2 research outputs found

    SLIND+: stable LINk detection

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    Evolutionary behavior of Online Social Networks (OSNs) has not been well understood in many different aspects. Although there have been many developments around social applications like recommendation, prediction, detection and identification which take advantage of past observations of structural patterns, they lack the necessary representative power to adequately account for the sophistication contained within relationships between actors of a social network in real life. In this demo, we extend the innovative developments of SLIND [17] (Stable LINk Detection) to include a novel generative adversarial architecture and the Relational Turbulence Model (RTM) [15] using relational features extracted from real-time twitter streaming data. Test results show that SLIND + is capable of detecting relational turbulence profiles learned from prior feature evolutionary patterns in the social data stream. Representing turbulence profiles as a pivotal set of relational features improves detection accuracy and performance of well-known application approaches in this area of research

    SLIND: identifying stable links in online social networks

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    Link stability detection has been an important and long-standing problem in the link prediction domain. However, it is often easily overlooked as being trivial and has not been adequately dealt with in link prediction [1]. In this demo, we introduce an innovative link stability detection system, called SLIND (Stable LINk Detection), that adopts a Multi-Variate Vector Autoregression analysis (MVVA) approach using link dynamics to establish stability confidence scores of links within a clique of nodes in online social networks (OSN) to improve detection accuracy and the representation of stable links. SLIND is also able to determine stable links through the use of partial feature information and potentially scales well to much larger datasets with very little accuracy to performance trade-offs using random walk Monte-Carlo estimates