4,136 research outputs found

    Quantization and Fractional Quantization of Currents in Periodically Driven Stochastic Systems I: Average Currents

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    This article studies Markovian stochastic motion of a particle on a graph with finite number of nodes and periodically time-dependent transition rates that satisfy the detailed balance condition at any time. We show that under general conditions, the currents in the system on average become quantized or fractionally quantized for adiabatic driving at sufficiently low temperature. We develop the quantitative theory of this quantization and interpret it in terms of topological invariants. By implementing the celebrated Kirchhoff theorem we derive a general and explicit formula for the average generated current that plays a role of an efficient tool for treating the current quantization effects.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    A Selectivity based approach to Continuous Pattern Detection in Streaming Graphs

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    Cyber security is one of the most significant technical challenges in current times. Detecting adversarial activities, prevention of theft of intellectual properties and customer data is a high priority for corporations and government agencies around the world. Cyber defenders need to analyze massive-scale, high-resolution network flows to identify, categorize, and mitigate attacks involving networks spanning institutional and national boundaries. Many of the cyber attacks can be described as subgraph patterns, with prominent examples being insider infiltrations (path queries), denial of service (parallel paths) and malicious spreads (tree queries). This motivates us to explore subgraph matching on streaming graphs in a continuous setting. The novelty of our work lies in using the subgraph distributional statistics collected from the streaming graph to determine the query processing strategy. We introduce a "Lazy Search" algorithm where the search strategy is decided on a vertex-to-vertex basis depending on the likelihood of a match in the vertex neighborhood. We also propose a metric named "Relative Selectivity" that is used to select between different query processing strategies. Our experiments performed on real online news, network traffic stream and a synthetic social network benchmark demonstrate 10-100x speedups over selectivity agnostic approaches.Comment: in 18th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) (2015

    Crossing Patterns in Nonplanar Road Networks

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    We define the crossing graph of a given embedded graph (such as a road network) to be a graph with a vertex for each edge of the embedding, with two crossing graph vertices adjacent when the corresponding two edges of the embedding cross each other. In this paper, we study the sparsity properties of crossing graphs of real-world road networks. We show that, in large road networks (the Urban Road Network Dataset), the crossing graphs have connected components that are primarily trees, and that the remaining non-tree components are typically sparse (technically, that they have bounded degeneracy). We prove theoretically that when an embedded graph has a sparse crossing graph, it has other desirable properties that lead to fast algorithms for shortest paths and other algorithms important in geographic information systems. Notably, these graphs have polynomial expansion, meaning that they and all their subgraphs have small separators.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. To appear at the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems(ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017

    Convex Cycle Bases

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    Convex cycles play a role e.g. in the context of product graphs. We introduce convex cycle bases and describe a polynomial-time algorithm that recognizes whether a given graph has a convex cycle basis and provides an explicit construction in the positive case. Relations between convex cycles bases and other types of cycles bases are discussed. In particular we show that if G has a unique minimal cycle bases, this basis is convex. Furthermore, we characterize a class of graphs with convex cycles bases that includes partial cubes and hence median graphs. (authors' abstract)Series: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematic