3 research outputs found

    Ban--Linial's Conjecture and treelike snarks

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    A bridgeless cubic graph GG is said to have a 2-bisection if there exists a 2-vertex-colouring of GG (not necessarily proper) such that: (i) the colour classes have the same cardinality, and (ii) the monochromatic components are either an isolated vertex or an edge. In 2016, Ban and Linial conjectured that every bridgeless cubic graph, apart from the well-known Petersen graph, admits a 2-bisection. In the same paper it was shown that every Class I bridgeless cubic graph admits such a bisection. The Class II bridgeless cubic graphs which are critical to many conjectures in graph theory are snarks, in particular, those with excessive index at least 5, that is, whose edge-set cannot be covered by four perfect matchings. Moreover, Esperet et al. state that a possible counterexample to Ban--Linial's Conjecture must have circular flow number at least 5. The same authors also state that although empirical evidence shows that several graphs obtained from the Petersen graph admit a 2-bisection, they can offer nothing in the direction of a general proof. Despite some sporadic computational results, until now, no general result about snarks having excessive index and circular flow number both at least 5 has been proven. In this work we show that treelike snarks, which are an infinite family of snarks heavily depending on the Petersen graph and with both their circular flow number and excessive index at least 5, admit a 2-bisection.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Disjoint odd circuits in a bridgeless cubic graph can be quelled by a single perfect matching

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    Let GG be a bridgeless cubic graph. The Berge-Fulkerson Conjecture (1970s) states that GG admits a list of six perfect matchings such that each edge of GG belongs to exactly two of these perfect matchings. If answered in the affirmative, two other recent conjectures would also be true: the Fan-Raspaud Conjecture (1994), which states that GG admits three perfect matchings such that every edge of GG belongs to at most two of them; and a conjecture by Mazzuoccolo (2013), which states that GG admits two perfect matchings whose deletion yields a bipartite subgraph of GG. It can be shown that given an arbitrary perfect matching of GG, it is not always possible to extend it to a list of three or six perfect matchings satisfying the statements of the Fan-Raspaud and the Berge-Fulkerson conjectures, respectively. In this paper, we show that given any 1+1^+-factor FF (a spanning subgraph of GG such that its vertices have degree at least 1) and an arbitrary edge ee of GG, there always exists a perfect matching MM of GG containing ee such that G(FM)G\setminus (F\cup M) is bipartite. Our result implies Mazzuoccolo's conjecture, but not only. It also implies that given any collection of disjoint odd circuits in GG, there exists a perfect matching of GG containing at least one edge of each circuit in this collection.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    An equivalent formulation of the Fan-Raspaud Conjecture and related problems

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    In 1994, it was conjectured by Fan and Raspaud that every simple bridgeless cubic graph has three perfect matchings whose intersection is empty. In this paper we answer a question recently proposed by Mkrtchyan and Vardanyan, by giving an equivalent formulation of the Fan-Raspaud Conjecture. We also study a possibly weaker conjecture originally proposed by the first author, which states that in every simple bridgeless cubic graph there exist two perfect matchings such that the complement of their union is a bipartite graph. Here, we show that this conjecture can be equivalently stated using a variant of Petersen-colourings, we prove it for graphs having oddness at most four and we give a natural extension to bridgeless cubic multigraphs and to certain cubic graphs having bridges.peer-reviewe