8 research outputs found

    Design of Programmable Filterless Optical Networks

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    We present the main operating principles and guidelines for the design of programmable filterless networks

    Autonomous Security Management in Optical Networks

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    The paper describes the Optical Security Manager module and focuses on the role of Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Issues related to the accuracy, run-time complexity and interpretability of ML outputs are described and coping strategies outlined

    Autonomous Security Management in Optical Networks

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    The paper describes the Optical Security Manager module and focuses on the role of Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Issues related to the accuracy, run-time complexity and interpretability of ML outputs are described and coping strategies outlined

    Programmable filterless network architecture based on optical white boxes

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    We propose and evaluate a novel architecture enabling high-capacity, resource efficient and agile elastic optical networks. It is based on sliceable bandwidth-variable transponders and optical white box switches which route optical signals without filtering them. Instead of using active filtering components, each node is equipped with an optical white box based on a programmable optical switch that serves as an optical backplane. It provides interconnections between input/output ports and passive splitters and couplers. Due to signal broadcast and the absence of filtering (so-called drop-and-waste transmission), some of the signals appear on unintended links which can lead to an overhead in spectrum usage. To address this issue, we formulate the problem of signal routing, modulation format and spectrum assignment in programmable filterless networks based on optical white boxes as an integer linear program (ILP) with the objective to minimize the total spectrum usage. Simulation results indicate that our proposed solution obtains a beneficial tradeoff between component usage and spectrum consumption, using a drastically lower number of active switching elements than the conventional networks based on hard-wired reconfigurable add/drop multiplexers, and lowering the maximum used frequency slot by up to 48% compared to existing passive filterless networks

    Exploiting optical signal analysis for autonomous communications

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    (English) Optical communications have been extensively investigated and enhanced in the last decades. Nowadays, they are responsible to transport all the data traffic generated around the world, from access to the core network segments. As the data traffic is increasing and changing in both type and patterns, the optical communications networks and systems need to readapt and continuous advances to face the future data traffic demands in an efficient and cost-effective way. This PhD thesis focuses on investigate and analyze the optical signals in order to extract useful knowledge from them to support the autonomous lightpath operation, as well as to lightpath characterization. The first objective of this PhD thesis is to investigate the optical transmission feasibility of optical signals based on high-order modulation formats (MF) and high symbol rates (SR) in hybrid filterless, filtered and flexible optical networks. It is expected a higher physical layer impairments impact on these kinds of optical signals that can lead to degradation of the quality of transmission. In particular, the impact of the optical filter narrowing arising from the node cascade is evaluated. The obtained simulation results for the required optical-signal-to-noise ratio in a cascade up to 10 optical nodes foresee the applicability of these kinds of optical signals in such scenarios. By using high-order MF and high SR, the number of the optical transponders cab be reduced, as well as the spectral efficiency is enhanced. The second objective focuses on MF and SR identification at the optical receiver side to support the autonomous lightpath operation. Nowadays, optical transmitters can generate several optical signal configurations in terms of MF and SR. To increase the autonomous operation of the optical receiver, it is desired it can autonomously recognize the MF and SR of the incoming optical signals. In this PhD thesis, we propose an accurate and low complex MF and SR identification algorithm based on optical signal analysis and minimum Euclidean distance to the expected points when the received signals are decoded with several available MF and SR. The extensive simulation results show remarkable accuracy under several realistic lightpath scenarios, based on different fiber types, including linear and nonlinear noise interference, as well as in single and multicarrier optical systems. The final objective of this PhD thesis is the deployment of a machine learning-based digital twin for optical constellations analysis and modeling. An optical signal along its lightpath in the optical network is impaired by several effects. These effects can be linear, e.g., the noise coming from the optical amplification, or nonlinear ones, e.g., the Kerr effects from the fiber propagation. The optical constellations are a good source of information regarding these effects, both linear and nonlinear. Thus, by an accurate and deep analysis of the received optical signals, visualized in optical constellations, we can extract useful information from them to better understand the several impacts along the crossed lightpath. Furthermore, by learning the different impacts from different optical network elements on the optical signal, we can accurately model it in order to create a partial digital twin of the optical physical layer. The proposed digital twin shows accurate results in modeled lightpaths including both linear and nonlinear interference noise, in several lightpaths configuration, i.e., based on different kind of optical links, optical powers and optical fiber parameters. In addition, the proposed digital twin can be useful to predict quality of transmission metrics, such as bit error rate, in typical lightpath scenarios, as well as to detect possible misconfigurations in optical network elements by cooperation with the software-defined networking controller and monitoring and data analytics agents.(Espa帽ol) Las comunicaciones 贸pticas han sido ampliamente investigadas y mejoradas en las 煤ltimas d茅cadas. En la actualidad, son las encargadas de transportar la mayor铆a del tr谩fico de datos que se genera en todo el mundo, desde el acceso hasta los segmentos de la red troncal. A medida que el tr谩fico de datos aumenta y cambia tanto en tipo como en patrones, las redes y los sistemas de comunicaciones 贸pticas necesitan readaptarse y avanzar continuamente para, de una manera eficiente y rentable, hacer frente a las futuras demandas de tr谩fico de datos. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en investigar y analizar las se帽ales 贸pticas con el fin de extraer de ellas conocimiento 煤til para apoyar el funcionamiento aut贸nomo de las conexiones 贸pticas, as铆 como para su caracterizaci贸n. El primer objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es investigar la viabilidad de transmisi贸n de se帽ales 贸pticas basadas en formatos de modulaci贸n de alto orden y altas tasas de s铆mbolos en redes 贸pticas h铆bridas con y sin filtros. Se espera un mayor impacto de las degradaciones de la capa f铆sica en este tipo de se帽ales 贸pticas que pueden conducir a la degradaci贸n de la calidad de transmisi贸n. En particular, se eval煤a el impacto de la reducci贸n del ancho de banda del filtro 贸ptico que surge tras atravesar una cascada de nodos. Los resultados de simulaci贸n obtenidos para la relaci贸n se帽al 贸ptica/ruido requerida en una cascada de hasta 10 nodos 贸pticos prev茅n la aplicabilidad de este tipo de se帽ales 贸pticas en tales escenarios. Mediante el uso de modulaci贸n de alto orden y altas tasas de s铆mbolos, se reduce el n煤mero de transpondedores 贸pticos y se mejora la eficiencia espectral. El segundo objetivo se centra en la identificaci贸n de formatos de modulaci贸n y tasas de s铆mbolos en el lado del receptor 贸ptico para respaldar la operaci贸n aut贸noma de la conexi贸n 贸ptica. Para aumentar el funcionamiento aut贸nomo del receptor 贸ptico, se desea que pueda reconocer de forma aut贸noma la configuraci贸n de las se帽ales 贸pticas entrantes. En esta tesis doctoral, proponemos un algoritmo de identificaci贸n de formatos de modulaci贸n y tasas de s铆mbolos preciso y de baja complejidad basado en el an谩lisis de se帽ales 贸pticas cuando las se帽ales recibidas se decodifican con varios formatos de modulaci贸n y tasas de s铆mbolos disponibles. Los extensos resultados de la simulaci贸n muestran una precisi贸n notable en varios escenarios realistas, basados en diferentes tipos de fibra, incluida la interferencia de ruido lineal y no lineal, as铆 como en sistemas 贸pticos de portadora 煤nica y m煤ltiple. El objetivo final de esta tesis doctoral es el despliegue de un gemelo digital basado en aprendizaje autom谩tico para el an谩lisis y modelado de constelaciones 贸pticas. Una se帽al 贸ptica a lo largo de su trayectoria en la red 贸ptica se ve afectada por varios efectos, pueden ser lineales o no lineales. Las constelaciones 贸pticas son una buena fuente de informaci贸n sobre estos efectos, tanto lineales como no lineales. Por lo tanto, mediante un an谩lisis preciso y profundo de las se帽ales 贸pticas recibidas, visualizadas en constelaciones 贸pticas, podemos extraer informaci贸n 煤til de ellas para comprender mejor los diversos impactos a lo largo del camino propagado. Adem谩s, al aprender los diferentes impactos de los diferentes elementos de la red 贸ptica en la se帽al 贸ptica, podemos modelarla con precisi贸n para crear un gemelo digital parcial de la camada f铆sica 贸ptica. El gemelo digital propuesto muestra resultados precisos en conexiones que incluyen ruido de interferencia tanto lineal como no lineal, en varias configuraciones basados en diferentes tipos de enlaces 贸pticos, potencias 贸pticas y par谩metros de fibra 贸ptica. Adem谩s, el gemelo digital propuesto puede ser 煤til para predecir la calidad de las m茅tricas de transmisi贸n as铆 como para detectar posibles errores de configuraci贸n en los elementos de la red 贸ptica mediante la cooperaci贸n con el controlador de red, el monitoreo y agentes de an谩lisis de datosPostprint (published version

    Conception et analyse des r茅seaux sans filtre pour applications sous-marines

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    Les commutateurs s茅lectifs en longueurs d鈥檕nde (WSS) ne peuvent pas encore 锚tre d茅ploy茅s dans les unit茅s de branchement (BU) immerg茅es des liaisons sous-marines, ce qui limite la flexibilit茅 des r茅seaux optiques sous-marins. 脌 cet 茅gard, l'architecture de r茅seau optique sans filtre, qui est bas茅e sur des n艙uds 茅quip茅s de transpondeurs coh茅rents et de diviseurs optiques passifs et qui a d茅j脿 茅t茅 propos茅e pour des applications terrestres, peut 锚tre consid茅r茅e comme une solution prometteuse pour les applications sous-marines. Dans ce m茅moire, des solutions architecturales sans filtre sont propos茅es et 茅valu茅es pour trois topologies physiques de r茅seau optique sous-marin. Les solutions sont compar茅es 脿 des solutions conventionnelles 脿 WSS en termes de co没ts, de consommation de longueur d鈥檕nde et de spectre. Il est aussi d茅montr茅 que l'architecture sans filtre peut apporter d'importantes 茅conomies pour les 茅quipements de terminal et la consommation de spectre, par rapport 脿 un r茅seau conventionnel, en offrant la possibilit茅 de r茅assigner dynamiquement les transpondeurs et le spectre entre les diff茅rentes connexions optiques d鈥檜n r茅seau sous-marin longue distance