4 research outputs found

    Consensus Algorithms and Distributed Structure Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    abstract: Distributed wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted researchers recently due to their advantages such as low power consumption, scalability and robustness to link failures. In sensor networks with no fusion center, consensus is a process where all the sensors in the network achieve global agreement using only local transmissions. In this dissertation, several consensus and consensus-based algorithms in WSNs are studied. Firstly, a distributed consensus algorithm for estimating the maximum and minimum value of the initial measurements in a sensor network in the presence of communication noise is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, a soft-max approximation together with a non-linear average consensus algorithm is used. A design parameter controls the trade-off between the soft-max error and convergence speed. An analysis of this trade-off gives guidelines towards how to choose the design parameter for the max estimate. It is also shown that if some prior knowledge of the initial measurements is available, the consensus process can be accelerated. Secondly, a distributed system size estimation algorithm is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on distributed average consensus and L2 norm estimation. Different sources of error are explicitly discussed, and the distribution of the final estimate is derived. The CRBs for system size estimator with average and max consensus strategies are also considered, and different consensus based system size estimation approaches are compared. Then, a consensus-based network center and radius estimation algorithm is described. The center localization problem is formulated as a convex optimization problem with a summation form by using soft-max approximation with exponential functions. Distributed optimization methods such as stochastic gradient descent and diffusion adaptation are used to estimate the center. Then, max consensus is used to compute the radius of the network area. Finally, two average consensus based distributed estimation algorithms are introduced: distributed degree distribution estimation algorithm and algorithm for tracking the dynamics of the desired parameter. Simulation results for all proposed algorithms are provided.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    On Distributed Estimation for Resource Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks

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    We study Distributed Estimation (DES) problem, where several agents observe a noisy version of an underlying unknown physical phenomena (which is not directly observable), and transmit a compressed version of their observations to a Fusion Center (FC), where collective data is fused to reconstruct the unknown. One of the most important applications of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is performing DES in a field to estimate an unknown signal source. In a WSN battery powered geographically distributed tiny sensors are tasked with collecting data from the field. Each sensor locally processes its noisy observation (local processing can include compression, dimension reduction, quantization, etc) and transmits the processed observation over communication channels to the FC, where the received data is used to form a global estimate of the unknown source such that the Mean Square Error (MSE) of the DES is minimized. The accuracy of DES depends on many factors such as intensity of observation noises in sensors, quantization errors in sensors, available power and bandwidth of the network, quality of communication channels between sensors and the FC, and the choice of fusion rule in the FC. Taking into account all of these contributing factors and implementing a DES system which minimizes the MSE and satisfies all constraints is a challenging task. In order to probe into different aspects of this challenging task we identify and formulate the following three problems and address them accordingly: 1- Consider an inhomogeneous WSN where the sensors\u27 observations is modeled linear with additive Gaussian noise. The communication channels between sensors and FC are orthogonal power and bandwidth-constrained erroneous wireless fading channels. The unknown to be estimated is a Gaussian vector. Sensors employ uniform multi-bit quantizers and BPSK modulation. Given this setup, we ask: what is the best fusion rule in the FC? what is the best transmit power and quantization rate (measured in bits per sensor) allocation schemes that minimize the MSE? In order to answer these questions, we derive some upper bounds on global MSE and through minimizing those bounds, we propose various resource allocation schemes for the problem, through which we investigate the effect of contributing factors on the MSE. 2- Consider an inhomogeneous WSN with an FC which is tasked with estimating a scalar Gaussian unknown. The sensors are equipped with uniform multi-bit quantizers and the communication channels are modeled as Binary Symmetric Channels (BSC). In contrast to former problem the sensors experience independent multiplicative noises (in addition to additive noise). The natural question in this scenario is: how does multiplicative noise affect the DES system performance? how does it affect the resource allocation for sensors, with respect to the case where there is no multiplicative noise? We propose a linear fusion rule in the FC and derive the associated MSE in closed-form. We propose several rate allocation schemes with different levels of complexity which minimize the MSE. Implementing the proposed schemes lets us study the effect of multiplicative noise on DES system performance and its dynamics. We also derive Bayesian Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (BCRLB) and compare the MSE performance of our porposed methods against the bound. As a dual problem we also answer the question: what is the minimum required bandwidth of the network to satisfy a predetermined target MSE? 3- Assuming the framework of Bayesian DES of a Gaussian unknown with additive and multiplicative Gaussian noises involved, we answer the following question: Can multiplicative noise improve the DES performance in any case/scenario? the answer is yes, and we call the phenomena as \u27enhancement mode\u27 of multiplicative noise. Through deriving different lower bounds, such as BCRLB,Weiss-Weinstein Bound (WWB), Hybrid CRLB (HCRLB), Nayak Bound (NB), Yatarcos Bound (YB) on MSE, we identify and characterize the scenarios that the enhancement happens. We investigate two situations where variance of multiplicative noise is known and unknown. We also compare the performance of well-known estimators with the derived bounds, to ensure practicability of the mentioned enhancement modes

    Robust Consensus in the Presence of Impulsive Channel Noise

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