203 research outputs found

    Localization of Copy-Move Forgery in speech signals through watermarking using DCT-QIM

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    Digital speech copyright protection and forgery identification are the prevalent issues in our advancing digital world. In speech forgery, voiced part of the speech signal is copied and pasted to a specific location which alters the meaning of the speech signal. Watermarking can be used to safe guard the copyrights of the owner. To detect copy-move forgeries a transform domain watermarking method is proposed. In the proposed method, watermarking is achieved through Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) rule. Hash bits are also inserted in watermarked voice segments to detect Copy-Move Forgery (CMF) in speech signals. Proposed method is evaluated on two databases and achieved good imperceptibility. It exhibits robustness in detecting the watermark and forgeries against signal processing attacks such as resample, low-pass filtering, jittering, compression and cropping. The proposed work contributes for forensics analysis in speech signals. This proposed work also compared with the some of the state-of-art methods

    Localization of Copy-Move Forgery in speech signals through watermarking using DCT-QIM

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    Digital speech copyright protection and forgery identification are the prevalent issues in our advancing digital world. In speech forgery, voiced part of the speech signal is copied and pasted to a specific location which alters the meaning of the speech signal. Watermarking can be used to safe guard the copyrights of the owner. To detect copy-move forgeries a transform domain watermarking method is proposed. In the proposed method, watermarking is achieved through Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) rule. Hash bits are also inserted in watermarked voice segments to detect Copy-Move Forgery (CMF) in speech signals. Proposed method is evaluated on two databases and achieved good imperceptibility. It exhibits robustness in detecting the watermark and forgeries against signal processing attacks such as resample, low-pass filtering, jittering, compression and cropping. The proposed work contributes for forensics analysis in speech signals. This proposed work also compared with the some of the state-of-art methods


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    An audio watermark is a unique electronic identifier embedded in an audio signal, typically used to identify ownership of copyright. Proposed work is a new method of audio watermark hiding inside another bigger cover standard audio cover. The method includes ‘harr’ wavelet based Discrete Wavelet Transform decomposition of frequencies hence the audio samples of watermark gets hidden only those parts of cover audio where human ears are less sensible according to Human Auditory System. Proposed method also includes the Singular Value Decomposition, which is required for making our method robust against the various communication of processing attacks like compression, filtering, fading or noise addition. Proposed work is also using the concept of angular modulation which initially modifies the audio watermark in to provide extra security and also extra robustness in communication. The design is been develop on MATLAB 2013b version and verification of design o the same.&nbsp

    Data hiding in images based on fractal modulation and diversity combining

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    The current work provides a new data-embedding infrastructure based on fractal modulation. The embedding problem is tackled from a communications point of view. The data to be embedded becomes the signal to be transmitted through a watermark channel. The channel could be the image itself or some manipulation of the image. The image self noise and noise due to attacks are the two sources of noise in this paradigm. At the receiver, the image self noise has to be suppressed, while noise due to the attacks may sometimes be predicted and inverted. The concepts of fractal modulation and deterministic self-similar signals are extended to 2-dimensional images. These novel techniques are used to build a deterministic bi-homogenous watermark signal that embodies the binary data to be embedded. The binary data to be embedded, is repeated and scaled with different amplitudes at each level and is used as the wavelet decomposition pyramid. The binary data is appended with special marking data, which is used during demodulation, to identify and correct unreliable or distorted blocks of wavelet coefficients. This specially constructed pyramid is inverted using the inverse discrete wavelet transform to obtain the self-similar watermark signal. In the data embedding stage, the well-established linear additive technique is used to add the watermark signal to the cover image, to generate the watermarked (stego) image. Data extraction from a potential stego image is done using diversity combining. Neither the original image nor the original binary sequence (or watermark signal) is required during the extraction. A prediction of the original image is obtained using a cross-shaped window and is used to suppress the image self noise in the potential stego image. The resulting signal is then decomposed using the discrete wavelet transform. The number of levels and the wavelet used are the same as those used in the watermark signal generation stage. A thresholding process similar to wavelet de-noising is used to identify whether a particular coefficient is reliable or not. A decision is made as to whether a block is reliable or not based on the marking data present in each block and sometimes corrections are applied to the blocks. Finally the selected blocks are combined based on the diversity combining strategy to extract the embedded binary data

    Data hiding in multimedia - theory and applications

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    Multimedia data hiding or steganography is a means of communication using subliminal channels. The resource for the subliminal communication scheme is the distortion of the original content that can be tolerated. This thesis addresses two main issues of steganographic communication schemes: 1. How does one maximize the distortion introduced without affecting fidelity of the content? 2. How does one efficiently utilize the resource (the distortion introduced) for communicating as many bits of information as possible? In other words, what is a good signaling strategy for the subliminal communication scheme? Close to optimal solutions for both issues are analyzed. Many techniques for the issue for maximizing the resource, viz, the distortion introduced imperceptibly in images and video frames, are proposed. Different signaling strategies for steganographic communication are explored, and a novel signaling technique employing a floating signal constellation is proposed. Algorithms for optimal choices of the parameters of the signaling technique are presented. Other application specific issues like the type of robustness needed are taken into consideration along with the established theoretical background to design optimal data hiding schemes. In particular, two very important applications of data hiding are addressed - data hiding for multimedia content delivery, and data hiding for watermarking (for proving ownership). A robust watermarking protocol for unambiguous resolution of ownership is proposed

    Digital watermark technology in security applications

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    With the rising emphasis on security and the number of fraud related crimes around the world, authorities are looking for new technologies to tighten security of identity. Among many modern electronic technologies, digital watermarking has unique advantages to enhance the document authenticity. At the current status of the development, digital watermarking technologies are not as matured as other competing technologies to support identity authentication systems. This work presents improvements in performance of two classes of digital watermarking techniques and investigates the issue of watermark synchronisation. Optimal performance can be obtained if the spreading sequences are designed to be orthogonal to the cover vector. In this thesis, two classes of orthogonalisation methods that generate binary sequences quasi-orthogonal to the cover vector are presented. One method, namely "Sorting and Cancelling" generates sequences that have a high level of orthogonality to the cover vector. The Hadamard Matrix based orthogonalisation method, namely "Hadamard Matrix Search" is able to realise overlapped embedding, thus the watermarking capacity and image fidelity can be improved compared to using short watermark sequences. The results are compared with traditional pseudo-randomly generated binary sequences. The advantages of both classes of orthogonalisation inethods are significant. Another watermarking method that is introduced in the thesis is based on writing-on-dirty-paper theory. The method is presented with biorthogonal codes that have the best robustness. The advantage and trade-offs of using biorthogonal codes with this watermark coding methods are analysed comprehensively. The comparisons between orthogonal and non-orthogonal codes that are used in this watermarking method are also made. It is found that fidelity and robustness are contradictory and it is not possible to optimise them simultaneously. Comparisons are also made between all proposed methods. The comparisons are focused on three major performance criteria, fidelity, capacity and robustness. aom two different viewpoints, conclusions are not the same. For fidelity-centric viewpoint, the dirty-paper coding methods using biorthogonal codes has very strong advantage to preserve image fidelity and the advantage of capacity performance is also significant. However, from the power ratio point of view, the orthogonalisation methods demonstrate significant advantage on capacity and robustness. The conclusions are contradictory but together, they summarise the performance generated by different design considerations. The synchronisation of watermark is firstly provided by high contrast frames around the watermarked image. The edge detection filters are used to detect the high contrast borders of the captured image. By scanning the pixels from the border to the centre, the locations of detected edges are stored. The optimal linear regression algorithm is used to estimate the watermarked image frames. Estimation of the regression function provides rotation angle as the slope of the rotated frames. The scaling is corrected by re-sampling the upright image to the original size. A theoretically studied method that is able to synchronise captured image to sub-pixel level accuracy is also presented. By using invariant transforms and the "symmetric phase only matched filter" the captured image can be corrected accurately to original geometric size. The method uses repeating watermarks to form an array in the spatial domain of the watermarked image and the the array that the locations of its elements can reveal information of rotation, translation and scaling with two filtering processes

    Robust Video Watermarking Based On 3D-DWT Domain.

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    The digital watermarks have recently been recognized as a solution for protecting the copyright of the digital multimedia

    Zero watermarking scheme for privacy protection in e-Health care

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    E-health care is an emerging field where health services and information are delivered and offered over the Internet. So the health information of the patients communicated over the Internet has to protect the privacy of the patients. The patient information is embedded into the health record and communicated online which also induces degradation to the original information. So, in this article, a zero watermarking scheme for privacy protection is proposed which protects the privacy and also eliminates the degradation done during embedding of patient information into the health record. This method is based on simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) superpixels and partial pivoting lower triangular upper triangular (PPLU) factorization. The novelty of this article is that the use of SLIC superpixels and PPLU decomposition for the privacy protection of medical images (MI). The original image is subjected to SLIC segmentation and non-overlapping high entropy blocks are selected. On the selected blocks discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is applied and those blocks undergo PPLU factorization to get three matrices, L, U and P, which are lower triangular, upper triangular and permutation matrix respectively. The product matrix L×U is used to construct a zero-watermark. The technique has been experimented on the UCID, BOWS and SIPI databases. The test results demonstrate that this work shows high robustness which is measured using normalized correlation (NC) and bit error rate (BER) against the listed attacks