435 research outputs found

    Collaborative autonomy in heterogeneous multi-robot systems

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    As autonomous mobile robots become increasingly connected and widely deployed in different domains, managing multiple robots and their interaction is key to the future of ubiquitous autonomous systems. Indeed, robots are not individual entities anymore. Instead, many robots today are deployed as part of larger fleets or in teams. The benefits of multirobot collaboration, specially in heterogeneous groups, are multiple. Significantly higher degrees of situational awareness and understanding of their environment can be achieved when robots with different operational capabilities are deployed together. Examples of this include the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity helicopter that NASA has deployed in Mars, or the highly heterogeneous robot teams that explored caves and other complex environments during the last DARPA Sub-T competition. This thesis delves into the wide topic of collaborative autonomy in multi-robot systems, encompassing some of the key elements required for achieving robust collaboration: solving collaborative decision-making problems; securing their operation, management and interaction; providing means for autonomous coordination in space and accurate global or relative state estimation; and achieving collaborative situational awareness through distributed perception and cooperative planning. The thesis covers novel formation control algorithms, and new ways to achieve accurate absolute or relative localization within multi-robot systems. It also explores the potential of distributed ledger technologies as an underlying framework to achieve collaborative decision-making in distributed robotic systems. Throughout the thesis, I introduce novel approaches to utilizing cryptographic elements and blockchain technology for securing the operation of autonomous robots, showing that sensor data and mission instructions can be validated in an end-to-end manner. I then shift the focus to localization and coordination, studying ultra-wideband (UWB) radios and their potential. I show how UWB-based ranging and localization can enable aerial robots to operate in GNSS-denied environments, with a study of the constraints and limitations. I also study the potential of UWB-based relative localization between aerial and ground robots for more accurate positioning in areas where GNSS signals degrade. In terms of coordination, I introduce two new algorithms for formation control that require zero to minimal communication, if enough degree of awareness of neighbor robots is available. These algorithms are validated in simulation and real-world experiments. The thesis concludes with the integration of a new approach to cooperative path planning algorithms and UWB-based relative localization for dense scene reconstruction using lidar and vision sensors in ground and aerial robots

    Fail-aware LIDAR-based odometry for autonomous vehicles

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    Autonomous driving systems are set to become a reality in transport systems and, so, maximum acceptance is being sought among users. Currently, the most advanced architectures require driver intervention when functional system failures or critical sensor operations take place, presenting problems related to driver state, distractions, fatigue, and other factors that prevent safe control. Therefore, this work presents a redundant, accurate, robust, and scalable LiDAR odometry system with fail-aware system features that can allow other systems to perform a safe stop manoeuvre without driver mediation. All odometry systems have drift error, making it difficult to use them for localisation tasks over extended periods. For this reason, the paper presents an accurate LiDAR odometry system with a fail-aware indicator. This indicator estimates a time window in which the system manages the localisation tasks appropriately. The odometry error is minimised by applying a dynamic 6-DoF model and fusing measures based on the Iterative Closest Points (ICP), environment feature extraction, and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) methods. The obtained results are promising for two reasons: First, in the KITTI odometry data set, the ranking achieved by the proposed method is twelfth, considering only LiDAR-based methods, where its translation and rotation errors are 1.00% and 0.0041 deg/m, respectively. Second, the encouraging results of the fail-aware indicator demonstrate the safety of the proposed LiDAR odometry system. The results depict that, in order to achieve an accurate odometry system, complex models and measurement fusion techniques must be used to improve its behaviour. Furthermore, if an odometry system is to be used for redundant localisation features, it must integrate a fail-aware indicator for use in a safe manner

    HDMNet: A Hierarchical Matching Network with Double Attention for Large-scale Outdoor LiDAR Point Cloud Registration

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    Outdoor LiDAR point clouds are typically large-scale and complexly distributed. To achieve efficient and accurate registration, emphasizing the similarity among local regions and prioritizing global local-to-local matching is of utmost importance, subsequent to which accuracy can be enhanced through cost-effective fine registration. In this paper, a novel hierarchical neural network with double attention named HDMNet is proposed for large-scale outdoor LiDAR point cloud registration. Specifically, A novel feature consistency enhanced double-soft matching network is introduced to achieve two-stage matching with high flexibility while enlarging the receptive field with high efficiency in a patch-to patch manner, which significantly improves the registration performance. Moreover, in order to further utilize the sparse matching information from deeper layer, we develop a novel trainable embedding mask to incorporate the confidence scores of correspondences obtained from pose estimation of deeper layer, eliminating additional computations. The high-confidence keypoints in the sparser point cloud of the deeper layer correspond to a high-confidence spatial neighborhood region in shallower layer, which will receive more attention, while the features of non-key regions will be masked. Extensive experiments are conducted on two large-scale outdoor LiDAR point cloud datasets to demonstrate the high accuracy and efficiency of the proposed HDMNet.Comment: Accepted by WACV202

    A Drift-Resilient and Degeneracy-Aware Loop Closure Detection Method for Localization and Mapping In Perceptually-Degraded Environments

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    Enabling fully autonomous robots capable of navigating and exploring unknown and complex environments has been at the core of robotics research for several decades. Mobile robots rely on a model of the environment for functions like manipulation, collision avoidance and path planning. In GPS-denied and unknown environments where a prior map of the environment is not available, robots need to rely on the onboard sensing to obtain locally accurate maps to operate in their local environment. A global map of an unknown environment can be constructed from fusion of local maps of temporally or spatially distributed mobile robots in the environment. Loop closure detection, the ability to assert that a robot has returned to a previously visited location, is crucial for consistent mapping as it reduces the drift caused by error accumulation in the estimated robot trajectory. Moreover, in multi-robot systems, loop closure detection enables finding the correspondences between the local maps obtained by individual robots and merging them into a consistent global map of the environment. In ambiguous and perceptually-degraded environments, robust detection of intra- and inter-robot loop closures is especially challenging. This is due to poor illumination or lack-thereof, self-similarity, and sparsity of distinctive perceptual landmarks and features sufficient for establishing global position. Overcoming these challenges enables a wide range of terrestrial and planetary applications, ranging from search and rescue, and disaster relief in hostile environments, to robotic exploration of lunar and Martian surfaces, caves and lava tubes that are of particular interest as they can provide potential habitats for future manned space missions. In this dissertation, methods and metrics are developed for resolving location ambiguities to significantly improve loop closures in perceptually-degraded environments with sparse or undifferentiated features. The first contribution of this dissertation is development of a degeneracy-aware SLAM front-end capable of determining the level of geometric degeneracy in an unknown environment based on computing the Hessian associated with the computed optimal transformation from lidar scan matching. Using this crucial capability, featureless areas that could lead to data association ambiguity and spurious loop closures are determined and excluded from the search for loop closures. This significantly improves the quality and accuracy of localization and mapping, because the search space for loop closures can be expanded as needed to account for drift while decreasing rather than increasing the probability of false loop closure detections. The second contribution of this dissertation is development of a drift-resilient loop closure detection method that relies on the 2D semantic and 3D geometric features extracted from lidar point cloud data to enable detection of loop closures with increased robustness and accuracy as compared to traditional geometric methods. The proposed method achieves higher performance by exploiting the spatial configuration of the local scenes embedded in 2D occupancy grid maps commonly used in robot navigation, to search for putative loop closures in a pre-matching step before using a geometric verification. The third contribution of this dissertation is an extensive evaluation and analysis of performance and comparison with the state-of-the-art methods in simulation and in real-world, including six challenging underground mines across the United States

    Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles Part II: Perception and Planning

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    Growing interest in autonomous driving (AD) and intelligent vehicles (IVs) is fueled by their promise for enhanced safety, efficiency, and economic benefits. While previous surveys have captured progress in this field, a comprehensive and forward-looking summary is needed. Our work fills this gap through three distinct articles. The first part, a "Survey of Surveys" (SoS), outlines the history, surveys, ethics, and future directions of AD and IV technologies. The second part, "Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles Part I: Control, Computing System Design, Communication, HD Map, Testing, and Human Behaviors" delves into the development of control, computing system, communication, HD map, testing, and human behaviors in IVs. This part, the third part, reviews perception and planning in the context of IVs. Aiming to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in AD and IVs, this work caters to both newcomers and seasoned researchers. By integrating the SoS and Part I, we offer unique insights and strive to serve as a bridge between past achievements and future possibilities in this dynamic field.Comment: 17pages, 6figures. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: System

    Robust Place Recognition using an Imaging Lidar

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    We propose a methodology for robust, real-time place recognition using an imaging lidar, which yields image-quality high-resolution 3D point clouds. Utilizing the intensity readings of an imaging lidar, we project the point cloud and obtain an intensity image. ORB feature descriptors are extracted from the image and encoded into a bag-of-words vector. The vector, used to identify the point cloud, is inserted into a database that is maintained by DBoW for fast place recognition queries. The returned candidate is further validated by matching visual feature descriptors. To reject matching outliers, we apply PnP, which minimizes the reprojection error of visual features' positions in Euclidean space with their correspondences in 2D image space, using RANSAC. Combining the advantages from both camera and lidar-based place recognition approaches, our method is truly rotation-invariant and can tackle reverse revisiting and upside-down revisiting. The proposed method is evaluated on datasets gathered from a variety of platforms over different scales and environments. Our implementation is available at https://git.io/imaging-lidar-place-recognitionComment: ICRA 202

    Quatro++: Robust Global Registration Exploiting Ground Segmentation for Loop Closing in LiDAR SLAM

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    Global registration is a fundamental task that estimates the relative pose between two viewpoints of 3D point clouds. However, there are two issues that degrade the performance of global registration in LiDAR SLAM: one is the sparsity issue and the other is degeneracy. The sparsity issue is caused by the sparse characteristics of the 3D point cloud measurements in a mechanically spinning LiDAR sensor. The degeneracy issue sometimes occurs because the outlier-rejection methods reject too many correspondences, leaving less than three inliers. These two issues have become more severe as the pose discrepancy between the two viewpoints of 3D point clouds becomes greater. To tackle these problems, we propose a robust global registration framework, called \textit{Quatro++}. Extending our previous work that solely focused on the global registration itself, we address the robust global registration in terms of the loop closing in LiDAR SLAM. To this end, ground segmentation is exploited to achieve robust global registration. Through the experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed method shows a higher success rate than the state-of-the-art global registration methods, overcoming the sparsity and degeneracy issues. In addition, we show that ground segmentation significantly helps to increase the success rate for the ground vehicles. Finally, we apply our proposed method to the loop closing module in LiDAR SLAM and confirm that the quality of the loop constraints is improved, showing more precise mapping results. Therefore, the experimental evidence corroborated the suitability of our method as an initial alignment in the loop closing. Our code is available at https://quatro-plusplus.github.io.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figure
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