7,435 research outputs found

    Event-Based Motion Segmentation by Motion Compensation

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    In contrast to traditional cameras, whose pixels have a common exposure time, event-based cameras are novel bio-inspired sensors whose pixels work independently and asynchronously output intensity changes (called "events"), with microsecond resolution. Since events are caused by the apparent motion of objects, event-based cameras sample visual information based on the scene dynamics and are, therefore, a more natural fit than traditional cameras to acquire motion, especially at high speeds, where traditional cameras suffer from motion blur. However, distinguishing between events caused by different moving objects and by the camera's ego-motion is a challenging task. We present the first per-event segmentation method for splitting a scene into independently moving objects. Our method jointly estimates the event-object associations (i.e., segmentation) and the motion parameters of the objects (or the background) by maximization of an objective function, which builds upon recent results on event-based motion-compensation. We provide a thorough evaluation of our method on a public dataset, outperforming the state-of-the-art by as much as 10%. We also show the first quantitative evaluation of a segmentation algorithm for event cameras, yielding around 90% accuracy at 4 pixels relative displacement.Comment: When viewed in Acrobat Reader, several of the figures animate. Video: https://youtu.be/0q6ap_OSBA

    Reconstructing the Forest of Lineage Trees of Diverse Bacterial Communities Using Bio-inspired Image Analysis

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    Cell segmentation and tracking allow us to extract a plethora of cell attributes from bacterial time-lapse cell movies, thus promoting computational modeling and simulation of biological processes down to the single-cell level. However, to analyze successfully complex cell movies, imaging multiple interacting bacterial clones as they grow and merge to generate overcrowded bacterial communities with thousands of cells in the field of view, segmentation results should be near perfect to warrant good tracking results. We introduce here a fully automated closed-loop bio-inspired computational strategy that exploits prior knowledge about the expected structure of a colony's lineage tree to locate and correct segmentation errors in analyzed movie frames. We show that this correction strategy is effective, resulting in improved cell tracking and consequently trustworthy deep colony lineage trees. Our image analysis approach has the unique capability to keep tracking cells even after clonal subpopulations merge in the movie. This enables the reconstruction of the complete Forest of Lineage Trees (FLT) representation of evolving multi-clonal bacterial communities. Moreover, the percentage of valid cell trajectories extracted from the image analysis almost doubles after segmentation correction. This plethora of trustworthy data extracted from a complex cell movie analysis enables single-cell analytics as a tool for addressing compelling questions for human health, such as understanding the role of single-cell stochasticity in antibiotics resistance without losing site of the inter-cellular interactions and microenvironment effects that may shape it

    Live User-guided Intrinsic Video For Static Scenes

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    We present a novel real-time approach for user-guided intrinsic decomposition of static scenes captured by an RGB-D sensor. In the first step, we acquire a three-dimensional representation of the scene using a dense volumetric reconstruction framework. The obtained reconstruction serves as a proxy to densely fuse reflectance estimates and to store user-provided constraints in three-dimensional space. User constraints, in the form of constant shading and reflectance strokes, can be placed directly on the real-world geometry using an intuitive touch-based interaction metaphor, or using interactive mouse strokes. Fusing the decomposition results and constraints in three-dimensional space allows for robust propagation of this information to novel views by re-projection.We leverage this information to improve on the decomposition quality of existing intrinsic video decomposition techniques by further constraining the ill-posed decomposition problem. In addition to improved decomposition quality, we show a variety of live augmented reality applications such as recoloring of objects, relighting of scenes and editing of material appearance
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