20,403 research outputs found

    Supervisor Localization of Discrete-Event Systems based on State Tree Structures

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    Recently we developed supervisor localization, a top-down approach to distributed control of discrete-event systems in the Ramadge-Wonham supervisory control framework. Its essence is the decomposition of monolithic (global) control action into local control strategies for the individual agents. In this paper, we establish a counterpart supervisor localization theory in the framework of State Tree Structures, known to be efficient for control design of very large systems. In the new framework, we introduce the new concepts of local state tracker, local control function, and state-based local-global control equivalence. As before, we prove that the collective localized control behavior is identical to the monolithic optimal (i.e. maximally permissive) and nonblocking controlled behavior. In addition, we propose a new and more efficient localization algorithm which exploits BDD computation. Finally we demonstrate our localization approach on a model for a complex semiconductor manufacturing system

    Attack-Resilient Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems

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    In this work, we study the problem of supervisory control of discrete-event systems (DES) in the presence of attacks that tamper with inputs and outputs of the plant. We consider a very general system setup as we focus on both deterministic and nondeterministic plants that we model as finite state transducers (FSTs); this also covers the conventional approach to modeling DES as deterministic finite automata. Furthermore, we cover a wide class of attacks that can nondeterministically add, remove, or rewrite a sensing and/or actuation word to any word from predefined regular languages, and show how such attacks can be modeled by nondeterministic FSTs; we also present how the use of FSTs facilitates modeling realistic (and very complex) attacks, as well as provides the foundation for design of attack-resilient supervisory controllers. Specifically, we first consider the supervisory control problem for deterministic plants with attacks (i) only on their sensors, (ii) only on their actuators, and (iii) both on their sensors and actuators. For each case, we develop new conditions for controllability in the presence of attacks, as well as synthesizing algorithms to obtain FST-based description of such attack-resilient supervisors. A derived resilient controller provides a set of all safe control words that can keep the plant work desirably even in the presence of corrupted observation and/or if the control words are subjected to actuation attacks. Then, we extend the controllability theorems and the supervisor synthesizing algorithms to nondeterministic plants that satisfy a nonblocking condition. Finally, we illustrate applicability of our methodology on several examples and numerical case-studies

    Supervisory Control for Behavior Composition

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    We relate behavior composition, a synthesis task studied in AI, to supervisory control theory from the discrete event systems field. In particular, we show that realizing (i.e., implementing) a target behavior module (e.g., a house surveillance system) by suitably coordinating a collection of available behaviors (e.g., automatic blinds, doors, lights, cameras, etc.) amounts to imposing a supervisor onto a special discrete event system. Such a link allows us to leverage on the solid foundations and extensive work on discrete event systems, including borrowing tools and ideas from that field. As evidence of that we show how simple it is to introduce preferences in the mapped framework

    Distributed Supervisory Control of Discrete-Event Systems with Communication Delay

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    This paper identifies a property of delay-robustness in distributed supervisory control of discrete-event systems (DES) with communication delays. In previous work a distributed supervisory control problem has been investigated on the assumption that inter-agent communications take place with negligible delay. From an applications viewpoint it is desirable to relax this constraint and identify communicating distributed controllers which are delay-robust, namely logically equivalent to their delay-free counterparts. For this we introduce inter-agent channels modeled as 2-state automata, compute the overall system behavior, and present an effective computational test for delay-robustness. From the test it typically results that the given delay-free distributed control is delay-robust with respect to certain communicated events, but not for all, thus distinguishing events which are not delay-critical from those that are. The approach is illustrated by a workcell model with three communicating agents

    Small cities face greater impact from automation

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    The city has proven to be the most successful form of human agglomeration and provides wide employment opportunities for its dwellers. As advances in robotics and artificial intelligence revive concerns about the impact of automation on jobs, a question looms: How will automation affect employment in cities? Here, we provide a comparative picture of the impact of automation across U.S. urban areas. Small cities will undertake greater adjustments, such as worker displacement and job content substitutions. We demonstrate that large cities exhibit increased occupational and skill specialization due to increased abundance of managerial and technical professions. These occupations are not easily automatable, and, thus, reduce the potential impact of automation in large cities. Our results pass several robustness checks including potential errors in the estimation of occupational automation and sub-sampling of occupations. Our study provides the first empirical law connecting two societal forces: urban agglomeration and automation's impact on employment

    Safe Environmental Envelopes of Discrete Systems

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    A safety verification task involves verifying a system against a desired safety property under certain assumptions about the environment. However, these environmental assumptions may occasionally be violated due to modeling errors or faults. Ideally, the system guarantees its critical properties even under some of these violations, i.e., the system is \emph{robust} against environmental deviations. This paper proposes a notion of \emph{robustness} as an explicit, first-class property of a transition system that captures how robust it is against possible \emph{deviations} in the environment. We modeled deviations as a set of \emph{transitions} that may be added to the original environment. Our robustness notion then describes the safety envelope of this system, i.e., it captures all sets of extra environment transitions for which the system still guarantees a desired property. We show that being able to explicitly reason about robustness enables new types of system analysis and design tasks beyond the common verification problem stated above. We demonstrate the application of our framework on case studies involving a radiation therapy interface, an electronic voting machine, a fare collection protocol, and a medical pump device.Comment: Full version of CAV23 pape