33,121 research outputs found

    Excitation and emission spectra of rubidium in rare-gas thin-films

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    To understand the optical properties of atoms in solid state matrices, the absorption, excitation and emission spectra of rubidium doped thin-films of argon, krypton and xenon were investigated in detail. A two-dimensional spectral analysis extends earlier reports on the excitation and emission properties of rubidium in rare-gas hosts. We found that the doped crystals of krypton and xenon exhibit a simple absorption-emission relation, whereas rubidium in argon showed more complicated spectral structures. Our sample preparation employed in the present work yielded different results for the Ar crystal, but our peak positions were consistent with the prediction based on the linear extrapolation of Xe and Kr data. We also observed a bleaching behavior in rubidium excitation spectra, which suggests a population transfer from one to another spectral feature due to hole-burning. The observed optical response implies that rubidium in rare-gas thin-films is detectable with extremely high sensitivity, possibly down to a single atom level, in low concentration samples.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Sympathetic cooling in a mixture of diamagnetic and paramagnetic atoms

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    We have experimentally realized a hybrid trap for ultracold paramagnetic rubidium and diamagnetic ytterbium atoms by combining a bichromatic optical dipole trap for ytterbium with a Ioffe-Pritchard-type magnetic trap for rubidium. In this hybrid trap, sympathetic cooling of five different ytterbium isotopes through elastic collisions with rubidium was achieved. A strong dependence of the interspecies collisional cross section on the mass of the ytterbium isotope was observed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electromagnetically induced transparency and four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble with large optical depth

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    We report on the delay of optical pulses using electromagnetically induced transparency in an ensemble of cold atoms with an optical depth exceeding 500. To identify the regimes in which four-wave mixing impacts on EIT behaviour, we conduct the experiment in both rubidium 85 and rubidium 87. Comparison with theory shows excellent agreement in both isotopes. In rubidium 87, negligible four-wave mixing was observed and we obtained one pulse-width of delay with 50% efficiency. In rubidium 85, four-wave-mixing contributes to the output. In this regime we achieve a delay-bandwidth product of 3.7 at 50% efficiency, allowing temporally multimode delay, which we demonstrate by compressing two pulses into the memory medium.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Thermal Studies on Rubidium Dinitramide

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    The present study has been carried out to investigate conflicting reports in the literature on the nature of the thermal decomposition of the energetic oxidant rubidium dinitramide in the liquid state. The techniques employed included DSC, simultaneous TG-DTA, simultaneous TG-mass spectrometry and thermomicroscopy. The measurements were supplemented by quantitative chemical analysis of the reaction products. The results showed that, following fusion at 106 °C, the overall decomposition proceeded in a single exothermic reaction stage forming a mixture of rubidium nitrate and rubidium nitrite in the molar ratio 1.2 : 1

    Coherent Dark States of Rubidium 87 in a Buffer Gas using Pulsed Laser Light

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    The coherent dark resonance between the hyperfine levels F=1, m=0 and F=2, m=0 of the rubidium ground state has been observed experimentally with the light of a pulsed mode-locked diode laser operating at the D1 transition frequency. The resonance occurs whenever the pulse repetition frequency matches an integer fraction of the rubidium 87 ground state hyperfine splitting of 6.8 GHz. Spectra have been taken by varying the pulse repetition frequency. Using cells with argon as a buffer gas a linewidth as narrow as 149 Hz was obtained. The rubidium ground state decoherence cross section 1.1*10^(-18) cm^2 for collisions with xenon atoms has been measured for the first time with this method using a pure isotope rubidium vapor cell and xenon as a buffer gas.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figures, 1 misprint correcte

    Novel Rubidium Poly-Nitrogen Materials at High Pressure

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    First-principles crystal structure search is performed to predict novel rubidium poly-nitrogen materials at high pressure by varying the stoichiometry, i. e. relative quantities of the constituent rubidium and nitrogen atoms. Three compounds of high nitrogen content, RbN_{5}, RbN_{2}, and Rb_{4}N_{6}, are discovered. Rubidium pentazolate (RbN5) becomes thermodynamically stable at pressures above \unit[30]{GPa}. The charge transfer from Rb to N atoms enables aromaticity in cyclo-N_{^{_{5}}}^{-} while increasing the ionic bonding in the crystal. Rubidium pentazolate can be synthesized by compressing rubidium azide (RbN3) and nitrogen (N2) precursors above \unit[9.42]{GPa}, and its experimental discovery is aided by calculating the Raman spectrum and identifying the features attributed to N_{^{_{5}}}^{-} modes. The two other interesting compounds, RbN2 containing infinitely-long single-bonded nitrogen chains, and Rb_{4}N_{6} consisting of single-bonded N_{6} hexazine rings, become thermodynamically stable at pressures exceeding \unit[60]{GPa}. In addition to the compounds with high nitrogen content, Rb_{3}N_{3}, a new compound with 1:1 RbN stoichiometry containing bent N_{3} azides is found to exist at high pressures

    Lifetime Measurement of the 6s Level of Rubidium

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    We present a lifetime measurements of the 6s level of rubidium. We use a time-correlated single-photon counting technique on two different samples of rubidium atoms. A vapor cell with variable rubidium density and a sample of atoms confined and cooled in a magneto-optical trap. The 5P_{1/2} level serves as the resonant intermediate step for the two step excitation to the 6s level. We detect the decay of the 6s level through the cascade fluorescence of the 5P_{3/2} level at 780 nm. The two samples have different systematic effects, but we obtain consistent results that averaged give a lifetime of 45.57 +- 0.17 ns.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Laser Cooling of Dense Rubidium-Noble Gas Mixtures via Collisional Redistribution of Radiation

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    We describe experiments on the laser cooling of both helium-rubidium and argon-rubidium gas mixtures by collisional redistribution of radiation. Frequent alkali-noble gas collisions in the ultradense gas, with typically 200\,bar of noble buffer gas pressure, shift a highly red detuned optical beam into resonance with a rubidium D-line transition, while spontaneous decay occurs close to the unshifted atomic resonance frequency. The technique allows for the laser cooling of macroscopic ensembles of gas atoms. The use of helium as a buffer gas leads to smaller temperature changes within the gas volume due to the high thermal conductivity of this buffer gas, as compared to the heavier argon noble gas, while the heat transfer within the cell is improved.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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