12 research outputs found

    Partition-based K-space Synthesis for Multi-contrast Parallel Imaging

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    Multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging is a significant and essential medical imaging technique.However, multi-contrast imaging has longer acquisition time and is easy to cause motion artifacts. In particular, the acquisition time for a T2-weighted image is prolonged due to its longer repetition time (TR). On the contrary, T1-weighted image has a shorter TR. Therefore,utilizing complementary information across T1 and T2-weighted image is a way to decrease the overall imaging time. Previous T1-assisted T2 reconstruction methods have mostly focused on image domain using whole-based image fusion approaches. The image domain reconstruction method has the defects of high computational complexity and limited flexibility. To address this issue, we propose a novel multi-contrast imaging method called partition-based k-space synthesis (PKS) which can achieve super reconstruction quality of T2-weighted image by feature fusion. Concretely, we first decompose fully-sampled T1 k-space data and under-sampled T2 k-space data into two sub-data, separately. Then two new objects are constructed by combining the two sub-T1/T2 data. After that, the two new objects as the whole data to realize the reconstruction of T2-weighted image. Finally, the objective T2 is synthesized by extracting the sub-T2 data of each part. Experimental results showed that our combined technique can achieve comparable or better results than using traditional k-space parallel imaging(SAKE) that processes each contrast independently

    ResViT: Residual vision transformers for multi-modal medical image synthesis

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    Multi-modal imaging is a key healthcare technology that is often underutilized due to costs associated with multiple separate scans. This limitation yields the need for synthesis of unacquired modalities from the subset of available modalities. In recent years, generative adversarial network (GAN) models with superior depiction of structural details have been established as state-of-the-art in numerous medical image synthesis tasks. GANs are characteristically based on convolutional neural network (CNN) backbones that perform local processing with compact filters. This inductive bias in turn compromises learning of contextual features. Here, we propose a novel generative adversarial approach for medical image synthesis, ResViT, to combine local precision of convolution operators with contextual sensitivity of vision transformers. ResViT employs a central bottleneck comprising novel aggregated residual transformer (ART) blocks that synergistically combine convolutional and transformer modules. Comprehensive demonstrations are performed for synthesizing missing sequences in multi-contrast MRI, and CT images from MRI. Our results indicate superiority of ResViT against competing methods in terms of qualitative observations and quantitative metrics

    DiCyc: Deformation Invariant Cross-Domain Information Fusion for Medical Image Synthesis

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    Cycle-consistent generative adversarial network (CycleGAN) has been widely used for cross-domain medical image synthesis tasks particularly due to its ability to deal with unpaired data. However, most CycleGAN-based synthesis methods cannot achieve good alignment between the synthesized images and data from the source domain, even with additional image alignment losses. This is because the CycleGAN generator network can encode the relative deformations and noises associated to different domains. This can be detrimental for the downstream applications that rely on the synthesized images, such as generating pseudo-CT for PET-MR attenuation correction. In this paper, we present a deformation invariant cycle-consistency model that can filter out these domain-specific deformation. The deformation is globally parameterized by thin-plate-spline (TPS), and locally learned by modified deformable convolutional layers. Robustness to domain-specific deformations has been evaluated through experiments on multi-sequence brain MR data and multi-modality abdominal CT and MR data. Experiment results demonstrated that our method can achieve better alignment between the source and target data while maintaining superior image quality of signal compared to several state-of-the-art CycleGAN-based methods

    LMISA: A Lightweight Multi-modality Image Segmentation Network via Domain Adaptation using Gradient Magnitude and Shape Constraint

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    In medical image segmentation, supervised machine learning models trained using one image modality (e.g. computed tomography (CT)) are often prone to failure when applied to another image modality (e.g. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)) even for the same organ. This is due to the significant intensity variations of different image modalities. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end deep neural network to achieve multi-modality image segmentation, where image labels of only one modality (source domain) are available for model training and the image labels for the other modality (target domain) are not available. In our method, a multi-resolution locally normalized gradient magnitude approach is firstly applied to images of both domains for minimizing the intensity discrepancy. Subsequently, a dual task encoder-decoder network including image segmentation and reconstruction is utilized to effectively adapt a segmentation network to the unlabeled target domain. Additionally, a shape constraint is imposed by leveraging adversarial learning. Finally, images from the target domain are segmented, as the network learns a consistent latent feature representation with shape awareness from both domains. We implement both 2D and 3D versions of our method, in which we evaluate CT and MRI images for kidney and cardiac tissue segmentation. For kidney, a public CT dataset (KiTS19, MICCAI 2019) and a local MRI dataset were utilized. The cardiac dataset was from the Multi-Modality Whole Heart Segmentation (MMWHS) challenge 2017. Experimental results reveal that our proposed method achieves significantly higher performance with a much lower model complexity in comparison with other state-of-the-art methods. More importantly, our method is also capable of producing superior segmentation results than other methods for images of an unseen target domain without model retraining. The code is available at GitHub (https://github.com/MinaJf/LMISA) to encourage method comparison and further research