2 research outputs found

    Aspect-monitor: An Aspect-based Approach To Ws-contract Monitoring

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    Contract monitoring is carried out to ensure the Quality of Services (QoS) attributes and levels specified in an electronic contract throughout a business process enactment. This paper proposes an approach to improve QoS monitoring based on the aspect-oriented paradigm. Monitoring concerns are encapsulated into aspects to be executed when specific process points are reached. Differently from other approaches, the proposed solution requires no instrumentation, uses Web services standards, and provides an integrated infrastructure for dealing with contract establishment and monitoring. Moreover, a Business Process Management Execution Environment is designed to automatically support the interaction between customer, provider and monitor organizations.4 SAIC512(2010) BPMS from Active Endpoints, , http://www.activevos.com/, Retrieved October 12, 2006Benbernou, S., State of the art report, gap analysis of knowledge on principles, techniques and methodologies for monitoring and adaptation of SBAs (2008) Technical Report (Project Deliverable), , Université Claude Bernard Lyon, FranceBianculli, D., Ghezzi, C., Monitoring conversational web services (2007) IW-SOSWE'07, 2nd Int. Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering, , ACM PressBraem, M., Isolating process-level concerns using Padus (2006) BPM'06, 4th Int. Conf. on Business Process Management. SpringerCharfi, A., Mezini, M., Aspect-oriented web service composition with AO4BPEL (2004) ECOWS'04, European Conf. on Web Services. SpringerErl, T., (2008) Web SService Contract Design and Versioning for SOA, , Prentice HallFantinato, M., Toledo, M.B.F., Gimenes, I.M.S., WS-contract establishment with QoS: An approach based on feature modeling (2008) Int. Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 17 (3), pp. 373-407Fantinato, M., Gimenes, I.M.S., Toledo, M.B.F., Product Line in the Business Process Management Domain (2009) Applied Software Product Line Engineering, pp. 497-530. , Kang, K. C., Sugumaran, V. and Park, S. (Eds.), Boca Raton: AuerbachFilman, R., (2005) Aspect-Oriented Software Development, , Addison-WesleyGrefen, P.W.P.J., CrossFlow: Cross-organizational workflow management for service outsourcing in dynamic virtual enterprises (2001) IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 24 (1), pp. 52-57Keller, A., Ludwig, H., The WSLA framework: Specifying and monitoring service level agreements for Web services (2003) Journal of Network and Systems Management, 11 (1), pp. 57-81Kiczales, G., Aspect-oriented programming (1997) ECOOP'97, 11th European Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming. SpringerLudwig, H., Dan, A., Kearney, R., Cremona: An architecture and library for creation and monitoring of WS-Agreements (2004) ICSOC'04, 2nd Int. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing. SpringerMarjanovic, O., Milosevic, Z., Towards formal modeling of e-contracts (2001) EDOC'01, 5th Int. Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conf., , IEEE Computer SocietyMenascé, D.A., QoS issues in web services (2002) IEEE Internet Computing, 6 (6), pp. 72-75Napagao, S.A., Contract based electronic business systems state of the art (2007) Technical Report (Project Deliverable), , Univ. Politècnica de CatalunyaNarendra, N.C., Run-time adaptation of non-functional properties of composite web services using aspect-oriented programming (2007) ICSOC'07, 5th Int. Conf. on Service-Oriented Computing. SpringerBarreto, C., (2007) OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WSBPEL) TC, , http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/Primer/wsbpel-v2.0-Primer.pdf, Retrieved January 10, 2010Ortiz, G., Leymann, F., Combining WS-Policy and aspect-oriented programming (2006) AICT/ICIW'06, Advanced Int. Conf. on Telecommunications and Int. Conf. on Internet and Web Applications and Services, , IEEE Computer SocietyPapazoglou, M.P., Service-oriented computing: A research roadmap (2008) Int. Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 17 (2), pp. 223-225Sahai, A., Automated SLA monitoring for web services (2002) DSOM'02, 13th IFIP/IEEE Int. Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management. SpringerSingh, S., Grundy, J.C., Hosking, J.G., Developing.NET web service-based applications with aspect-oriented component engineering (2004) A WSA '04, 5th Australasian Workshop on Software and Systems ArchitecuresTomaz, R.F., Hmida, M.B., Monfort, V., Concrete solutions for web services adaptability using policies and aspects (2006) Int. Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 15 (3), pp. 415-438Weske, M., (2007) Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures, , Berlin: Springe

    Improving Qos Monitoring Based On The Aspect-orientated Paradigm

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    Contract monitoring is a complex activity which requires code instrumentation and many additional functions to be implemented both in the client and server sides. This paper proposes an approach to simplify QoS monitoring based on the aspect-orientated paradigm. The objective of this paradigm is to increase modularity by allowing the separated expression of cross-cutting concerns and the automatic reunification of them into a whole system. We consider that an e-contract consists of collaborative partners, a business process specified in AO4BPEL and QoS attributes defined with WS-Agreement. Monitoring concerns are encapsulated into aspects to be executed when specific process points are reached. Differently from other approaches, the proposed solution requires no instrumentation, uses Web services standards, and provides an integrated infrastructure for dealing with contract establishment and monitoring. Moreover, a Business Process Management Execution Environment is designed to automatically support the interaction between customer, provider and monitor organizations. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.73 LNBIP421435Inst. Syst. Technol. Inf., Control Commun. (INSTICC)Weske, M., (2007) Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures, , Springer, BerlinPapazoglou, M.P., Traverso, P., Dustdar, S., Leymann, F., Service-oriented computing: A research roadmap (2008) International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 17 (2), pp. 223-225Fantinato, M., Gimenes, I.M.S., Toledo, M.B.F., Product line in the business process management domain (2009) Applied Software Product Line Engineering, pp. 497-530. , Kang, K.C., Sugumaran, V., Park, S. (eds.). Boca Raton, AuerbachNapagao, S.A., (2007) Contract Based Electronic Business Systems State of the Art, , Technical Report (Project Deliverable), University Politècnica de CatalunyaFilman, R., Elrad, T., Clarke, S., Aksit, M., (2005) Aspect-Oriented Software Development, , Addison-Wesley, ReadingCharfi, A., Mezini, M., Aspect-oriented web service composition with AO4BPEL (2004) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 3250, pp. 168-182Braem, M., Verlaenen, K., Joncheere, N., Vanderperren, W., Van Der Straeten, R., Truyen, E., Joosen, W., Jonckers, V., Isolating process-level concerns using padus (2006) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4102, pp. 113-128. , Business Process Management - 4th International Conference, BPM 2006, ProceedingsErl, T., (2008) Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA, , Prentice-Hall, Englewood CliffsGrefen, P.W.P.J., Aberer, K., Ludwig, H., Hoffner, Y., CrossFlow: Cross-organizational workflow management for service outsourcing in dynamic virtual enterprises (2001) IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 24 (1), pp. 52-57Marjanovic, O., Milosevic, Z., Towards formal modeling of e-contracts (2001) 5th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, pp. 59-68. , IEEE Press, New YorkKeller, A., Ludwig, H., The WSLA framework: Specifying and monitoring service level agreements for web services (2003) Journal of Network and Systems Management, 11 (1), pp. 57-81Menascé, D.A., QoS issues in web services (2002) IEEE Internet Computing, 6 (6), pp. 72-75Sahai, A., Machiraju, V., Sayal, M., Moorsel, A.P.A., Casati, F., Automated SLA monitoring for web services (2002) DSOM 2002. LNCS, 2506, pp. 28-41. , Feridun, M., Kropf, P.G., Babin, G. (eds.). Springer, HeidelbergBarreto, C., OASIS web services business process execution language (WSBPEL) (2007) TC, , http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsbpel/2.0/Primer/wsbpel-v2.0-Primer.pdfBenbernou, S., (2008) State of the Art Report Gap Analysis of Knowledge on Principles Techniques and Methodologies for Monitoring and Adaptation of SBAs, , Technical Report (Project Deliverable) Université Claude Bernard Lyon FranceKiczales, G., Lamping, J., Mendhekar, A., Maeda, C., Lopes, C., Loingtier, J.-M., Irwin, J., Aspect-oriented programming (1997) Lecture Notes In Computer Science, (1241), pp. 220-242. , ECOOP'97 - Object-Oriented ProgrammingThe AspectJ Project, , http://www.eclipse.org/aspectjFantinato, M., Toledo, M.B.F., Gimenes, I.M.S., WS-contract establishment with QoS: An approach based on feature modeling (2008) International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 17 (3), pp. 373-407ActiveVOS - BPMS from Active Endpoints, , http://www.activevos.comLudwig, H., Dan, A., Kearney, R., Cremona: An architecture and library for creation and monitoring of WS-Agreements (2004) ICSOC '04: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, pp. 65-74. , ICSOC '04: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Service Oriented ComputingSingh, S., Grundy, J.C., Hosking, J.G., Developing .NET web service-based applications with aspect-oriented component engineering (2004) 5th Australasian Workshop on Software and Systems ArchitecuresTomaz, R.F., Ben Hmida, M., Monfort, V., Concrete solutions for web services adaptability using policies and aspects (2006) International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 15 (3), pp. 415-438. , DOI 10.1142/S0218843006001414, PII S0218843006001414Ortiz, G., Leymann, F., Combining WS-policy and aspect-oriented programming (2006) Proceedings of the Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications and International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, AICT/ICIW'06, 2006, p. 143. , DOI 10.1109/AICT-ICIW.2006.66, 1602276, Proceedings of the Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications andInternational Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, AICT/ICIW'06Narendra, N.C., Ponnalagu, K., Krishnamurthy, J., Ramkumar, R., Run-time adaptation of non-functional properties of composite web services using aspect-oriented programming (2007) ICSOC 2007. LNCS, 4749, pp. 546-557. , Krämer, B.J., Lin, K.-J., Narasimhan, P. (eds.). Springer, HeidelbergBianculli, D., Ghezzi, C., Monitoring conversational web services (2007) IW-SOSWE'07: 2nd International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering - In conjunction with the 6th ESEC/FSE Joint Meeting, pp. 15-21. , DOI 10.1145/1294928.1294933, IW-SOSWE'07: 2nd International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering - In conjunction with the 6th ESEC/FSE Joint Meetin