANETs

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    Mobile Ad Hoc NETworks (MANETs) are generally thought of as infrastructure-less and largely "un-managed", capable of accommodating highly dynamic network topologies. Yet, while the network may be un-managed, monitoring performance and setting configuration parameters post-deployment, remains important in order to ensure proper ''tuning'' and maintenance of a MANET. While SNMP is sometimes considered too ''heavy'' for MANETs -- a too chatty a protocol with too large protocol messages -- it remains the predominant management and monitoring protocol in the Internet, and many implementations exist. This \articleformat analyzes SNMP in an OLSRv2-routed MANET, with the purpose of investigating performance metrics, such as delivery ratio, delay, management overhead, collisions and performance monitoring accuracy. In order to address concerns both regarding SNMP being "heavy", as well as regarding the accuracy of performance reports obtained via SNMP polling in MANETs, where path delays can be highly variable, the utility of performance reporting proxies, i.e. the REPORT-MIB, is studied. The obtained results show that a significant benefit can be obtained by so deploying performance reporting proxies in an SNMP managed MANET. The investigations are supported by way of network simulations (NS2).Lorsquon parle de réseaux mobiles ad-hoc (MANETs), on pense généralement à des réseaux sans infrastructure et à des déploiements en réseaux largement non-gérés, pouvant s'adapter à des topologies de réseau très changeantes. Néanmoins, bien que l'infrastructure du réseau est de nature non-gérée, la surveillance des performances du réseau et le choix des paramètres de configuration une fois le réseau déployé demeurent primordiaux pour la maintenance et le réglage fin d'un réseau MANET. Alors que SNMP est parfois considéré trop "lourd" pour des MANETs, il demeure le protocole prédominant de management et monitorage d'Internet, et beaucoup implémentations du protocole existent. Ce rapport analyse SNMP dans des MANETs basés sur OLSRv2, avec l'intention de déterminer des métriques de performance, comme le taux de remise, délai, overhead et collisions dans le simulateur de réseaux NS2

    SMIng Objectives

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    RADIUS Accounting Server MIB

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