384 research outputs found

    ROAD: Reality Oriented Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes

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    Exploiting synthetic data to learn deep models has attracted increasing attention in recent years. However, the intrinsic domain difference between synthetic and real images usually causes a significant performance drop when applying the learned model to real world scenarios. This is mainly due to two reasons: 1) the model overfits to synthetic images, making the convolutional filters incompetent to extract informative representation for real images; 2) there is a distribution difference between synthetic and real data, which is also known as the domain adaptation problem. To this end, we propose a new reality oriented adaptation approach for urban scene semantic segmentation by learning from synthetic data. First, we propose a target guided distillation approach to learn the real image style, which is achieved by training the segmentation model to imitate a pretrained real style model using real images. Second, we further take advantage of the intrinsic spatial structure presented in urban scene images, and propose a spatial-aware adaptation scheme to effectively align the distribution of two domains. These two modules can be readily integrated with existing state-of-the-art semantic segmentation networks to improve their generalizability when adapting from synthetic to real urban scenes. We evaluate the proposed method on Cityscapes dataset by adapting from GTAV and SYNTHIA datasets, where the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.Comment: Add experiments on SYNTHIA, CVPR 2018 camera-ready versio

    Almost-Orthogonal Layers for Efficient General-Purpose Lipschitz Networks

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    It is a highly desirable property for deep networks to be robust against small input changes. One popular way to achieve this property is by designing networks with a small Lipschitz constant. In this work, we propose a new technique for constructing such Lipschitz networks that has a number of desirable properties: it can be applied to any linear network layer (fully-connected or convolutional), it provides formal guarantees on the Lipschitz constant, it is easy to implement and efficient to run, and it can be combined with any training objective and optimization method. In fact, our technique is the first one in the literature that achieves all of these properties simultaneously. Our main contribution is a rescaling-based weight matrix parametrization that guarantees each network layer to have a Lipschitz constant of at most 1 and results in the learned weight matrices to be close to orthogonal. Hence we call such layers almost-orthogonal Lipschitz (AOL). Experiments and ablation studies in the context of image classification with certified robust accuracy confirm that AOL layers achieve results that are on par with most existing methods. Yet, they are simpler to implement and more broadly applicable, because they do not require computationally expensive matrix orthogonalization or inversion steps as part of the network architecture. We provide code at https://github.com/berndprach/AOL.Comment: - Corrected the results from competitor ECO. - Corrected a typo in the loss function equatio

    Deep neural learning based distributed predictive control for offshore wind farm using high fidelity LES data

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    The paper explores the deep neural learning (DNL) based predictive control approach for offshore wind farm using high fidelity large eddy simulations (LES) data. The DNL architecture is defined by combining the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) units with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for feature extraction and prediction of the offshore wind farm. This hybrid CNN-LSTM model is developed based on the dynamic models of the wind farm and wind turbines as well as higher-fidelity LES data. Then, distributed and decentralized model predictive control (MPC) methods are developed based on the hybrid model for maximizing the wind farm power generation and minimizing the usage of the control commands. Extensive simulations based on a two-turbine and a nine-turbine wind farm cases demonstrate the high prediction accuracy (97% or more) of the trained CNN-LSTM models. They also show that the distributed MPC can achieve up to 38% increase in power generation at farm scale than the decentralized MPC. The computational time of the distributed MPC is around 0.7s at each time step, which is sufficiently fast as a real-time control solution to wind farm operations

    A Self-Consistent Field Solution for Robust Common Spatial Pattern Analysis

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    The common spatial pattern analysis (CSP) is a widely used signal processing technique in brain-computer interface (BCI) systems to increase the signal-to-noise ratio in electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings. Despite its popularity, the CSP's performance is often hindered by the nonstationarity and artifacts in EEG signals. The minmax CSP improves the robustness of the CSP by using data-driven covariance matrices to accommodate the uncertainties. We show that by utilizing the optimality conditions, the minmax CSP can be recast as an eigenvector-dependent nonlinear eigenvalue problem (NEPv). We introduce a self-consistent field (SCF) iteration with line search that solves the NEPv of the minmax CSP. Local quadratic convergence of the SCF for solving the NEPv is illustrated using synthetic datasets. More importantly, experiments with real-world EEG datasets show the improved motor imagery classification rates and shorter running time of the proposed SCF-based solver compared to the existing algorithm for the minmax CSP


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    In this thesis, a genetic fuzzy image filtering based on rank-ordered absolute differences (ROAD) and median of the absolute deviations from the median (MAD) is proposed. The proposed method consists of three components, including fuzzy noise detection system, fuzzy switching scheme filtering, and fuzzy parameters optimization using genetic algorithms (GA) to perform efficient and effective noise removal. Our idea is to utilize MAD and ROAD as measures of noise probability of a pixel. Fuzzy inference system is used to justify the degree of which a pixel can be categorized as noisy. Based on the fuzzy inference result, the fuzzy switching scheme that adopts median filter as the main estimator is applied to the filtering. The GA training aims to find the best parameters for the fuzzy sets in the fuzzy noise detection. From the experimental results, the proposed method has successfully removed mixed impulse noise in low to medium probabilities, while keeping the uncorrupted pixels less affected by the median filtering. It also surpasses the other methods, either classical or soft computing-based approaches to impulse noise removal, in MAE and PSNR evaluations. It can also remove salt-and-pepper and uniform impulse noise well

    The Kalai-Smorodinski solution for many-objective Bayesian optimization

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    An ongoing aim of research in multiobjective Bayesian optimization is to extend its applicability to a large number of objectives. While coping with a limited budget of evaluations, recovering the set of optimal compromise solutions generally requires numerous observations and is less interpretable since this set tends to grow larger with the number of objectives. We thus propose to focus on a specific solution originating from game theory, the Kalai-Smorodinsky solution, which possesses attractive properties. In particular, it ensures equal marginal gains over all objectives. We further make it insensitive to a monotonic transformation of the objectives by considering the objectives in the copula space. A novel tailored algorithm is proposed to search for the solution, in the form of a Bayesian optimization algorithm: sequential sampling decisions are made based on acquisition functions that derive from an instrumental Gaussian process prior. Our approach is tested on four problems with respectively four, six, eight, and nine objectives. The method is available in the Rpackage GPGame available on CRAN at https://cran.r-project.org/package=GPGame

    Optimization of Alpha-Beta Log-Det Divergences and their Application in the Spatial Filtering of Two Class Motor Imagery Movements

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    The Alpha-Beta Log-Det divergences for positive definite matrices are flexible divergences that are parameterized by two real constants and are able to specialize several relevant classical cases like the squared Riemannian metric, the Steins loss, the S-divergence, etc. A novel classification criterion based on these divergences is optimized to address the problem of classification of the motor imagery movements. This research paper is divided into three main sections in order to address the above mentioned problem: (1) Firstly, it is proven that a suitable scaling of the class conditional covariance matrices can be used to link the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) solution with a predefined number of spatial filters for each class and its representation as a divergence optimization problem by making their different filter selection policies compatible; (2) A closed form formula for the gradient of the Alpha-Beta Log-Det divergences is derived that allows to perform optimization as well as easily use it in many practical applications; (3) Finally, in similarity with the work of Samek et al. 2014, which proposed the robust spatial filtering of the motor imagery movements based on the beta-divergence, the optimization of the Alpha-Beta Log-Det divergences is applied to this problem. The resulting subspace algorithm provides a unified framework for testing the performance and robustness of the several divergences in different scenarios.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2014-53103-

    Scale Invariant Interest Points with Shearlets

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    Shearlets are a relatively new directional multi-scale framework for signal analysis, which have been shown effective to enhance signal discontinuities such as edges and corners at multiple scales. In this work we address the problem of detecting and describing blob-like features in the shearlets framework. We derive a measure which is very effective for blob detection and closely related to the Laplacian of Gaussian. We demonstrate the measure satisfies the perfect scale invariance property in the continuous case. In the discrete setting, we derive algorithms for blob detection and keypoint description. Finally, we provide qualitative justifications of our findings as well as a quantitative evaluation on benchmark data. We also report an experimental evidence that our method is very suitable to deal with compressed and noisy images, thanks to the sparsity property of shearlets

    Spatially Sampled Robust Repetitive Control

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    Robust topology optimization of three-dimensional photonic-crystal band-gap structures

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    We perform full 3D topology optimization (in which "every voxel" of the unit cell is a degree of freedom) of photonic-crystal structures in order to find optimal omnidirectional band gaps for various symmetry groups, including fcc (including diamond), bcc, and simple-cubic lattices. Even without imposing the constraints of any fabrication process, the resulting optimal gaps are only slightly larger than previous hand designs, suggesting that current photonic crystals are nearly optimal in this respect. However, optimization can discover new structures, e.g. a new fcc structure with the same symmetry but slightly larger gap than the well known inverse opal, which may offer new degrees of freedom to future fabrication technologies. Furthermore, our band-gap optimization is an illustration of a computational approach to 3D dispersion engineering which is applicable to many other problems in optics, based on a novel semidefinite-program formulation for nonconvex eigenvalue optimization combined with other techniques such as a simple approach to impose symmetry constraints. We also demonstrate a technique for \emph{robust} topology optimization, in which some uncertainty is included in each voxel and we optimize the worst-case gap, and we show that the resulting band gaps have increased robustness to systematic fabrication errors.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Optics Expres