575 research outputs found

    Sparse Array DFT Beamformers for Wideband Sources

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    Sparse arrays are popular for performance optimization while keeping the hardware and computational costs down. In this paper, we consider sparse arrays design method for wideband source operating in a wideband jamming environment. Maximizing the signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (MaxSINR) is adopted as an optimization objective for wideband beamforming. Sparse array design problem is formulated in the DFT domain to process the source as parallel narrowband sources. The problem is formulated as quadratically constraint quadratic program (QCQP) alongside the weighted mixed l1l_{1-\infty}-norm squared penalization of the beamformer weight vector. The semidefinite relaxation (SDR) of QCQP promotes sparse solutions by iteratively re-weighting beamformer based on previous iteration. It is shown that the DFT approach reduces the computational cost considerably as compared to the delay line approach, while efficiently utilizing the degrees of freedom to harness the maximum output SINR offered by the given array aperture

    Robust Near-Field Adaptive Beamforming with Distance Discrimination

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    This paper proposes a robust near-field adaptive beamformer for microphone array applications in small rooms. Robustness against location errors is crucial for near-field adaptive beamforming due to the difficulty in estimating near-field signal locations especially the radial distances. A near-field regionally constrained adaptive beamformer is proposed to design a set of linear constraints by filtering on a low rank subspace of the near-field signal over a spatial region and frequency band such that the beamformer response over the designed spatial-temporal region can be accurately controlled by a small number of linear constraint vectors. The proposed constraint design method is a systematic approach which guarantees real arithmetic implementation and direct time domain algorithms for broadband beamforming. It improves the robustness against large errors in distance and directions of arrival, and achieves good distance discrimination simultaneously. We show with a nine-element uniform linear array that the proposed near-field adaptive beamformer is robust against distance errors as large as ±32% of the presumed radial distance and angle errors up to ±20⁰. It can suppress a far field interfering signal with the same angle of incidence as a near-field target by more than 20 dB with no loss of the array gain at the near-field target. The significant distance discrimination of the proposed near-field beamformer also helps to improve the dereverberation gain and reduce the desired signal cancellation in reverberant environments

    Adaptive Sparse Array Beamformer Design by Regularized Complementary Antenna Switching

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    In this work, we propose a novel strategy of adaptive sparse array beamformer design, referred to as regularized complementary antenna switching (RCAS), to swiftly adapt both array configuration and excitation weights in accordance to the dynamic environment for enhancing interference suppression. In order to achieve an implementable design of array reconfiguration, the RCAS is conducted in the framework of regularized antenna switching, whereby the full array aperture is collectively divided into separate groups and only one antenna in each group is switched on to connect with the processing channel. A set of deterministic complementary sparse arrays with good quiescent beampatterns is first designed by RCAS and full array data is collected by switching among them while maintaining resilient interference suppression. Subsequently, adaptive sparse array tailored for the specific environment is calculated and reconfigured based on the information extracted from the full array data. The RCAS is devised as an exclusive cardinality-constrained optimization, which is reformulated by introducing an auxiliary variable combined with a piece-wise linear function to approximate the l0l_0-norm function. A regularization formulation is proposed to solve the problem iteratively and eliminate the requirement of feasible initial search point. A rigorous theoretical analysis is conducted, which proves that the proposed algorithm is essentially an equivalent transformation of the original cardinality-constrained optimization. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed RCAS strategy

    Study of Enhanced MISC-Based Sparse Arrays with High uDOFs and Low Mutual Coupling

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    In this letter, inspired by the maximum inter-element spacing (IES) constraint (MISC) criterion, an enhanced MISC-based (EMISC) sparse array (SA) with high uniform degrees-of-freedom (uDOFs) and low mutual-coupling (MC) is proposed, analyzed and discussed in detail. For the EMISC SA, an IES set is first determined by the maximum IES and number of elements. Then, the EMISC SA is composed of seven uniform linear sub-arrays (ULSAs) derived from an IES set. An analysis of the uDOFs and weight function shows that, the proposed EMISC SA outperforms the IMISC SA in terms of uDOF and MC. Simulation results show a significant advantage of the EMISC SA over other existing SAs.Comment: 6 pages 4 figure

    A Microphone Array System for Multimedia Applications with Near-Field Signal Targets

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    A microphone array beamforming system is proposed for multimedia communication applications using four sets of small planar arrays mounted on a computer monitor. A new virtual array approach is employed such that the original signals received by the array elements are weighted and delayed to synthesize a large, nonuniformly spaced, harmonically nested virtual array covering the frequency band [50, 7000] Hz of the wideband telephony. Subband multirate processing and near-field beamforming techniques are then used jointly by the nested virtual array to improve the performances in reverberant environments. A new beamforming algorithm is also proposed using a broadband near-field spherically isotropic noise model for array optimization. The near-field noise model assumes a large number of broadband random noises uniformly distributed over a sphere with a finite radius in contrast to the conventional far-field isotropic noise model which has an infinite radius. The radius of the noise model, thus, adds a design parameter in addition to its power for tradeoffs between performance and robustness. It is shown that the near-field beamformers designed by the new algorithm can achieve more than 8-dB reverberation suppression while maintaining sufficient robustness against background noises and signal location errors. Computer simulations and real room experiments also show that the proposed array beamforming system reduces beampattern variations for broadband signals, obtains strong noise and reverberation suppression, and improves the sound quality for near-field targets

    Implementation of a flexible frequency-invariant broadband beamformer based on fourier properties

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    Aperture and operating frequency of a beamformer are generally proportional to its resolution, and inversely proportional to its beamwidth. This paper addresses the design and implementation of a beamformer with a frequency-dependent limitation of its aperture such that the frequency-dependence of its resolution is eliminated. Operating across a number of octaves, firstly an octave-invariance design is achieved by means of a nested array structure. Secondly, within each octave, a frequency-dependent aperture control then removes the remaining frequency-dependency. By exploiting Fourier properties and correspondences between coefficient and beamspace, we show that this design is exact, and can accommodate the inclusion of arbitrary shading and different look directions