37,539 research outputs found

    Source-specific routing

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    Source-specific routing (not to be confused with source routing) is a routing technique where routing decisions depend on both the source and the destination address of a packet. Source-specific routing solves some difficult problems related to multihoming, notably in edge networks, and is therefore a useful addition to the multihoming toolbox. In this paper, we describe the semantics of source-specific packet forwarding, and describe the design and implementation of a source-specific extension to the Babel routing protocol as well as its implementation - to our knowledge, the first complete implementation of a source-specific dynamic routing protocol, including a disambiguation algorithm that makes our implementation work over widely available networking APIs. We further discuss interoperability between ordinary next-hop and source-specific dynamic routing protocols. Our implementation has seen a moderate amount of deployment, notably as a testbed for the IETF Homenet working group

    Joint Routing and STDMA-based Scheduling to Minimize Delays in Grid Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In this report, we study the issue of delay optimization and energy efficiency in grid wireless sensor networks (WSNs). We focus on STDMA (Spatial Reuse TDMA)) scheduling, where a predefined cycle is repeated, and where each node has fixed transmission opportunities during specific slots (defined by colors). We assume a STDMA algorithm that takes advantage of the regularity of grid topology to also provide a spatially periodic coloring ("tiling" of the same color pattern). In this setting, the key challenges are: 1) minimizing the average routing delay by ordering the slots in the cycle 2) being energy efficient. Our work follows two directions: first, the baseline performance is evaluated when nothing specific is done and the colors are randomly ordered in the STDMA cycle. Then, we propose a solution, ORCHID that deliberately constructs an efficient STDMA schedule. It proceeds in two steps. In the first step, ORCHID starts form a colored grid and builds a hierarchical routing based on these colors. In the second step, ORCHID builds a color ordering, by considering jointly both routing and scheduling so as to ensure that any node will reach a sink in a single STDMA cycle. We study the performance of these solutions by means of simulations and modeling. Results show the excellent performance of ORCHID in terms of delays and energy compared to a shortest path routing that uses the delay as a heuristic. We also present the adaptation of ORCHID to general networks under the SINR interference model

    A General Class of Throughput Optimal Routing Policies in Multi-hop Wireless Networks

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    This paper considers the problem of throughput optimal routing/scheduling in a multi-hop constrained queueing network with random connectivity whose special case includes opportunistic multi-hop wireless networks and input-queued switch fabrics. The main challenge in the design of throughput optimal routing policies is closely related to identifying appropriate and universal Lyapunov functions with negative expected drift. The few well-known throughput optimal policies in the literature are constructed using simple quadratic or exponential Lyapunov functions of the queue backlogs and as such they seek to balance the queue backlogs across network independent of the topology. By considering a class of continuous, differentiable, and piece-wise quadratic Lyapunov functions, this paper provides a large class of throughput optimal routing policies. The proposed class of Lyapunov functions allow for the routing policy to control the traffic along short paths for a large portion of state-space while ensuring a negative expected drift. This structure enables the design of a large class of routing policies. In particular, and in addition to recovering the throughput optimality of the well known backpressure routing policy, an opportunistic routing policy with congestion diversity is proved to be throughput optimal.Comment: 31 pages (one column), 8 figures, (revision submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

    The Bernardi process and torsor structures on spanning trees

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    Let G be a ribbon graph, i.e., a connected finite graph G together with a cyclic ordering of the edges around each vertex. By adapting a construction due to O. Bernardi, we associate to any pair (v,e) consisting of a vertex v and an edge e adjacent to v a bijection between spanning trees of G and elements of the set Pic^g(G) of degree g divisor classes on G, where g is the genus of G. Using the natural action of the Picard group Pic^0(G) on Pic^g(G), we show that the Bernardi bijection gives rise to a simply transitive action \beta_v of Pic^0(G) on the set of spanning trees which does not depend on the choice of e. A plane graph has a natural ribbon structure (coming from the counterclockwise orientation of the plane), and in this case we show that \beta_v is independent of v as well. Thus for plane graphs, the set of spanning trees is naturally a torsor for the Picard group. Conversely, we show that if \beta_v is independent of v then G together with its ribbon structure is planar. We also show that the natural action of Pic^0(G) on spanning trees of a plane graph is compatible with planar duality. These findings are formally quite similar to results of Holroyd et al. and Chan-Church-Grochow, who used rotor-routing to construct an action r_v of Pic^0(G) on the spanning trees of a ribbon graph G, which they show is independent of v if and only if G is planar. It is therefore natural to ask how the two constructions are related. We prove that \beta_v = r_v for all vertices v of G when G is a planar ribbon graph, i.e. the two torsor structures (Bernardi and rotor-routing) on the set of spanning trees coincide. In particular, it follows that the rotor-routing torsor is compatible with planar duality. We conjecture that for every non-planar ribbon graph G, there exists a vertex v with \beta_v \neq r_v.Comment: 25 pages. v2: numerous revisions based on referee comments. v3: substantial additional revisions; final version to appear in IMR

    Lower Bounds in the Preprocessing and Query Phases of Routing Algorithms

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    In the last decade, there has been a substantial amount of research in finding routing algorithms designed specifically to run on real-world graphs. In 2010, Abraham et al. showed upper bounds on the query time in terms of a graph's highway dimension and diameter for the current fastest routing algorithms, including contraction hierarchies, transit node routing, and hub labeling. In this paper, we show corresponding lower bounds for the same three algorithms. We also show how to improve a result by Milosavljevic which lower bounds the number of shortcuts added in the preprocessing stage for contraction hierarchies. We relax the assumption of an optimal contraction order (which is NP-hard to compute), allowing the result to be applicable to real-world instances. Finally, we give a proof that optimal preprocessing for hub labeling is NP-hard. Hardness of optimal preprocessing is known for most routing algorithms, and was suspected to be true for hub labeling