10,391 research outputs found

    Computation of transfer function matrices of periodic systems

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    We present a numerical approach to evaluate the transfer function matrices of a periodic system corresponding to lifted state-space representations as constant systems. The proposed pole-zero method determines each entry of the transfer function matrix in a minimal zeros-poles- gain representation. A basic computational ingredient for this method is the extended periodic real Schur form of a periodic matrix, which underlies the computation of minimal realizations and system poles. To compute zeros and gains, fast algorithms are proposed, which are specially tailored to particular single-input single-output periodic systems. The new method relies exclusively on reliable numerical computations and is well suited for robust software implementations

    Efficient monocular pose estimation for complex 3D models

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    Trabajo presentado al ICRA celebrado en Seattle (US) del 26 al 30 de mayo de 2015.We propose a robust and efficient method to estimate the pose of a camera with respect to complex 3D textured models of the environment that can potentially contain more than 100, 000 points. To tackle this problem we follow a top down approach where we combine high-level deep network classifiers with low level geometric approaches to come up with a solution that is fast, robust and accurate. Given an input image, we initially use a pre-trained deep network to compute a rough estimation of the camera pose. This initial estimate constrains the number of 3D model points that can be seen from the camera viewpoint. We then establish 3D-to-2D correspondences between these potentially visible points of the model and the 2D detected image features. Accurate pose estimation is finally obtained from the 2D-to-3D correspondences using a novel PnP algorithm that rejects outliers without the need to use a RANSAC strategy, and which is between 10 and 100 times faster than other methods that use it. Two real experimentsdealing with very large and complex 3D models demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under projects ERANet Chistera project ViSen PCIN-2013-047, PAU+ DPI2011-27510 and ROBOT-INT-COOP DPI2013-42458-P, and by the EU project ARCAS FP7-ICT-2011-28761.Peer Reviewe

    General computational approach for optimal fault detection

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    We propose a new computational approach to solve the optimal fault detection problem in the most general setting. The proposed procedure is free of any technical assumptions and is applicable to both proper and non-proper systems. This procedure forms the basis of an integrated numerically reliable state-space algorithm, which relies on powerful descriptor systems techniques to solve the underlying computational subproblems. The new algorithm has been implemented into a Fault Detection Toolbox for Matlab