1,435 research outputs found

    Robust Regression via Hard Thresholding

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    We study the problem of Robust Least Squares Regression (RLSR) where several response variables can be adversarially corrupted. More specifically, for a data matrix X \in R^{p x n} and an underlying model w*, the response vector is generated as y = X'w* + b where b \in R^n is the corruption vector supported over at most C.n coordinates. Existing exact recovery results for RLSR focus solely on L1-penalty based convex formulations and impose relatively strict model assumptions such as requiring the corruptions b to be selected independently of X. In this work, we study a simple hard-thresholding algorithm called TORRENT which, under mild conditions on X, can recover w* exactly even if b corrupts the response variables in an adversarial manner, i.e. both the support and entries of b are selected adversarially after observing X and w*. Our results hold under deterministic assumptions which are satisfied if X is sampled from any sub-Gaussian distribution. Finally unlike existing results that apply only to a fixed w*, generated independently of X, our results are universal and hold for any w* \in R^p. Next, we propose gradient descent-based extensions of TORRENT that can scale efficiently to large scale problems, such as high dimensional sparse recovery and prove similar recovery guarantees for these extensions. Empirically we find TORRENT, and more so its extensions, offering significantly faster recovery than the state-of-the-art L1 solvers. For instance, even on moderate-sized datasets (with p = 50K) with around 40% corrupted responses, a variant of our proposed method called TORRENT-HYB is more than 20x faster than the best L1 solver.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Robust Lasso-Zero for sparse corruption and model selection with missing covariates

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    We propose Robust Lasso-Zero, an extension of the Lasso-Zero methodology [Descloux and Sardy, 2018], initially introduced for sparse linear models, to the sparse corruptions problem. We give theoretical guarantees on the sign recovery of the parameters for a slightly simplified version of the estimator, called Thresholded Justice Pursuit. The use of Robust Lasso-Zero is showcased for variable selection with missing values in the covariates. In addition to not requiring the specification of a model for the covariates, nor estimating their covariance matrix or the noise variance, the method has the great advantage of handling missing not-at random values without specifying a parametric model. Numerical experiments and a medical application underline the relevance of Robust Lasso-Zero in such a context with few available competitors. The method is easy to use and implemented in the R library lass0

    Guarantees on learning depth-2 neural networks under a data-poisoning attack

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    In recent times many state-of-the-art machine learning models have been shown to be fragile to adversarial attacks. In this work we attempt to build our theoretical understanding of adversarially robust learning with neural nets. We demonstrate a specific class of neural networks of finite size and a non-gradient stochastic algorithm which tries to recover the weights of the net generating the realizable true labels in the presence of an oracle doing a bounded amount of malicious additive distortion to the labels. We prove (nearly optimal) trade-offs among the magnitude of the adversarial attack, the accuracy and the confidence achieved by the proposed algorithm.Comment: 11 page