1 research outputs found

    Security of Electronic Patient Record using Imperceptible DCT-SVD based Audio Watermarking Technique

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    Abstract—A robust and highly imperceptible audio watermarkingtechnique is presented to secure the electronic patientrecord of Parkinson’s Disease (PD) affected patient. The proposedDCT-SVD based watermarking technique introduces minimalchanges in speech such that the accuracy in classification of PDaffected person’s speech and healthy person’s speech is retained.To achieve high imperceptibility the voiced part of the speech isconsidered for embedding the watermark. It is shown that theproposed watermarking technique is robust to common signalprocessing attacks. The practicability of the proposed technique istested: by creating an android application to record & watermarkthe speech signal. The classification of PD affected speech is doneusing Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier in cloud server