44,694 research outputs found

    Flooding attacks to internet threat monitors (ITM): Modeling and counter measures using botnet and honeypots

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    The Internet Threat Monitoring (ITM),is a globally scoped Internet monitoring system whose goal is to measure, detect, characterize, and track threats such as distribute denial of service(DDoS) attacks and worms. To block the monitoring system in the internet the attackers are targeted the ITM system. In this paper we address flooding attack against ITM system in which the attacker attempt to exhaust the network and ITM's resources, such as network bandwidth, computing power, or operating system data structures by sending the malicious traffic. We propose an information-theoretic frame work that models the flooding attacks using Botnet on ITM. Based on this model we generalize the flooding attacks and propose an effective attack detection using Honeypots

    Low-Resolution Fault Localization Using Phasor Measurement Units with Community Detection

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    A significant portion of the literature on fault localization assumes (more or less explicitly) that there are sufficient reliable measurements to guarantee that the system is observable. While several heuristics exist to break the observability barrier, they mostly rely on recognizing spatio-temporal patterns, without giving insights on how the performance are tied with the system features and the sensor deployment. In this paper, we try to fill this gap and investigate the limitations and performance limits of fault localization using Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), in the low measurements regime, i.e., when the system is unobservable with the measurements available. Our main contribution is to show how one can leverage the scarce measurements to localize different type of distribution line faults (three-phase, single-phase to ground, ...) at the level of sub-graph, rather than with the resolution of a line. We show that the resolution we obtain is strongly tied with the graph clustering notion in network science.Comment: Accepted in IEEE SmartGridComm 2018 Conferenc

    A New Vehicle Localization Scheme Based on Combined Optical Camera Communication and Photogrammetry

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    The demand for autonomous vehicles is increasing gradually owing to their enormous potential benefits. However, several challenges, such as vehicle localization, are involved in the development of autonomous vehicles. A simple and secure algorithm for vehicle positioning is proposed herein without massively modifying the existing transportation infrastructure. For vehicle localization, vehicles on the road are classified into two categories: host vehicles (HVs) are the ones used to estimate other vehicles' positions and forwarding vehicles (FVs) are the ones that move in front of the HVs. The FV transmits modulated data from the tail (or back) light, and the camera of the HV receives that signal using optical camera communication (OCC). In addition, the streetlight (SL) data are considered to ensure the position accuracy of the HV. Determining the HV position minimizes the relative position variation between the HV and FV. Using photogrammetry, the distance between FV or SL and the camera of the HV is calculated by measuring the occupied image area on the image sensor. Comparing the change in distance between HV and SLs with the change in distance between HV and FV, the positions of FVs are determined. The performance of the proposed technique is analyzed, and the results indicate a significant improvement in performance. The experimental distance measurement validated the feasibility of the proposed scheme

    LIS: Localization based on an intelligent distributed fuzzy system applied to a WSN

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    The localization of the sensor nodes is a fundamental problem in wireless sensor networks. There are a lot of different kinds of solutions in the literature. Some of them use external devices like GPS, while others use special hardware or implicit parameters in wireless communications. In applications like wildlife localization in a natural environment, where the power available and the weight are big restrictions, the use of hungry energy devices like GPS or hardware that add extra weight like mobile directional antenna is not a good solution. Due to these reasons it would be better to use the localization’s implicit characteristics in communications, such as connectivity, number of hops or RSSI. The measurement related to these parameters are currently integrated in most radio devices. These measurement techniques are based on the beacons’ transmissions between the devices. In the current study, a novel tracking distributed method, called LIS, for localization of the sensor nodes using moving devices in a network of static nodes, which have no additional hardware requirements is proposed. The position is obtained with the combination of two algorithms; one based on a local node using a fuzzy system to obtain a partial solution and the other based on a centralized method which merges all the partial solutions. The centralized algorithm is based on the calculation of the centroid of the partial solutions. Advantages of using fuzzy system versus the classical Centroid Localization (CL) algorithm without fuzzy preprocessing are compared with an ad hoc simulator made for testing localization algorithms. With this simulator, it is demonstrated that the proposed method obtains less localization errors and better accuracy than the centroid algorithm.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-0247