569 research outputs found

    Towards Visual Ego-motion Learning in Robots

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    Many model-based Visual Odometry (VO) algorithms have been proposed in the past decade, often restricted to the type of camera optics, or the underlying motion manifold observed. We envision robots to be able to learn and perform these tasks, in a minimally supervised setting, as they gain more experience. To this end, we propose a fully trainable solution to visual ego-motion estimation for varied camera optics. We propose a visual ego-motion learning architecture that maps observed optical flow vectors to an ego-motion density estimate via a Mixture Density Network (MDN). By modeling the architecture as a Conditional Variational Autoencoder (C-VAE), our model is able to provide introspective reasoning and prediction for ego-motion induced scene-flow. Additionally, our proposed model is especially amenable to bootstrapped ego-motion learning in robots where the supervision in ego-motion estimation for a particular camera sensor can be obtained from standard navigation-based sensor fusion strategies (GPS/INS and wheel-odometry fusion). Through experiments, we show the utility of our proposed approach in enabling the concept of self-supervised learning for visual ego-motion estimation in autonomous robots.Comment: Conference paper; Submitted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2017, Vancouver CA; 8 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Robust Dense Mapping for Large-Scale Dynamic Environments

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    We present a stereo-based dense mapping algorithm for large-scale dynamic urban environments. In contrast to other existing methods, we simultaneously reconstruct the static background, the moving objects, and the potentially moving but currently stationary objects separately, which is desirable for high-level mobile robotic tasks such as path planning in crowded environments. We use both instance-aware semantic segmentation and sparse scene flow to classify objects as either background, moving, or potentially moving, thereby ensuring that the system is able to model objects with the potential to transition from static to dynamic, such as parked cars. Given camera poses estimated from visual odometry, both the background and the (potentially) moving objects are reconstructed separately by fusing the depth maps computed from the stereo input. In addition to visual odometry, sparse scene flow is also used to estimate the 3D motions of the detected moving objects, in order to reconstruct them accurately. A map pruning technique is further developed to improve reconstruction accuracy and reduce memory consumption, leading to increased scalability. We evaluate our system thoroughly on the well-known KITTI dataset. Our system is capable of running on a PC at approximately 2.5Hz, with the primary bottleneck being the instance-aware semantic segmentation, which is a limitation we hope to address in future work. The source code is available from the project website (http://andreibarsan.github.io/dynslam).Comment: Presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 201

    Multimotion visual odometry

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    Visual motion estimation is a well-studied challenge in autonomous navigation. Recent work has focused on addressing multimotion estimation in highly dynamic environments. These environments not only comprise multiple, complex motions but also tend to exhibit significant occlusion. Estimating third-party motions simultaneously with the sensor egomotion is difficult because an object’s observed motion consists of both its true motion and the sensor motion. Most previous works in multimotion estimation simplify this problem by relying on appearance-based object detection or application-specific motion constraints. These approaches are effective in specific applications and environments but do not generalize well to the full multimotion estimation problem (MEP). This paper presents Multimotion Visual Odometry (MVO), a multimotion estimation pipeline that estimates the full SE(3) trajectory of every motion in the scene, including the sensor egomotion, without relying on appearance-based information. MVO extends the traditional visual odometry (VO) pipeline with multimotion segmentation and tracking techniques. It uses physically founded motion priors to extrapolate motions through temporary occlusions and identify the reappearance of motions through motion closure. Evaluations on real-world data from the Oxford Multimotion Dataset (OMD) and the KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite demonstrate that MVO achieves good estimation accuracy compared to similar approaches and is applicable to a variety of multimotion estimation challenges

    Multimotion Visual Odometry (MVO)

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    Visual motion estimation is a well-studied challenge in autonomous navigation. Recent work has focused on addressing multimotion estimation in highly dynamic environments. These environments not only comprise multiple, complex motions but also tend to exhibit significant occlusion. Estimating third-party motions simultaneously with the sensor egomotion is difficult because an object's observed motion consists of both its true motion and the sensor motion. Most previous works in multimotion estimation simplify this problem by relying on appearance-based object detection or application-specific motion constraints. These approaches are effective in specific applications and environments but do not generalize well to the full multimotion estimation problem (MEP). This paper presents Multimotion Visual Odometry (MVO), a multimotion estimation pipeline that estimates the full SE(3) trajectory of every motion in the scene, including the sensor egomotion, without relying on appearance-based information. MVO extends the traditional visual odometry (VO) pipeline with multimotion segmentation and tracking techniques. It uses physically founded motion priors to extrapolate motions through temporary occlusions and identify the reappearance of motions through motion closure. Evaluations on real-world data from the Oxford Multimotion Dataset (OMD) and the KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite demonstrate that MVO achieves good estimation accuracy compared to similar approaches and is applicable to a variety of multimotion estimation challenges.Comment: Under review for the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), Manuscript #IJR-21-4311. 25 pages, 14 figures, 11 tables. Videos available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNj3s1nf-6A and https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbaQBz4TuPcxMIXKh5Q80s0N9ISezFcp
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