14 research outputs found

    Round-efficient Oblivious Database Manipulation

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    Most of the multi-party computation frameworks can be viewed as oblivious databases where data is stored and processed in a secret-shared form. However, data manipulation in such databases can be slow and cumbersome without dedicated protocols for certain database operations. In this paper, we provide efficient protocols for oblivious selection, filtering and shuffle---essential tools in privacy-preserving data analysis. As the first contribution, we present a 11-out-of-nn oblivious transfer protocol with O(loglogn)O(\log\log n) rounds, which achieves optimal communication and time complexity and works over any ring ZNZ_N. Secondly, we show that the round complexity τbd\tau_{bd} of a bit decomposition protocol can be almost matched with oblivious transfer, and that there exists an oblivious transfer protocol with O(τbdlogn)O(\tau_{bd}\log^*n) rounds. Finally, we also show how to construct round-efficient shuffle protocols with optimal asymptotic computation complexity and provide several optimizations

    Efficient Cloud-based Secret Shuffling via Homomorphic Encryption

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    When working with joint collections of confidential data from multiple sources, e.g., in cloud-based multi-party computation scenarios, the ownership relation between data providers and their inputs itself is confidential information. Protecting data providers' privacy desires a function for secretly shuffling the data collection. We present the first efficient secure multi-party computation protocol for secret shuffling in scenarios with a central server. Based on a novel approach to random index distribution, our solution enables the randomization of the order of a sequence of encrypted data such that no observer can map between elements of the original sequence and the shuffled sequence with probability better than guessing. It allows for shuffling data encrypted under an additively homomorphic cryptosystem with constant round complexity and linear computational complexity. Being a general-purpose protocol, it is of relevance for a variety of practical use cases

    Oblivious Radix Sort: An Efficient Sorting Algorithm for Practical Secure Multi-party Computation

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    We propose a simple and efficient sorting algorithm for secure multi-party computation (MPC). The algorithm is designed to be efficient when the number of parties and the size of the underlying field are small. For a constant number of parties and a field with a constant size, the algorithm has O(\gm\log\gm) communication complexity, which is asymptotically the same as the best previous algorithm but achieves O(1)O(1) round complexity, where \gm is the number of items. The algorithm is constructed with the help of a new technique called ``shuffle-and-reveal.\u27\u27 This technique can be seen as an analogue of the frequently used technique of ``add random number and reveal.\u27\u27 The feasibility of our algorithm is demonstrated by an implementation on an MPC scheme based on Shamir\u27s secret-sharing scheme with three parties and corruption tolerance of 11. Our implementation sorts 1 million 32-bit word secret-shared values in 197 seconds

    Actively Private and Correct MPC Scheme in t<n/2t < n/2 from Passively Secure Schemes with Small Overhead

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    Recently, several efforts to implement and use an unconditionally secure multi-party computation (MPC) scheme have been put into practice. These implementations are {\em passively} secure MPC schemes in which an adversary must follow the MPC schemes. Although passively secure MPC schemes are efficient, passive security has the strong restriction concerning the behavior of the adversary. We investigate how secure we can construct MPC schemes while maintaining comparable efficiency with the passive case, and propose a construction of an {\em actively} secure MPC scheme from passively secure ones. Our construction is secure in the t<n/2t < n/2 setting, which is the same as the passively secure one. Our construction operates not only the theoretical minimal set for computing arbitrary circuits, that is, addition and multiplication, but also high-level operations such as shuffling and sorting. We do not use the broadcast channel in the construction. Therefore, privacy and correctness are achieved but {\em robustness} is absent; if the adversary cheats, a protocol may not be finished but anyone can detect the cheat (and may stop the protocol) without leaking secret information. Instead of this, our construction requires O((cBn+n2)κ)O((c_B n + n^2)\kappa) communication that is comparable to one of the best known passively secure MPC schemes, O((cMn+n2)logn)O((c_M n + n^2)\log n), where κ\kappa denote the security parameter, cBc_B denotes the sum of multiplication gates and high-level operations, and cMc_M denotes the number of multiplication gates. Furthermore, we implemented our construction and confirmed that its efficiency is comparable to the current astest passively secure implementation

    Secure Multi-Party Shuffling

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    In secure multi-party shuffling, multiple parties, each holding an input, want to agree on a random permutation of their inputs while keeping the permutation secret. This problem is important as a primitive in many privacy-preserving applications such as anonymous communication, location-based services, and electronic voting. Known techniques for solving this problem suffer from poor scalability, load-balancing issues, trusted party assumptions, and/or weak security guarantees. In this paper, we propose an unconditionally-secure protocol for multi-party shuffling that scales well with the number of parties and is load-balanced. In particular, we require each party to send only a polylogarithmic number of bits and perform a polylogarithmic number of operations while incurring only a logarithmic round complexity. We show security under universal composability against up to about n/3 fully-malicious parties. We also provide simulation results showing that our protocol improves significantly over previous work. For example, for one million parties, when compared to the state of the art, our protocol reduces the communication and computation costs by at least three orders of magnitude and slightly decreases the number of communication rounds

    GigaDORAM: Breaking the Billion Address Barrier

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    We design and implement GigaDORAM, a novel 3-server Distributed Oblivious Random Access Memory (DORAM) protocol. Oblivious RAM allows a client to read and write to memory on an untrusted server while ensuring the server itself learns nothing about the client\u27s access pattern. Distributed Oblivious RAM (DORAM) allows a group of servers to efficiently access a secret-shared array at a secret-shared index. A recent generation of DORAM implementations (e.g. FLORAM, DuORAM) has focused on building DORAM protocols based on Function Secret-Sharing (FSS). These protocols have low communication complexity and low round complexity but linear computational complexity of the servers. Thus, they work for moderate-size databases, but at a certain size, these FSS-based protocols become computationally inefficient. In this work, we introduce GigaDORAM, a hierarchical-solution-based DORAM featuring poly-logarithmic computation and communication, but with an over 100×100\times reduction in rounds per query compared to previous hierarchical DORAM protocols. In our implementation, we show that for moderate to large databases where FSS-based solutions become computation-bound, our protocol is orders of magnitude more efficient than the best existing DORAM protocols. When N=231N = 2^{31}, our DORAM is able to perform over 700 queries per second

    An Efficient Secure Three-Party Sorting Protocol with an Honest Majority

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    We present a novel three-party sorting protocol secure against passive adversaries in the honest majority setting. The protocol can be easily combined with other secure protocols which work on shared data, and thus enable different data analysis tasks, such as data deduplication, set intersection, and computing percentiles. The new sorting protocol is based on radix sort. It is asymptotically better compared to previous sorting protocols since it does not need to shuffle the entire length of the items after each comparison step. We further improve the concrete efficiency by using not only optimizations but also novel protocols, which are independent of interest. We implemented our sorting protocol with those optimizations and protocols. Our experiments show that our implementation is concretely fast. For example, sorting one million 2020-bit items takes 4.6 seconds in 1G connection. It enables a new set of applications on large-scale datasets since the known implementations handle thousands of items about 10 seconds

    Distributing any Elliptic Curve Based Protocol

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    We show how to perform a full-threshold nn-party actively secure MPC protocol over a subgroup of order pp of an elliptic curve group E(K)E(K). This is done by utilizing a full-threshold nn-party actively secure MPC protocol over Fp\mathbb{F}_p in the pre-processing model (such as SPDZ), and then locally mapping the Beaver triples from this protocol into equivalent triples for the elliptic curve. This allows us to transform essentially any one-party protocol over an elliptic curve, into an nn-party one. As an example we show how to transform the shuffle protocol of Abe into an nn-party protocol. This application requires us to also give an MPC protocol to derive the switches in a Waksman network from a generic permutation, which may be of independent interest