16 research outputs found

    Proactive Multi-Copy Routing Protocol For Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Network

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    A vehicular network topology is very dynamic compared to traditional mobile ad hoc network because of the movement and speed of the vehicles. Thus, a vehicular network is always partitioned due to this reason, especially if the vehicle density is low. In this situation where a direct end-to-end path between source and destination can be considered as non-existent, a regular ad hoc routing protocol with complete path discovery mechanism is not feasible since the routing path is usually disconnected due to the intermittent nature of network links. To overcome this problem, vehicles can be used as carriers to deliver messages using store-and-carry forwarding whenever forwarding option via wireless transmission is not available. It has been ascertained by the majority of researches in VANET that the carry and forward procedure can significantly affect an end-to-end delivery delay. This paper focuses on developing a proactive multi-copy routing protocol with carry and forward mechanism that is able to deliver packets from a source vehicle to a destination vehicle at a small delivery delay. The paper emphases on replicating data packets and distribute them to different relays. The proposed protocol creates enough diversity to reach the destination vehicle with a small end-to-end delivery delay while keeping low routing overhead by routing multiple copies independently. The simulation results in an urban grid model show that the proposed multi-copy forwarding protocol is able to deliver packets at small delivery delay compared to a single-copy forwarding algorithm without having to rely on real time traffic data or flooding mechanism

    VANET: Performance Comparison of BNGF Method in Different Vehicular Traffic Scenarios

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    A Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a wireless ad hoc network that is formed between vehicles on an on demand basis. A lot of research work around the world is being conducted to design the routing protocols for VANETs. In this paper, we examine the significance Greedy Forwarding with Border Node based approach for VANETs to optimize path length between vehicles in different traffic scenarios. This protocol is called Border Node Greedy Forwarding (BNGF) since it uses border nodes with Greedy Forwarding. We categorize BNGF as BNGF-H for highway and BNGF-C for city traffic scenarios. We have simulated this protocol using NS-2 simulator and calculated the performance in terms of end-to-end delay and packet delivery ratio. We compare both the methods for highway and city traffic scenarios. The result clearly show that the end-to-end delay for BNGF-C is significantly lower and packet delivery ratio is higher than BNGF-H

    Proactive Multi-Copy Routing Protocol For Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Network

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    A vehicular network topology is very dynamic compared to traditional mobile ad hoc network because of the movement and speed of the vehicles. Thus, a vehicular network is always partitioned due to this reason, especially if the vehicle density is low. In this situation where a direct end-to-end path between source and destination can be considered as non-existent, a regular ad hoc routing protocol with complete path discovery mechanism is not feasible since the routing path is usually disconnected due to the intermittent nature of network links. To overcome this problem, vehicles can be used as carriers to deliver messages using store-and-carry forwarding whenever forwarding option via wireless transmission is not available. It has been ascertained by the majority of researches in VANET that the carry and forward procedure can significantly affect an end-to-end delivery delay. This paper focuses on developing a proactive multi-copy routing protocol with carry and forward mechanism that is able to deliver packets from a source vehicle to a destination vehicle at a small delivery delay. The paper emphases on replicating data packets and distribute them to different relays. The proposed protocol creates enough diversity to reach the destination vehicle with a small end-to-end delivery delay while keeping low routing overhead by routing multiple copies independently. The simulation results in an urban grid model show that the proposed multi-copy forwarding protocol is able to deliver packets at small delivery delay compared to a single-copy forwarding algorithm without having to rely on real time traffic data or flooding mechanis

    Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANETs): A Review

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    ABSTRACT: A Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network or VANET is a sub form of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network or MANET that provides communication between vehicles and between vehicles and road-side base stations with an aim of providing efficient and safe transportation. A vehicle in VANET is considered to be an intelligent mobile node capable of communicating with its neighbours and other vehicles in the network. VANET introduces more challenges aspects as compare to MANET because of high mobility of nodes and fast topology changes in VANET. Various routing protocols have been designed and presented by researchers after considering the major challenges involved in VANETs This paper provides a survey of routing protocols for VANET . It covers application areas, challenges and security issues prevailing in VANETs

    Towards Intelligent Caching and Retrieval Mechanisms for Upcoming Proposals on Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks

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    Vehicular delay-tolerant networks (VDTNs) are opportunistic networks that enable connectivity in challenged scenarios with unstable links where end-to-end communications may not exist. VDTN architecture handles non-real timeapplications using vehicles to relay messages between network nodes. To address the problem of intermittent connectivity, network nodes store messages on their buffers, carrying them through the network while waiting for transfer opportunities. The storage capacity of the nodes affects directly the network performance. Therefore, it is important to incorporate suitable network protocols using self-contained messages to improve communication that supports store-carry-and-forward operation procedures. Clearly, such procedures motivate content cachingand retrieval. This paper surveys the state-of-the art on intelligent caching and retrieval mechanisms focusing on ad-hoc and delay tolerant networks (DTN). These approaches can offer important insights for upcoming proposals on intelligent caching and retrieval mechanisms for VDTNs

    Routing management for DTN networks in VANET

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    Routing protocols in VANET are considered as one of the critical dilemmas that need to be tackled, especially in sparse environment. Thus designing an efficient routing mechanism has an impact on enhancing the network performance in terms of disseminating messages to their desired destinations. This paper proposes a novel routing protocol in VANET for sparse environment called Vehicle Second Heading Direction Routing Protocol (VSHDRP), which is designed to leverage the probability of delivering a data packet to its destination and to increase connectivity and route stability by utilizing the knowledge of the Second Heading Direction (SHD) in the process of selecting the next-hop node. This new routing protocol contains two modes; the highway straight mode and the roundabout\intersection mode. Moreover, the two modes of VSHDRP protocol are formalized in the Calculus of Context-aware Ambients (CCA) and simulated using the CCA interpreter ccaPL in order to analyse and validate the behaviour of the protocol

    Towards a network management solution for vehicular delay-tolerant networks

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    Vehicular networks appeared as a new communication solution where vehicles act as a communication infrastructure, providing data communications through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) or vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks (VDTNs) are a new disruptive network architecture assuming delay tolerant networking paradigm where there are no end-to-end connectivity. In this case the incial node transmits the data to a closed node, the data will be carried by vehicles, hop to hop until the destination. This dissertation focuses on a proposal of a network management solution, based standard protocol Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to VDTN networks. The developed solution allows control a VDTN netowork through a Network Management System (NMS) with the objective to detect and, if it’s possible, anticipate, possible errors on network. The research methodology used was the prototyping. So, it was built a network management module to the laboratorial prototype, called VDTN@Lab. The system built include a MIB (Management Information Base) placed in all vehicular network nodes. The solution was built, demonstrated, validated and evaluated their performance, being ready for use.As redes veiculares foram desenhadas para permitir que os veículos possam transportar dados criando assim um novo tipo de redes, caracterizando-se por dois tipos de comunicação: comunicações veículo-para-veículo (V2V) ou comunicações veículo-parainfra-estrutura (V2I). Redes veiculares intermitentes (do Inglês Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Networks - VDTNs) surgiram como uma nova arquitectura de rede de dados onde os veículos são utilizados como infra-estruturas de comunicação. As VDTNs caracterizam-se por serem redes veiculares baseadas no paradigma de comunicações intermitentes. Nas redes VDTN não existe uma ligação permanente extremo a extremo entre o emissor e o receptor. Neste caso, o nó inicial transmite os dados para um nó que esteja junto dele e assim sucessivamente, os dados vão sendo transportados pelos veículos, salto a salto até ao destinatário final. Esta dissertação centra-se na proposta de uma solução de gestão de rede, baseada no protocolo estandardizado Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) para redes VDTN. A solução construída permite controlar uma rede VDTN através de um sistema de gestão de rede (do Inglês Network Management System - NMS) com o objectivo de detectar e, se possível antecipar, possíveis erros na rede. A metodologia de investigação utilizada foi a prototipagem. Assim, foi construído um módulo de gestão de redes para o protótipo laboratorial, chamado VDTN@Lab. O sistema construído inclui uma MIB (Management Information Base) que é colocada em todos os nós de uma rede veicular, tanto fixos como móveis. A solução foi construída, demonstrada, validade e avaliado o seu desempenho, estando assim pronta para ser utilizada

    Vehicular ad hoc networking based on the incorporation of geographical information in the IPv6 header

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    Several approaches can be identified in the domain of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) networking and non-IP geographical networking can each fulfill a subset of the application requirements. In general, a combination of both techniques is proposed to meet all of the application requirements. In this case, packets of one VANET routing protocol are encapsulated inside packets of another. This tunneling, together with the position service required for non-IP geographical unicasting, makes such a combined solution rather complex, and hence more challenging to implement, debug, and maintain. In this article, a new VANET approach is presented that relies on the key assumptions that geo-anycast functionality is not required by the applications, and that geographic unicasting is not needed when IP-based unicasting is provided. This enables the adoption of an IPv6-only VANET solution, removing the need for tunneling and position services. New techniques are required to support IPv6-based geo-broadcasting. In this article, it is described how addresses should be assigned, how geographical data can be incorporated in the IPv6 address, how the other IPv6 header fields can be used to contain additional VANET information, and how routing should be handled to guarantee that no modifications are required to the application units. The implementation of the proposed techniques is described, and the correct functionality of the solutions is experimentally demonstrated. Finally, to prove the added value compared to current state-of-the-art propositions, the presented solution is stacked up against the recently released ETSI standards TS 102 636-4-1 (geographical addressing and forwarding) and TS 102 636-6-1 (transmission of IPv6 packets over GeoNetworking protocols)