115 research outputs found


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    The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) has been implicated in response suppression. This function is frequently investigated with the antisaccade task, which requires suppression of the automatic tendency to look toward a flashed peripheral stimulus (prosaccade) and generation of a voluntary saccade to the mirror location. To test the functional relationship between DLPFC activity and antisaccade performance, we applied electrical microstimulation to the DLPFC of two monkeys while they performed randomly interleaved pro- and anti-saccade trials. Microstimulation increased the number of direction errors and slowed saccadic reaction times (SRTs) on antisaccade trials when the visual stimulus is presented on the side contralateral to the stimulated hemisphere. Also, we observed shorter SRTs for contralateral prosaccades and longer SRTs for ipsilateral prosaccades on microstimulation trials. These findings do not support a role for the DLPFC in response suppression, but suggest a more general role in attentional selection of the contralateral field

    Distributed representations of the "preparatory set" in the frontal oculomotor system: a TMS study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The generation of saccades is influenced by the level of "preparatory set activity" in cortical oculomotor areas. This preparatory activity can be examined using the gap-paradigm in which a temporal gap is introduced between the disappearance of a central fixation target and the appearance of an eccentric target.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Ten healthy subjects made horizontal pro- or antisaccades in response to lateralized cues after a gap period of 200 ms. Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), frontal eye field (FEF), or supplementary eye field (SEF) of the right hemisphere 100 or 200 ms after the disappearance of the fixation point. Saccade latencies were measured to probe the disruptive effect of TMS on saccade preparation. In six individuals, we gave realistic sham TMS during the gap period to mimic auditory and somatosensory stimulation without stimulating the cortex.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>TMS to DLPFC, FEF, or SEF increased the latencies of contraversive pro- and antisaccades. This TMS-induced delay of saccade initiation was particularly evident in conditions with a relatively high level of preparatory set activity: The increase in saccade latency was more pronounced at the end of the gap period and when participants prepared for prosaccades rather than antisaccades. Although the "lesion effect" of TMS was stronger with prefrontal TMS, TMS to FEF or SEF also interfered with the initiation of saccades. The delay in saccade onset induced by real TMS was not caused by non-specific effects because sham stimulation shortened the latencies of contra- and ipsiversive anti-saccades, presumably due to intersensory facilitation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results are compatible with the view that the "preparatory set" for contraversive saccades is represented in a distributed cortical network, including the contralateral DLPFC, FEF and SEF.</p

    Macaque anterior cingulate cortex deactivation impairs performance and alters lateral prefrontal oscillatory activities in a rule-switching task

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    © 2019 Ma et al. In primates, both the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) are key regions of the frontoparietal cognitive control network. To study the role of the dACC and its communication with the dlPFC in cognitive control, we recorded local field potentials (LFPs) from the dlPFC before and during the reversible deactivation of the dACC, in macaque monkeys engaging in uncued switches between 2 stimulus-response rules, namely prosaccade and antisaccade. Cryogenic dACC deactivation impaired response accuracy during maintenance of—but not the initial switching to—the cognitively demanding antisaccade rule, which coincided with a reduction in task-related theta activity and the correct-error (C-E) difference in dlPFC beta-band power. During both rule switching and maintenance, dACC deactivation prolonged the animals’ reaction time and reduced task-related alpha power in the dlPFC. Our findings support a role of the dACC in prefrontal oscillatory activities that are involved the maintenance of a new, challenging task rule

    Investigating the Primate Prefrontal Cortex Correlates of Cognitive Deficits In the Ketamine Model of Schizophrenia

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    The World Health Organization has classified schizophrenia as one of the five leading causes of disability worldwide. Afflicting almost 1% of the world’s population, the disease’s greatest impact stems from its reduction in patients’ cognitive faculties. In order to better study these impairments, a pharmacological model has been developed using the NMDA antagonist, ketamine. This disease model successfully recreates the cognitive dysfunction of schizophrenia, allowing researchers to search for associated electrophysiological changes. In this project I examined the behavioural and neurophysiological effects of ketamine on non-human primates performing the anti-saccade task. Success in this task requires a degree of cognitive control over behaviour and previous studies have described poor performance in both patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls administered ketamine. Our intracranial recordings are localized in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a region associated with many of the cognitive functions impaired in schizophrenia. The first study shows that neurons in the PFC exhibit selectivity for the task rule. This rule selectivity is lost after ketamine administration due to an indiscriminate increase in the neuronal firing rate. These changes were also associated with an increased error rate and longer reaction times. The second study shows that neurons in the PFC are also sensitive to the outcome of the trial, firing more for either correct or erroneous responses. Once again, selectivity is lost following ketamine administration and the neurons show increased, nonspecific activity. Lastly, we recorded the local field potential of the PFC and found changes in the oscillatory patterns during the anti-saccade task. Prior to ketamine there was a significantly stronger beta-band activity after correct trials compared to error trials, but this selective activity was lost due to an overall decrease in the outcome selective oscillatory events. These findings show that ketamine’s effect on the PFC is one of selectivity reduction. Patients with schizophrenia have been shown to require increased PFC activity but only reach moderate performance levels in cognitive challenges. It is possible that their brains suffer the same changes highlighted in this research. Although the signals are still present in their PFC, they are being lost amongst the noise

    Prefrontal Cortex Deactivation in Macaques Alters Activity in the Superior Colliculus and Impairs Voluntary Control of Saccades

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    The cognitive control of action requires both the suppression of automatic responses to sudden stimuli and the generation of behavior specified by abstract instructions. Though patient, functional imaging and neurophysiological studies have implicated the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) in these abilities, the mechanism by which the dlPFC exerts this control remains unknown. Here we examined the functional interaction of the dlPFC with the saccade circuitry by deactivating area 46 of the dlPFC and measuring its effects on the activity of single superior colliculus neurons in monkeys performing a cognitive saccade task. Deactivation of the dlPFC reduced preparatory activity and increased stimulus-related activity in these neurons. These changes in neural activity were accompanied by marked decreases in task performance as evidenced by longer reaction times and more task errors. The results suggest that the dlPFC participates in the cognitive control of gaze by suppressing stimulus-evoked automatic saccade programs

    Task-switching in oculomotor control: Systematic investigations of the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost

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    An antisaccade requires suppressing a stimulus-driven prosaccade (i.e., response suppression) and remapping a target’s spatial location to its mirror-symmetrical position (i.e., vector inversion). Notably, my previous work demonstrated that the successful execution of an antisaccade selectively lengthens the reaction time (RT) of a subsequently completed prosaccade (i.e., the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost; Weiler & Heath, 2012a; Weiler & Heath, 2012b). Thus, the objective of this dissertation was further investigate, and ultimately provide a mechanistic explanation for the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost. In Chapter Two, I demonstrate that the magnitude of the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost is not dependent of the number of previously executed antisaccades. Such a finding is noteworthy as it demonstrates that antisaccades do not engender additive inhibitory effects within the oculomotor system. In Chapter Three, I demonstrate that no-go catch-trials and antisaccades impart a comparable increase in RT for subsequently completed prosaccades. In accounting for this result, I propose that the top-down process of response suppression engenders a residual inhibition of the oculomotor networks that support prosaccade planning (i.e., the oculomotor inhibition hypothesis). Notably, however, the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost could also be attributed to a persistent activation of non-standard antisaccade task-rules (i.e., a task-set) and therefore produce a prosaccade switch-cost (i.e., task-set inertia hypothesis). The goal of the Chapter Four was to test the theoretical predictions of the aforementioned hypotheses. Notably, Chapter Four demonstrates that only antisaccade trial-types – but not prosaccades trials requiring response suppression – lengthen the RT of subsequent prosaccades. As a result I conclude that the oculomotor inhibition hypothesis cannot account for the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost. Instead I propose that the prosaccade switch-costa is due to a persistently active task-set adopted to complete the previous antisaccade response. In Chapter Five I demonstrate that alternating from an anti- to a prosaccade does not modulate the amplitude of the P3 event related brain potential. This is a notable finding as amplitude modulation of the P3 reflects task-set updating. These electrophysiological results are directly in line with my assertion that a persistently active antisaccade task-set provides the most parsimonious account for the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost

    Role of cholinergic receptors in prefrontal activity of nonhuman primates during an oculomotor rule-based working memory task

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    The ability to flexibly react to our dynamic environment is a cardinal component of cognition and our human identity. Millions across the globe are affected by disorders of cognition, affecting their ability to live independently. Prefrontal cortex is required for optimal cognitive functioning, but its circuitry is often disrupted in conditions of impaired cognition. In addition, the cholinergic system is vital to optimal executive function, but this is disrupted in a number of conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia. The actions of cholinergic receptors were explored in this project with local application of cholinergic compounds onto prefrontal neurons as rhesus monkeys performed a rule-based saccadic task that requires working memory maintenance. The antisaccade task is a useful probe of prefrontal cortex function that elicits errors in neuropsychiatric conditions. Some prefrontal neurons respond to different task aspects of the antisaccade task, e.g., discharging preferentially for one task rule over the other (pro- or antisaccades), and are thought to be involved in the circuitry for correct behavioural responses. Chapter 2 explored the effect of general stimulation of cholinergic receptors on rhesus PFC neuronal activity during antisaccade performance. In Chapter 3, newly developed cholinergic receptor subtype-specific compounds were utilized to examine the actions of muscarinic M1 receptor stimulation on prefrontal activity. Cortical oscillations are emerging as an important aspect of cognitive circuitry, such as during working memory maintenance. Chapter 4 examined the influence of local cholinergic receptor stimulation and blockade on the power of local field potential in different frequency bands. This project characterized the role of cholinergic receptors in prefrontal cortical neurons that were actively involved in cognitive circuitry. This and future work on the cholinergic influence on prefrontal cortex will provide insights into the altered cognitive functioning in Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia, which are also affected by disrupted cholinergic systems

    Control of Reflexive Saccades following Hemispherectomy

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    Individuals who have undergone hemispherectomy for treatment of intractable epilepsy offer a rare and valuable opportunity to examine the ability of a single cortical hemisphere to control oculomotor performance. We used peripheral auditory events to trigger saccades, thereby circumventing dense postsurgical hemianopia. In an antisaccade task, patients generated numerous unintended short-latency saccades toward contralesional auditory events, indicating pronounced limitations in the ability of a single hemicortex to exert normal inhibitory control over ipsilateral (i.e., contralesional) reflexive saccade generation. Despite reflexive errors, patients retained an ability to generate correct antisaccades in both directions. The prosaccade task revealed numerous contralesional express saccades, a robust contralesional gap effect, but the absence of both effects for ipsilesional saccades. These results indicate limits to the saccadic control capabilities following hemispherectomy: A single hemicortex can mediate antisaccades in both directions, but plasticity does not extend fully to the bilateral inhibition of reflexive saccades. We posit that these effects are due to altered control dynamics that reduce the responsivity of the superior colliculus on the intact side and facilitate the release of an auditory-evoked ocular grasp reflex into the blind hemifield that the intact hemicortex has difficulty suppressing

    The link between covert attention and saccade programming

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