4,538 research outputs found

    Against all odds? Forming the planet of the HD196885 binary

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    HD196885Ab is the most "extreme" planet-in-a-binary discovered to date, whose orbit places it at the limit for orbital stability. The presence of a planet in such a highly perturbed region poses a clear challenge to planet-formation scenarios. We investigate this issue by focusing on the planet-formation stage that is arguably the most sensitive to binary perturbations: the mutual accretion of kilometre-sized planetesimals. To this effect we numerically estimate the impact velocities dvdv amongst a population of circumprimary planetesimals. We find that most of the circumprimary disc is strongly hostile to planetesimal accretion, especially the region around 2.6AU (the planet's location) where binary perturbations induce planetesimal-shattering dvdv of more than 1km/s. Possible solutions to the paradox of having a planet in such accretion-hostile regions are 1) that initial planetesimals were very big, at least 250km, 2) that the binary had an initial orbit at least twice the present one, and was later compacted due to early stellar encounters, 3) that planetesimals did not grow by mutual impacts but by sweeping of dust (the "snowball" growth mode identified by Xie et al., 2010b), or 4) that HD196885Ab was formed not by core-accretion but by the concurent disc instability mechanism. All of these 4 scenarios remain however highly conjectural.Comment: accepted for publication by Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (Special issue on EXOPLANETS

    Robust Padé approximation via SVD

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    Padé approximation is considered from the point of view of robust methods of numerical linear algebra, in particular the singular value decomposition. This leads to an algorithm for practical computation that bypasses most problems of solution of nearly-singular systems and spurious pole-zero pairs caused by rounding errors; a Matlab code is provided. The success of this algorithm suggests that there might be variants of Padé approximation that would be pointwise convergent as the degrees of the numerator and denominator increase to infinity, unlike traditional Padé approximants, which converge only in measure or capacity

    Stability of Multiplanetary Systems in Star Clusters

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    Most stars form in star clusters and stellar associated. To understand the roles of star cluster environments in shaping the dynamical evolution of planetary systems, we carry out direct NN-body simulations of four planetary systems models in three different star cluster environments with respectively N=2k, 8k and 32k stars. In each cluster, an ensemble of initially identical planetary systems are assigned to solar-type stars with ∌1M⊙\sim 1 M_{\odot} and evolved for 50~Myr. We found that following the depletion of protoplanetary disks, external perturbations and planet-planet interactions are two driving mechanisms responsible for the destabilization of planetary systems. The planet survival rate varies from ∌95%\sim 95\% in the N=2k cluster to ∌60%\sim 60\% in the N=32k cluster, which suggests that most planetary systems can indeed survive in low-mass clusters, except in the central regions. We also find that planet ejections through stellar encounters are cumulative processes, as only ∌3%\sim 3\% of encounters are strong enough to excite the eccentricity by Δe≄0.5\Delta e \geq 0.5. Short-period planets can be perturbed through orbit crossings with long-period planets. When taking into account planet-planet interactions, the planet ejection rate nearly doubles, and therefore multiplicity contributes to the vulnerability of planetary systems. In each ensemble, ∌0.2%\sim 0.2\% of planetary orbits become retrograde due to random directions of stellar encounters. Our results predict that young low-mass star clusters are promising sites for next-generation planet surveys, yet low planet detection rates are expected in dense globular clusters such as 47 Tuc. Nevertheless, planets in denser stellar environments are likely to have shorter orbital periods, which enhances their detectability.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA


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    This work used the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), which is supported by National Science Foundation grant number ACI-1053575. The authors acknowledge the San Diego Supercomputer Center at University of California, San Diego and the Texas Advanced Computing Center at The University of Texas at Austin for providing HPC resources that have contributed to the research results reported within this paper. This work used the DiRAC Complexity system, operated by the University of Leicester IT Services, which forms part of the STFC DiRAC HPC Facility (www.dirac.ac.uk). The equipment is funded by BIS National E-Infrastructure capital grant ST/K000373/1 and STFC Operations grant ST/K0003259/1. DiRAC is part of the national E-Infrastructure

    Low magnetic-Prandtl number flow configurations for cold astrophysical disk models: speculation and analysis

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    Simulations of astrophysical disks in the shearing box that are subject to the magnetorotational instability (MRI) show that activity appears to be reduced as the magnetic Prandtl number (Pm) is lowered. On the other hand, calculations for laboratory experiments show that saturation is achieved through modification of the background shear for Pm << 1. Guided by the results of calculations appropriate for laboratory experiments when Pm is very low, the axisymmetric stability of inviscid disturbances in a shearing box model immersed in a constant vertical background magnetic field is considered under a variety of shear profiles and boundary conditions in order to evaluate the hypothesis that modifications of the shear bring about saturation of the instability. It is found that the emergence and stability of the MRI is sensitive to the boundary conditions adopted. Channel modes do not appear to be stabilized through any modification of the background shear whose average remains Keplerian. However, systems that have non-penetrative boundaries can saturate the MRI through modification of the background shear. Conceptually equating the qualitative results from laboratory experiments to the conditions in a disk may therefore be misleading.Comment: To Appear in Astronomy and Astrophysic
