3 research outputs found

    Clasificaci贸n borrosa basada en disimilitud para la valoraci贸n inicial de desastres

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    En la gesti贸n de desastres y emergencias, es crucial una valoraci贸n inicial correcta de las consecuencias de los fen贸menos adversos para permitir una toma de decisiones adecuada. Sin embargo, no se requiere que esta valoraci贸n inicial sea necesariamente totalmente precisa, por lo que su obtenci贸n puede asimilarse con un problema de clasificaci贸n borrosa en el que las clases presentan una estructura relevante, que emana de la sem谩ntica del contexto y de los requisitos del problema de decisi贸n. Este trabajo propone la consideraci贸n de un operador de disimilitud para la introducci贸n de esta estructura en los procesos de aprendizaje y razonamiento de un clasificador borroso, lo que redunda en una mejora de la adaptaci贸n del clasificador a las caracter铆sticas y los requisitos en t茅rminos de toma de decisiones del contexto de la gesti贸n de desastres

    Aproximaci贸n al Estado de Investigaci贸n en Log铆stica Humanitaria: Un enfoque Bibliom茅trico

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    El presente proyecto, pretende el desarrollo de un estudio bibliom茅trico que permita identificar las bases conceptuales y las contribuciones relevantes en una de las 谩reas emergentes de la log铆stica: La log铆stica humanitaria. El proyecto seleccionar谩 las principales publicaciones disponibles en Academic Search Complete, Emerald, Science Direct, y en las herramientas bibliogr谩ficas Scopus e ISI Web of Science con el acceso que ofrece la licencia de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, para posteriormente, aplicar los principios de la bibliometr铆a identificando las principales tendencias de investigaci贸n en el objeto de estudio seleccionado, utilizando indicadores y herramientas estad铆sticas descriptivas y mediciones de co-citaci贸n, detallando el contenido conceptual de cada art铆culo y estableciendo el estado de obsolescencia de la literatura disponible. Por 煤ltimo, la presente investigaci贸n realizar谩 una discusi贸n de los hallazgos de revisiones bibliogr谩ficas previas, frente a los resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo del presente estudio, de manera que se puedan identificar futuras l铆neas de investigaci贸n, orientadas hacia el desarrollo conceptual y soluci贸n de los retos que impone en la actualidad la log铆stica humanitariaAbstract : The aim of this project is to develop a bibliometrics study that will be able to identify the conceptual bases and main contribution in one of the emerging areas of research in logistics known as Humanitarian logistics. This research paper will select the main publications in the databases available: Academic Search Complete, Emerald and Science Direct and other bibliographic tools as Scopus and ISI web of Science, by using the available access for the members of the National University of Colombia. Then applying the bibliometric principles, in order to bring out the main research trends of Humanitarian Logistics, using indicators and descriptive statistics tools and co-citation measurements, detailing the conceptual content of each publication and establishing the obsolescence level of the available literature. Finally, this research will propose a discussion regarding the findings of previous bibliographic reviews, compared to the results of the present study, in that manner that might help identify future research lines. These lines should be directed to the conceptual development and solution of the challenges that nowadays the humanitarian logistics facesMaestr铆

    Rule-based classification by means of bipolar criteria

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    Classification problems often play an important role in many decision contexts. Therefore, the design of decision support tools to operate in such contexts usually involves the formulation of adequate classification models. Fuzzy rule-based classifiers FRBCS are excellent methodological tools for this purpose due to their interpretability and ability to deal with linguistic knowledge representations. Learning of these rules from data is an increasingly common practice in order to avoid complex knowledge engineering processes. This paper proposes the notions of minor and significant exceptions to a rule in order to extend the notion of counterexample and thus enhance the representational and modelling power of FRBCS. This allows to consider some classes as being dissimilar or opposite, and leads to the introduction of a bipolar approach in rule based learning for classification, as the evaluation of rules in terms of positive and negative evidence is enabled in this way. As a consequence, it is then possible to introduce significant features and requirements of the decision contexts in the underlying classification models in a flexible and practical way. In order to illustrate the usage of the proposed bipolar classification framework, an example of application in the context of humanitarian logistics decision making is described