44 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Transactive Memory Systems and Software Development Agility

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    This study intends to relate three first-order dimensions of TMS, specialization, coordination, and credibility, directly to response extensiveness and response efficiency

    The Effects of Agile Methodology Use on Knowledge Management Outcomes

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    In this research, we examine how the use of different agile practices contributes tosuccessful knowledge management. We review the literature on agile methodologies andidentify agile practices that are particularly relevant to knowledge management--i.e., pairprogramming, collective ownership, and coding standards

    DevOps: Walking the Shadowy Bridge from Development Success to Information Systems Success

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    In recent years enterprises have observed that a holistic approach to agile information systems development and a closer integration of information systems development with information systems operations is essential to maximize the probability of success, leading to the emerging DevOps phenomenon. While past research delivers insights about success criteria in information systems development as well as information systems operations, conceptual inclusion of DevOps is missing. We propose a multi-staged qualitative research design including literature review and multiple-case study to explore and identify origins of critical success criteria used to measure success by the two major IT-related enterprises functions IT development and IT operations. Based on that, we aim to contribute a “DevOps model”, from a success criteria perspective, and reconcile information systems development with the Information Systems Success Model. In addition, our research significantly fosters understanding of the DevOps phenomenon and identifies paths for future research

    Empowering Leadership, Transactive Memory Systems and Agility in Software Development Teams: A Theoretical Framework

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    Empowering leadership is crucial in modern software development. However, there is a lack of studies on how empowering leadership affects agility in software development. To fill this gap, we investigate the role of empowering leadership in agility in software development through the lens of transactive memory systems (TMS) theory. In this conceptual paper, we propose a theoretical framework in which TMS plays a mediating role between empowering leadership and agility. This framework advances our understanding of the value of empowering leadership practices in developing TMS, which in turn helps software development teams achieve agility. The proposed leadership practices and their categories also provide guidelines for effectively exercising empowering leadership

    Is Communication the Key to Success? Investigating the Impact of Agile Practices on Information Systems Development Projects

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    In recent years, agile methodologies for information systems development (ISD) have increasingly attracted the attention of the research community. Agile ISD methodologies are considered an effective way for managing ISD projects in environments characterized by rapidly changing requirements. Although the body of knowledge on agile ISD is constantly growing, we still lack a detailed understanding of the fundamental processes underpinning agile ISD methodologies. In this paper, we investigate how agile practices affect the team communication processes in order to extend our knowledge on the theoretical underpinnings of agile ISD projects. This is achieved by developing a preliminary research model that is based on a solid theoretical foundation. As a theoretical framework, we employ the unified model of ISD success and extend it with context-specific insights from the cognitive-affective model of organizational communication and media naturalness theory. In consequence, we suggest several propositions for future testing

    Agility in the balance: Control, autonomy, and ambidexterity in agile software development

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    Agile methodologies for information systems development (ISD) are still drawing the attention of the research community. These methodologies promise to increase an ISD team’s adaptiveness in such a way that ISD teams are able to respond and react to changing user requirements.Existing studies on team autonomy in agile ISD, however, implythat these projects potentially can benefit from different elements of control.Our objective is to improve the understanding of how to enact control throughagilepractices, and how these practices influenceteam autonomy and task performance in successful agile ISD projectsin terms of project performance and project quality. This is achieved by developing a preliminary research model that is based on a solid theoretical foundation. As a theoretical framework, we employ ISD ambidexterityand extend it with context-specific insights from controltheory. In consequence, we suggest several propositions for future testing

    Journey Towards Agility – A Retro- and Prospective Review

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    After more than 15 years since the Agile Manifesto and extensive research on agile software development (ASD) for nearly three decades, a comprehensive body of knowledge is available and is constantly growing. ASD is considered an effective way for managing software development projects in environments characterized by rapidly changing requirements. This study aims to shed light on the existing knowledge on ASD by applying a structured literature review and computer aided analysis consisting of distinct text mining techniques. We analyzed a sample of 1,376 papers and provide results from articles among relevant information systems research as well as computer science conferences and journals. Based on our approach, we are able to (1) evaluate key articles and journals, (2) analyze the development of ASD research in the last three decades and, most importantly, (3) identify research foci of the past as well as gaps in our knowledge on ASD

    The Impact of Modes, Styles, and Congruence of Control on Agile Teams: Insights from a Multiple Case Study

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    Agile software development (ASD) strongly relies on social interaction and teamwork. Team processes and agile practices adopted by team members play an important part for the outcome of software development projects. Agile practices promise teams to be able to respond to change by granting them autonomy. Existing studies, however, imply that these projects can benefit from different elements of control. Our objective is to improve our understanding of how to enact control in agile teams and how these control mechanisms influence team autonomy and team performance. In this paper, we present our findings from four case studies conducted within two insurance companies and two software development firms. We found that it is not a question of ‘what’ controls should be exercised, but rather ‘how’ controls are implemented in practice. Our results prompt to the need for further studies on control mechanisms in ASD

    Do As You Want Or Do As You Are Told? Control vs. Autonomy in Agile Software Development Teams

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    Agile Software Development (ASD) projects still draw the attention of the research community. Agile methodologies promise to increase an ASD team’s agility in such a way, that these teams are able to respond and react to changing user requirements. Existing studies on flexibility and autonomy in ASD projects, however, imply that these projects potentially can benefit from different elements of control. Our objective is to improve the understanding of how to enact control through agile practices, and how these practices affect either formal or informal control in ASD teams. Based on an extensive literature review, our study (1) provides an overview of adequate control-enacting agile practices and (2) compares the results with our empirical findings, derived from qualitative data

    Improving Software Development Efficiency – How Diversity and Collective Intelligence Shape Agile Team Efficiency

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    Information system development is largely dependent on social interaction and team work. Team composition, team processes, and behavior among, and agile practices used by team members play an important role for the success of information system development projects. Organizational psychology research found team diversity and collective intelligence to be important factors for team performance. In this research-in-progress paper, we propose a model and research design to investigate the effects of team diversity, collective intelligence, interpersonal relationships, and cognitive styles on team efficiency in agile software development. The proposed model combines recent research in the field of organizational psychology with agile information system research to provide a better understanding of the effects of team diversity, collective intelligence, and team efficiency