8 research outputs found

    Rook placements and Jordan forms of upper-triangular nilpotent matrices

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    The set of n by n upper-triangular nilpotent matrices with entries in a finite field F_q has Jordan canonical forms indexed by partitions lambda of n. We present a combinatorial formula for computing the number F_\lambda(q) of matrices of Jordan type lambda as a weighted sum over standard Young tableaux. We also study a connection between these matrices and non-attacking rook placements, which leads to a refinement of the formula for F_\lambda(q).Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    q-Rook placements and Jordan forms of upper-triangular nilpotent matrices

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    The set of nn by nn upper-triangular nilpotent matrices with entries in a finite field FqF_q has Jordan canonical forms indexed by partitions λ⊢nλ \vdash n. We study a connection between these matrices and non-attacking q-rook placements, which leads to a combinatorial formula for the numberFλ(q) F_λ (q) of matrices of fixed Jordan type as a weighted sum over rook placements

    q-Rook placements and Jordan forms of upper-triangular nilpotent matrices

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    Abstract. The set of n by n upper-triangular nilpotent matrices with entries in a finite field Fq has Jordan canonical forms indexed by partitions λ ⊢ n. We study a connection between these matrices and non-attacking q-rook placements, which leads to a combinatorial formula for the number Fλ(q) of matrices of fixed Jordan type as a weighted sum over rook placements. Résumé. L’ensemble des matrices triangulaires supérieures nilpotentes d’ordre n sur un corps fini Fq a des formes canoniques de Jordan indexées par les partitions λ ⊢ n. Nous étudions une connexion entre ces matrices et les placements de tours, et nous présentons une formule combinatoire pour le nombre Fλ(q) des matrices comme une somme sur les placements de tours

    q-Rook placements and Jordan forms of upper-triangular nilpotent matrices

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    The set of nn by nn upper-triangular nilpotent matrices with entries in a finite field FqF_q has Jordan canonical forms indexed by partitions λ⊢nλ \vdash n. We study a connection between these matrices and non-attacking q-rook placements, which leads to a combinatorial formula for the numberFλ(q) F_λ (q) of matrices of fixed Jordan type as a weighted sum over rook placements

    Fast Computation of the NN-th Term of a qq-Holonomic Sequence and Applications

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    33 pages. Long version of the conference paper Computing the NN-th term of a qq-holonomic sequence. Proceedings ISSAC'20, pp. 46–53, ACM Press, 2020 (https://hal.inria.fr/hal-02882885)International audienceIn 1977, Strassen invented a famous baby-step/giant-step algorithm that computes the factorial N!N! in arithmetic complexity quasi-linear in N\sqrt{N}. In 1988, the Chudnovsky brothers generalized Strassen’s algorithm to the computation of the NN-th term of any holonomic sequence in essentially the same arithmetic complexity. We design qq-analogues of these algorithms. We first extend Strassen’s algorithm to the computation of the qq-factorial of NN, then Chudnovskys' algorithm to the computation of the NN-th term of any qq-holonomic sequence. Both algorithms work in arithmetic complexity quasi-linear in N\sqrt{N}; surprisingly, they are simpler than their analogues in the holonomic case. We provide a detailed cost analysis, in both arithmetic and bit complexity models. Moreover, we describe various algorithmic consequences, including the acceleration of polynomial and rational solving of linear qq-differential equations, and the fast evaluation of large classes of polynomials, including a family recently considered by Nogneng and Schost

    q-Whittaker functions, finite fields, and Jordan forms

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    The qq-Whittaker function Wλ(x;q)W_\lambda(\mathbf{x};q) associated to a partition λ\lambda is a qq-analogue of the Schur function sλ(x)s_\lambda(\mathbf{x}), and is defined as the t=0t=0 specialization of the Macdonald polynomial Pλ(x;q,t)P_\lambda(\mathbf{x};q,t). We show combinatorially how to expand Wλ(x;q)W_\lambda(\mathbf{x};q) in terms of partial flags compatible with a nilpotent endomorphism over the finite field of size 1/q1/q. This yields an expression analogous to a well-known formula for the Hall-Littlewood functions. We show that considering pairs of partial flags and taking Jordan forms leads to a probabilistic bijection between nonnegative-integer matrices and pairs of semistandard tableaux of the same shape, proving the Cauchy identity for qq-Whittaker functions. We call our probabilistic bijection the qq-Burge correspondence, and prove that in the limit as q→0q\to 0, we recover a description of the classical Burge correspondence (also known as column RSK) due to Rosso (2012). A key step in the proof is the enumeration of an arbitrary double coset of GLn\text{GL}_n modulo two parabolic subgroups, which we find to be of independent interest. As an application, we use the qq-Burge correspondence to count isomorphism classes of certain modules over the preprojective algebra of a type AA quiver (i.e. a path), refined according to their socle filtrations. This develops a connection between the combinatorics of symmetric functions and the representation theory of preprojective algebras.Comment: 69 pages. v2: Added Remark 5.1