10 research outputs found

    On the strengths of connectivity and robustness in general random intersection graphs

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    Random intersection graphs have received much attention for nearly two decades, and currently have a wide range of applications ranging from key predistribution in wireless sensor networks to modeling social networks. In this paper, we investigate the strengths of connectivity and robustness in a general random intersection graph model. Specifically, we establish sharp asymptotic zero-one laws for kk-connectivity and kk-robustness, as well as the asymptotically exact probability of kk-connectivity, for any positive integer kk. The kk-connectivity property quantifies how resilient is the connectivity of a graph against node or edge failures. On the other hand, kk-robustness measures the effectiveness of local diffusion strategies (that do not use global graph topology information) in spreading information over the graph in the presence of misbehaving nodes. In addition to presenting the results under the general random intersection graph model, we consider two special cases of the general model, a binomial random intersection graph and a uniform random intersection graph, which both have numerous applications as well. For these two specialized graphs, our results on asymptotically exact probabilities of kk-connectivity and asymptotic zero-one laws for kk-robustness are also novel in the literature.Comment: This paper about random graphs appears in IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2014, the premier conference in control theor

    Engineering Emergence: A Survey on Control in the World of Complex Networks

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    Complex networks make an enticing research topic that has been increasingly attracting researchers from control systems and various other domains over the last two decades. The aim of this paper was to survey the interest in control related to complex networks research over time since 2000 and to identify recent trends that may generate new research directions. The survey was performed for Web of Science, Scopus, and IEEEXplore publications related to complex networks. Based on our findings, we raised several questions and highlighted ongoing interests in the control of complex networks.publishedVersio

    On the Strength of Connectivity of Inhomogeneous Random K-out Graphs

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    Random graphs are an important tool for modelling and analyzing the underlying properties of complex real-world networks. In this paper, we study a class of random graphs known as the inhomogeneous random K-out graphs which were recently introduced to analyze heterogeneous sensor networks secured by the pairwise scheme. In this model, first, each of the nn nodes is classified as type-1 (respectively, type-2) with probability 0<μ<10<\mu<1 (respectively, 1μ)1-\mu) independently from each other. Next, each type-1 (respectively, type-2) node draws 1 arc towards a node (respectively, KnK_n arcs towards KnK_n distinct nodes) selected uniformly at random, and then the orientation of the arcs is ignored. From the literature on homogeneous K-out graphs wherein all nodes select KnK_n neighbors (i.e., μ=0\mu=0), it is known that when Kn2K_n \geq2, the graph is KnK_n-connected asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) as nn gets large. In the inhomogeneous case (i.e., μ>0\mu>0), it was recently established that achieving even 1-connectivity a.a.s. requires Kn=ω(1)K_n=\omega(1). Here, we provide a comprehensive set of results to complement these existing results. First, we establish a sharp zero-one law for kk-connectivity, showing that for the network to be kk-connected a.a.s., we need to set Kn=11μ(logn+(k2)loglogn+ω(1))K_n = \frac{1}{1-\mu}(\log n +(k-2)\log\log n + \omega(1)) for all k=2,3,k=2, 3, \ldots. Despite such large scaling of KnK_n being required for kk-connectivity, we show that the trivial condition of Kn2K_n \geq 2 for all nn is sufficient to ensure that inhomogeneous K-out graph has a connected component of size nO(1)n-O(1) whp

    On Two Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Graphs: Grid Domination and Robustness

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    In this thesis, we study two problems in combinatorial optimization, the dominating set problem and the robustness problem. In the first half of the thesis, we focus on the dominating set problem in grid graphs and present a distributed algorithm for finding near optimal dominating sets on grids. The dominating set problem is a well-studied mathematical problem in which the goal is to find a minimum size subset of vertices of a graph such that all vertices that are not in that set have a neighbor inside that set. We first provide a simpler proof for an existing centralized algorithm that constructs dominating sets on grids so that the size of the provided dominating set is upper-bounded by the ceiling of (m+2)(n+2)/5 for m by n grids and its difference from the optimal domination number of the grid is upper-bounded by five. We then design a distributed grid domination algorithm to locate mobile agents on a grid such that they constitute a dominating set for it. The basis for this algorithm is the centralized grid domination algorithm. We also generalize the centralized and distributed algorithms for the k-distance dominating set problem, where all grid vertices are within distance k of the vertices in the dominating set. In the second half of the thesis, we study the computational complexity of checking a graph property known as robustness. This property plays a key role in diffusion of information in networks. A graph G=(V,E) is r-robust if for all pairs of nonempty and disjoint subsets of its vertices A,B, at least one of the subsets has a vertex that has at least r neighbors outside its containing set. In the robustness problem, the goal is to find the largest value of r such that a graph G is r-robust. We show that this problem is coNP-complete. En route to showing this, we define some new problems, including the decision version of the robustness problem and its relaxed version in which B=V \ A. We show these two problems are coNP-hard by showing that their complement problems are NP-hard

    Robustness of complex networks with implications for consensus and contagion

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