332 research outputs found

    Robust one-bit compressed sensing with partial circulant matrices

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    We present optimal sample complexity estimates for one-bit compressed sensing problems in a realistic scenario: the procedure uses a structured matrix (a randomly sub-sampled circulant matrix) and is robust to analog pre-quantization noise as well as to adversarial bit corruptions in the quantization process. Our results imply that quantization is not a statistically expensive procedure in the presence of nontrivial analog noise: recovery requires the same sample size one would have needed had the measurement matrix been Gaussian and the noisy analog measurements been given as data

    Quantized Compressed Sensing for Partial Random Circulant Matrices

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    We provide the first analysis of a non-trivial quantization scheme for compressed sensing measurements arising from structured measurements. Specifically, our analysis studies compressed sensing matrices consisting of rows selected at random, without replacement, from a circulant matrix generated by a random subgaussian vector. We quantize the measurements using stable, possibly one-bit, Sigma-Delta schemes, and use a reconstruction method based on convex optimization. We show that the part of the reconstruction error due to quantization decays polynomially in the number of measurements. This is in line with analogous results on Sigma-Delta quantization associated with random Gaussian or subgaussian matrices, and significantly better than results associated with the widely assumed memoryless scalar quantization. Moreover, we prove that our approach is stable and robust; i.e., the reconstruction error degrades gracefully in the presence of non-quantization noise and when the underlying signal is not strictly sparse. The analysis relies on results concerning subgaussian chaos processes as well as a variation of McDiarmid's inequality.Comment: 15 page

    Compressed Sensing and ΣΔ-Quantization

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